They're divorced, so I'm pretty sure they don't FEEL like grandparents, even if they are.
I thought it was "oopsilon". XDDD Mishy, that's totally racist, BTW. D8> Tell your mom that isn't cool. I LOVE Germans. ;w;
You say that because I'm guessing you've never been in the situation before. >3>;;;
It totally would. =C I'm, like, TOTALLY hating DeathSpank right now for leaving us with this crappy, eye-searingly bright ****ing background....
Your siggy is a bit TOO addicting. ............ halp - it b sucking me in wiv its VOODOO MAJIKZ loloooorzzz...
I HAAATE IT WEN THAT HAPPENS! ;~; Knock on their door and tell them that you had a nightmare! ;~; It may or may not work!
Hmmm... That still might be a stolen work, then...
O GOOD. XDDD Then ignore what I just said. Wait - then where's it from? XDDD
DUDE. Ur avi. It's pretty awesome, but does you has permission to use it? Lots of people on DA get mad if you use their stuff without asking...
Poor SPDude. X'DDD
BTW, no I is not college student. ;~;
OH PFFFT. SARCASM. That'd explain a lot. XDDD *is epically bad at detecting sarcasm - especially over teh interwebz* Sorry for over-reacting - I...
I'd only mind if you did something like "2FoxxY4U". XDDD 2Amby4U is fine. ^^
Heehee - thanks. XDDD And, yeah - I was liking it, but then I was all like, "O FUK. I should probably look at the REAL Star Wars so that I'll...
Thank you... *hug* Gah... I should go now... Gotta do stuff for.... SCHOOL. GUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh.............................. *hiiiissss...*
Um... This is definitely not Twilight-inspired, plz. You know me better than that - there ain't gonna be no sparkling vampires in MY stories. EVER. Well, I suppose you CAN say this was sorta\kinda written with Twilight in mind, though it's more to redeem vampires' kick-assed reputation in the midst of this ******ed, new-age "sparkly" vampire ****. Seriously, man. Comparing this to Twilight is kind of the closest thing to an insult for me. The differences are pretty obvious. And it was SUPPOSED to be a shock the first time, but if you read it again, the foreshadowing is quite obvious. Quite a few of my proofreaders were even able to guess the ending before it even happened. So I feel like I did the best that I could, and the best that was expected of me. Also, if you feel that I'm really getting on your case about this, sorry. But I have not been a happy bunny of late. I just had my first day of school today, and it seems like EVERYTHING just seems a thousand times more annoying and more upsetting.
No clue, to be honest. Probably some random, nameless OC. *shrugs* Look - if you don't like it THAT much, why'd you bother saying anything? I worked REALLY hard on this, in case you couldn't tell, and while I'd be more than happy to accept helpful criticism, I don't think, "I hated the ending twist" is all that helpful. If you could tell me why you think it's so bad, and possible ways to fix it (though, admittedly, I doubt I'll change the entire ending), I'll be happy to listen.
Like I said, I'd rather be let out late then have to come back so early. If I was still in marching band, my summer would have been over two weeks...
The last week of May. And that's a week late by normal standards!