I try to stay away from the dubs as much as possible, living in Norway all I even get to see are norwegian dubs anyway, UNFORTUNATELY they're based on the american version:( I've seen one episode of Naruto in english, never again. I just went like "Sasukey???? Where'd that y come from???" My rabbit's name is Sasuke, and I pronounce it the japanese way:) Luckily, being norwegian, my friends have no problem saying his name, as soon as I tell them the U is mute. The worst anime dub I've ever seen, is the Norwegian dub of the american version of the digimon movie. First the americans edited the film, taking out everything that actually made sence, then the norwegian dubbed it so badly you can't even hear what's being said:p Voices are completely awful, I think a couple of characters change voices over the film. Gabumon speaks with a squeakier voice than Patamon darnit:p (for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, Patamon is like a flying hamster and Gabumon a dog-thingy) As for Naruto being voiced as a girl, I feel like informing you all that young boys are quite often played by girls in japan. Ed and Al in FMA, Son-Goku (and the rest of his family) in DBZ all have female voice actors I believe. Just so you know;)
Why won't Square let me try Final Mix?
I haven't seen Naruto since like ep 40-50 or something...Yet I had to see this new series:D The new music is great too! I saved Hero's comeback to my iPod (by recording it of the episode) and listen to it all the time:D
This is something I thought of while watching the cutscene where everyone fights at Hollow Bastian. Leon: think you can handle this many? Cloud: would be though if one more shows up (one shadow heartless shows up) Cloud: (falls over) WE'RE DOOOOOOMED! Leon: o.O
If you look at fanfiction.net or deviantart you'll realise there's probably a hundred nr 14s out there:p All I've seen are girls...
I understood something like "Hello everyone" but not the second part:p (looks up dictionary) Apparently its "Everyone Hello, no matches found rat":p
I know but I'd prefer not to use fanarts. Darky: you may close the topic;)
Shadows (With ice-cream) I'm espesially fond of the little guy i call Shadow-Sora, which is Sora as a heartless (although he looks just like any other shadow, I've had so much fun with him in my fanfics)
Final Fantasy are over 13 different games:p I've only played two. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and the start of X-2 (quickly lost insterest and kept watching the intro with "Real Emotion" over and over again:P)
When I have a writers block I write complete nonsense. That's pretty much how the Dork-series came to be (its a series of fanfics I made, originally two parodies on Jak2 and Jak3, one on KH2 and one crossover)
I like shaman king as well:D Have read parts of the manga. The show doesn't run in norway but I saw it once on a vacation to Bulgaria...the last episodes:p Now I've watched the whole series in japanese, I suggest you hear "Oversoul"; the first japanese opening. It rocks!
Everything sounds better in the original language. But Utada is surely better than many other japanese singers I've heard. I have heard music from dragonball Z (the japanese songs) being sung in english by the original singer (who is japanese) and it sounds awful! The guy can't sing in english at all! But back on topic; Utadai sings well in english but it is japanese that is her original language, so she is probably more confident singing in japanese.