*bites* :B
LoL HAY, U. :B
Eeee i'm awesome lul thank uuuu
A story you might like...? ;w; Thanks for commenting on my other one, BTW - that was really nice of you. ^^
"In It to Win It" Here's another story. Please note that every new part in this "Quickies" thread will usually be a new story. If I like the story enough, I will make another thread exclusively about IT. The quickies thing is only practice, I guess. God - I can't seem to talk today. DDDX Anyways, this story is based off of a dream I had last night. It was so epic, I started writing as soon as I woke up. XDDD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He knew he was trouble from the start. Golden-flecked eyes watched the strange being standing a little ways from him. He was swaying slightly, and crooning to himself in a strange, lilting language, seemingly completely unaware that there was a small crowd of guys standing around him and snickering to themselves. His entire presense gave off a strange aura - fairly short, had a pale, guant face, strange markings around his eyes, shoes that seemed just a size too big for him, and loud, outrageously juvinile clothing that hid not a bit of armor on it. And if he had a weapon anywhere, he wasn't showing it. Amatures... Rylin thought, rolling his eyes as he shouldered his quilt of arrows. They're probably thinking he is nothing but easy prey... Can you not see there is a wolf in our midst? He shook his head. They're probably going to follow him until the gates open... What a new-blood mistake! Oh, no... Not I. I'll keep an eye on ol' pasty face, but I'm not going near that being until I see what he's made of. He could very clearly still catch the scent of blood lingering around him, though what kind, he couldn't tell. His eyes wandered a bit more, until he came across a group of females collecting into a group and chattering amongst themselves secretly. Aliences... Another new-blood mistake, he thought with a scowl. In this rigorous of a competition, you can't afford to GIVE your trust away so foolishly. It has to be earned, and, in most situations, not given away, at all. A sigh. I know it's their biggest competition ever, but come ON... It won't even be fun with THIS many rookies in the mix... He searched for the one of the girls who probably had years of experience on her belt and was only doing this to score an easy number of kills. ... That one. It was a tall, slender being that moved with fluid grace, and had a neck that could swivle around freely, and large, slanted, pitch-black eyes. She didn't LOOK too dangerous, but there was no doubting the look of the warrior about her. {Compeditors!} Rylin's ear twitched slightly as he reajusted his ear-bud. Damned things are WAY too loud. Wish they'd think of making some for the beings that AREN'T half-deaf... {The tournament will be starting momentarily! Before we begin, let's review the rules so that no one will have to suffer the dishonor of being eliminated!} Rylin, having heard this recorded, automated speech many times before, was already starting to tune the annoying thing out. {Hello, and welcome to the Hekanayu Games: Unlimited Death Match! The Hekanayu Games have been going for almost two milinia strong, and ever since its birthplace on the Fi Moon, never have we tried fitting so many talented warriors into one tournament! You all have been chosen for various skills and from various walks of life to be our humble guests for the next five evenings! {Here, the rules are simple, and we ask you to keep them in mind. After the tournament starts, you will have fifteen minutes to spread out amongst the vast, underground cavern we have created for you. You are NOT to kill any compeditors in that time! However, if you come across any monsters during that time, there is no rule against killing THEM. When the fifteen minutes are up, you will hear a loud tone through your ear piece that signal the "gates" are open, and you may begin slaying your compeditors then for a set amount of time. When time runs out, you will hear another loud tone that signifies for you to drop your weapons IMMEDIENTLY, and return to the Grand Hall. All warriors that kill, or attempt to kill not in those set periods of time WILL be eliminated. {This tournament will have five rounds - Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, the Semi-Finals and the Finals. During all of the initial three rounds, time limits will be set, and a fatality guard will be on. For all of those not familiar with the use of fatality guards, they are charms that our people use to keep one from being killed permanately in the ring. You will appear once more in the Lobby, completely healed, where you can watch the rest of the fight on our projectors. After the Round is over, you will be sent home. More on the Semi-Finals and Finals later. {On your contracts, you would have seen a list of items that you are NOT to coat your weapons with at ANY time. While it is acceptable to make use of MOST sorts of poisons, please note that there are some that do not respond to our enchantments, thus making them strictly forbidden in any of these beginner rounds. If you do not recall the substances, but fear that your poison may be of the listed ones that are no allowed, please be safe and clean your weapon now, or, if you have multiple ones, use one that is simply not coated. Anyone seen using the banned substances WILL be eliminated! {Throughout the tournament, you will be recorded on camera for our TV audience's viewing pleasure throughout the entire universe. So play hard and put on a good show! Round 1 will begin in 3... 2... 1... Good luck!} Immediantly, the Grand Hall was filled with the sound of over 50,000 trained warriors rushing out to find a good spot. Rylin grinned to himself, the adrinaline rush already beginning. This time, I'm coming out on top! I hope you guys are ready, because you're looking at the next King of the Games!
And THAT'S where the fail of it all starts setting in. =.=;;; He didn't win the "Worst Staff Member" award for nothin'. >.>;;;
You sure it's not this guy? XDDD
That's fine - they can take as long as they want. D8> I was just suggesting that WHEN we get a new skin change, darkness should be the way to go, yo.
Well, it's official now that we has teh rainbowed awesomeness! WEWT! But to my dismay, I DO have to admit that it can sort of be an eyesore if you're looking at who is currently logged in or who's looking inside of a forum, or... what have you. XDDD SO. SOLUTION. I HAS ONE. Why not make a new skin (I know you said not to ask anymore, but I'm just re-emphasizing the point - no pressure - really!) that has primarily dark colors? That way, the rainbownezz stands out a lot more and everything is beautimous. <:3 Plus, the site would be a lot easier on the eyes in general. Example. I has one. PLEASE NOTE THAT I AM NOTNOTNOT BEING UNGRATEFUL, HERE, U WONDERFUL ADMINS. DDD8> I am EVER happy for my sparkly colors and everything else, and I know all of the hard work you guys do and stuff. This'd just be the icing on the cake. ^^ You don't even have to do it now - you could wait until, like, December for all I care. XDDD CONSIDER, PLZKTHNX LOL
I refuse to believe that Meyers is really that clever. D8> DON'T LISSEN, GAIZ - IT'Z A TRAP. DDDX
.... I was totally staring at it for, like, 30 minutes before going all "I dun get it..." right before I looked at this thread. Orzzz...~
I was so pissed at the CN Real thing... I've all but stopped watching TV at all because of that. >.<;;; THERE'S NOTHING ELSE TO BELIEVE IN ANYMOAAAR ORZORZORZ. That's my two cents. Adult Swim is okay, I guess, but... Seriously. It just killed my desire to watch ANYTHING anymore.
;~; But... Why ": )"? ;~; U no liek teh rainbowz?
Nichelle. .... Sounds awesome. XDDD
PFFFFFFFFFFFT. No natural-born, upstanding citizen of AMURIKA can sit there and tell another nation to drink water when thirsty when we spend 15 hours of the day trying to figure out what ELSE there is to drink. I'd rather drink my own bodily fluids than water. D8>
Don't ignore me - that makes me sad. ;~; *cries*
same. XDDD I is currently in German III. <333 We have only 6 people in my class. X'DDD That NEVER happens.