Really????? OMG at school nobody knows them except me. And here's another person who knows them! cool which song do you like?and who is your fav... u know Aerosmith?
I love them too.Animal I have become is my favourite song.Riot is cool too.
ok then. I'm 13,my name is Zsofia and i live in Hungary
yeah that would be cool XD
my parents are protective too.would be cool to meet you
can u tell me something about yourself? You know how old are you what's your real name etc. just because this is the first time when i talk to ya.
I'm doing good.and you?
My favourite band is Aerosmith
if u want to, you can visit me in summer vacation. I mean you can come to Hungary.My parents will allow it.So we could meet.
A LES PAUL???????????????????????????? *jumps excited* Joe Perry has 600 guitars and a lot of them are Gibson Les Paul
cool what kind of guitar you have? i mean Gibson,Fender etc.
your friend was here? in Hungary??????Do you want to come?
That's good that you think about future.i mean i think about future too.but in Hungary children not allowed to work until they are 18.If you are...
work? how old are you,really?
you mean how good am i in capoeira or guitar?
hello we talked so long ago.How are you? have u got that Roxas figure?
yeah the same here.can u play the guitar???Cos i can a bit;)
It's bad cos there's no capoeira team here anymore.And the good thing is: I learn to play the guitar and it's cool. :)
Hey are you a caoeirista?