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  1. ZakuraRabbit
    I've never created a hedgehog-character because I'm not a very big Sonic-fan, but I do have quite a lot of other OCs from other games:D (Mostly Jak and Daxter)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. ZakuraRabbit
    Thanks a lot:)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. ZakuraRabbit
    What exactly is the deal with the non-attacking mushroom heartless?
    According to Jiminy's journal they might give me rewards or something if I help them but what am I supposed to do to them?
    Thread by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 15, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. ZakuraRabbit
    I know all too well why he called Xigbar Braig, but in case someone here doesn't for some strange reason I won't tell:P
    Keep writing cause this is great!
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. ZakuraRabbit
    If there ever WILL be a kingdom Hearts movie it'll probably be CGI. Like Advent Children.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. ZakuraRabbit
    Thanks a lot:) So I still need to win the Hades Cup, seal the keyholes in Olympus (unless I have... don't remember) Halloween Town and Hundred Acre Wood. I think I may have one or more missions left in that book...
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. ZakuraRabbit
    If this has been asked before I'm sorry, wasn't sure how to find it (I'm not used to searching... and didn't know what to search for)
    But I'm nearing the completing of Kingdom Hearts (the first game) and wonder what I need to do before going up against Ansem in order to get the secret movie? Sure I have it on my computer but I want to see it in widescreen:p (I'm at the easiest mode, standard or whatever they called it)
    Thread by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 14, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. ZakuraRabbit
    When I'm writing I'm usually either only looking at the screen or only at hte keyboard. Some mistakes it just did... but since you told me not to backspace I'm not goint o delete those mistakes:p No one's perfect.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. ZakuraRabbit
    I do that practically all the time:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. ZakuraRabbit
    Somoene hates all female main characters in japanese animation so it seems-.-
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. ZakuraRabbit
    Then you haven't seen the norwegian dub of Digimon the Movie. Surely all the editing and whatnot are from the english dub, but the voiceacting is awful!
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. ZakuraRabbit
    I don't care if it comes out in US or not.
    If it came to Europe however...
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. ZakuraRabbit
    Just go watch a bunch of animes (preferably the japanese versions) and you'll notice many of the characters have a catchfrase of some sort.
    Such as in Naruto, the main character constantly says "Dattebayo" and Shikamaru "Mendokze" (Troublesome) and there's also Axel with his "Got it memorized?"

    So I don't mind, Rai's just following a japanese tradition:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. ZakuraRabbit
    Well pretty much everything that happens to Roxas in Twilight Town is fake...since it was a virtual world created by DiZ.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. ZakuraRabbit
    Never seen Sailor Moon before but that one was a perfect example of all the silly editing done, then again if you try comparing a 4Kids dub I think you'll see a lot of other weird stuff too... I once saw a scene from One Piece (don't really watch that, my brother does) where they had replaced a gun with some kind of hammer on a spring...and in Yu-Gi-Oh 4Kids seem to think pointing at people with nothing but your finger is treatening enough...
    I once saw such a clip from DBZ where silly editing was taken up... in one scene Funimation had taken away an apple tree.... cause we all know apple trees are too scary for little kids to watch right?
    Also there is one scene in the original Dragonball were Goku is actually naked, okay, I can understand why they edited that...but what they did was draw a flower over his genitalia that looked like it had been drawn by a kid... what's up with that?

    The Digimon Movie has been altered from a somewhat good movie to one big joke. Even worse is the norwegian dub (based on the american editing) where you can't even hear what the characters are saying... The dumbest of all is that the text on the back of the video tells about the choosen children being kidnapped...except that never had been deleted. Why? I don't know....
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. ZakuraRabbit
    My first iPod had like 3000 songs on it and I listened to only about a 100....
    Now that I've figured out how to actually delete songs (took me months to figure it outXD) I've got 379 songs. About a 100 of them are japanese I think:p
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Music
  17. ZakuraRabbit
    Random people at school. Such as this one guy who comes by and looks at my computer when I'm using it and then asks me what I'm doing as if that's any of his business. So darn annoying! I generally hate it when people look at me when I'm online or doing whatever, if I don't even know the person its ten times as annoying.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. ZakuraRabbit
    Well he did use Oathkeeper and Oblivion against Axel...and by that time he was still in the virtual Twilight Town. I think the Kingdom Key only appeared since that is the keyblade's true form, and since Roxas didn't remember the other two he got the kingdom key automatically.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. ZakuraRabbit
    I'm watching it now. It doesn't look like light to me....
    It's definitely some kind of keyblade.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. ZakuraRabbit
    Once:p In the easiest mode....
    Though I have started the game twice, I just haven't finished i the second time yet... Going to give it a go again after finishing KH1 (Yeah, I beat the second one first:P I couldn't find KH1 and had to order it online...)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX