fair enough, but i mean speaking as if you could imagine you're no longer on earth, not dead, but elsewhere, just u in a room with nothing for eternity, what would u miss?[DOUBLEPOST=1403143998][/DOUBLEPOST]I'd miss food. I mean, food is great.
OMG I love u for this quote!!!!!!!! You should definitely check it out. His voice is so magical.[DOUBLEPOST=1403141978][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW, nice picture.
thanks for the advice. Also, i've done roleplays before, have any tips for me?[DOUBLEPOST=1403140870][/DOUBLEPOST]I did a role play like this before on another site, but I was 6 characters and remember them b/c I'm a writer so it's hard to forget. Also, I was thinking I could give some characters on my team away in exchange for charterers on the other team b/c i found my last role play worked well that way so no once was left out.
Sorry, I didn't read that and meant no offense if it sounded that way. Also, yes, I understand what you said about the law stuff, thanks for telling me.
Its a school for mutants. Im ope n to any ideas but i have 6 charecters picked out. These charecters r a part of a team. Any ideas?
This man is an angel. Talk about a male adele. He sings to my my soul, spirit, heart, and everything in between. Hes so talented and im super addicted. What did you u all think?
Tahbk god for linkin park. My bf is obcessed.
Not illegal unless for legal purposes. Ive done it before when my boss asked me for proof if assualt in the work place.
I feel u on that. God, I argue with my om so much i have to move out now, not just for my sake but for my sibling's sake. My mom's pretty abusive emotionally and otherwise. For like 19 years of my life, I've lived there, but I haven't ever lived my life fore me, save academically. Everything's been for her. I've tried being the daughter she wants me to be for 19 years of my life. It's never enough. It's always one thing after another. At this point, I told her I'm moving out for college. At first she said it was fine, but then later she totally changed her mind. As time gets closer to my move out date, she gets angrier with me. It's not fair. I mean, she said if i move out I'm not thinking about my family, but I'm moving out for my family. Both for financial and emotional reasons. Too many ppl in one apartment. one less person makes a difference. I can't live there 4 more years, so i'm moving, she's not going to be happy, but i have to make myself happy for once in my life, right?
What are some of the best things in life to you. For example, what will you miss when you're gone? I'll miss music.[DOUBLEPOST=1403129458][/DOUBLEPOST]It's one of the best things about life. And kind of scary to imagine a world without music.
Demisexuals are amazing, and i'm not saying that because I am one. :)
If ur contagious stop.
Im guuessing usually i try not to assume.
Also agreed. I recently got into a heated convo with somone about my sexuality. They told me that being a demisexual isnt an actual sexuality when i fact it is. I struggled a lit as a kid not knowing who.or what i liked. I mean i alwayd thought i was asexual but it wasnt until recsntly that i realized that i was a demisexual which is closley linked with being asexual. It took 19years of my life to figure that out. So i embrace my sexuality ans look at my self differently now. When i foujd myself this made sense so for someoje to say mybsexuality didnt exist or that anyone could be a demisexual kind of killed me. So yeah. Arguements shouldnt include age sex or sexuality.
Okay so lately i have been having problems with ppl on this website and i just dont know why ppl on there dont like me. In real life ppl love me. I mean im not the most social person but once i get to know someone we are inseparable. Tell me if im wrong. I mean these ppl call me names then tell me im the crazy one. i mean i know im not the best at communication but i dont call ppl names or curse at them out of respect even though they dont reslect me enough to do the same. All my threads r turned into zomethingnegagive because the ppl jave been so negative. I mean there are some great pll i met on there but im not dven sire if its worth it. It its gotten so bad ppl are reporting me for random nonsense resons and getting me banned for thinhs i have t even done. I mean i love the website but this one fits more. What should i do?[DOUBLEPOST=1403135606][/DOUBLEPOST]Any advice would help.
Actually I get that a lot. It can be really crippling in severe cases. I mean, like nausea, the inability to eat, sleep, or even think for more than a couple seconds at a time. I feel you on that one. Anxiety for me just gets worse with age.