Sophie is a nam.Sophie is that's how my name(Zsofi) is pronounced.
You mean Zsofi? That's pronounced like Sophie
idk haven't thought about my anagram yet.but my real name is Zsofi
I wrote a letter to Aerosmith^^
what's your real name Docyx?
that's ok.(the turning to 13 thing) lol and about the guitar do I:)
hello buddy! Good to see ya again.How are you? I learn to play the guitar from my father and now I'm 13.And I got a guitar for Guitar Hero Aerosmith^^
you're cute^_^*kisses you*
You're back??? ^_^That's cool.^_^
Your English isn't bad. Anyway here you are(think you meant UCM) : 005D
what Rose?I'm nickname is Zsofi or Zso
You wanna leave KH-Vids?Why?Someone hurt you?If u really leave kh-vids then i have to say something. You were a great buddy.
you have a pic of it on your pc?
can u show me?
no i'm no good at real guitar :S but my father teaches me to play it
You wanna fight with me and my Oblivion Keyblade?You have a keyblade?
I miss you too but i couldn't take pic on my birthday.I got a guitar for Guitar Hero Aerosmith^^
I'm fine thanks.And i'm 13 now.^^
Wheee!!! The codes i waited all my life!!! Thank you!!