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  1. 2Foxxie4U


    They're divorced, so I'm pretty sure they don't FEEL like grandparents, even if they are.
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. 2Foxxie4U


    I thought it was "oopsilon". XDDD

    Mishy, that's totally racist, BTW. D8> Tell your mom that isn't cool. I LOVE Germans. ;w;
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. 2Foxxie4U
    You say that because I'm guessing you've never been in the situation before. >3>;;;
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. 2Foxxie4U
  5. 2Foxxie4U
  6. 2Foxxie4U

    Knock on their door and tell them that you had a nightmare! ;~; It may or may not work!
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. 2Foxxie4U
  8. 2Foxxie4U
  9. 2Foxxie4U
  10. 2Foxxie4U
  11. 2Foxxie4U
    Poor SPDude. X'DDD
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. 2Foxxie4U
  13. 2Foxxie4U
  14. 2Foxxie4U
  15. 2Foxxie4U
  16. 2Foxxie4U
    Thank you... *hug*

    Gah... I should go now... Gotta do stuff for.... SCHOOL.

    GUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh.............................. *hiiiissss...*
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 10, 2009 in forum: Archives
  17. 2Foxxie4U
    Um... This is definitely not Twilight-inspired, plz. You know me better than that - there ain't gonna be no sparkling vampires in MY stories. EVER. Well, I suppose you CAN say this was sorta\kinda written with Twilight in mind, though it's more to redeem vampires' kick-assed reputation in the midst of this ******ed, new-age "sparkly" vampire ****. Seriously, man. Comparing this to Twilight is kind of the closest thing to an insult for me. The differences are pretty obvious. And it was SUPPOSED to be a shock the first time, but if you read it again, the foreshadowing is quite obvious. Quite a few of my proofreaders were even able to guess the ending before it even happened. So I feel like I did the best that I could, and the best that was expected of me.

    Also, if you feel that I'm really getting on your case about this, sorry. But I have not been a happy bunny of late. I just had my first day of school today, and it seems like EVERYTHING just seems a thousand times more annoying and more upsetting.
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 10, 2009 in forum: Archives
  18. 2Foxxie4U
    No clue, to be honest. Probably some random, nameless OC. *shrugs*

    Look - if you don't like it THAT much, why'd you bother saying anything? I worked REALLY hard on this, in case you couldn't tell, and while I'd be more than happy to accept helpful criticism, I don't think, "I hated the ending twist" is all that helpful. If you could tell me why you think it's so bad, and possible ways to fix it (though, admittedly, I doubt I'll change the entire ending), I'll be happy to listen.
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 9, 2009 in forum: Archives
  19. 2Foxxie4U
  20. 2Foxxie4U