Who else doesn't give a damn about Fallout Boy coming back or whatever? Not trying to sound "edgy", its just kinda annoying to be the only person I know who isn't hyped.
http://exp777.cs.land.to/dexgen/?l=en My full name resulted in me being a 14 foot tall Fire-type Alpaca. "It lived in dark places approximately 5 hundred million years ago. It deftly uses its big jaws to pick up and eat Moon Stones." And with my username here, I'm a foot tall Fighting/Ground-type Cow with a pincer
No clue who the artist for this version is though :<
Along with the other 4 episodes costing only 200 Microsoft points each today. If you can't use Xbox Live on your console, just do what I did and buy the games on the Xbox marketplace online.
Don't pass this one up guys.
http://www.humblebundle.com/ Currently: Snapshot The Binding of Isaac + DLC Closure Indie Game: The Movie Shank 2 Bonuses: Dungeon Defenders + DLC Legend of Grimrock
Yup, THQ are giving away PC downloads of Metro 2033 if you like the page on Facebook. I already got the game with the THQ bundle, but if you missed it or didn't buy it, here's another chance to get what looks to be a great post-apocalyptic game.
"Pacific Rim is an upcoming science fiction film directed by Guillermo del Toro based on a screenplay by Travis Beacham. The film is set in a world where soldiers piloting giant robots battle against giant monsters who have mysteriously risen from beneath the ocean. Del Toro has said the film will be "a beautiful poem to giant monsters". The film will be released in 3-D and IMAX 3D on July 12, 2013. Oh sweet Jesus I can't quite describe my excitement for this movie.
Whooooo I'm old ._.
For like $24. Pretty much saved around $60. Damn I love Steam sales so very much. Early birthday present for myself I suppose? It's only 2 days away
So my friends and I are doing this little project where we're each making up our own original superheroes and writing stories for them and we might make like comics or something because that's just what a bunch of bored college kids do in our spare time, and I've even done sketches for 4 of us (might upload mine) Anywhat, I'm looking for suggestions for my dude's name. He's basically a dude (haven't figured out backstory yet) who's bonded with a virus meant to only keep him from dying, but ends up giving him a lot of cool powers. His abilities include: -accelerated regeneration (a la Wolverine from X-Men) -retractable armor-like skin (a la Mercer and Heller from Prototype) -razor sharp claws made from armor-like skin (a la Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist) -sentient virus bonded with his DNA giving him his powers (a la Venom from Spider-Man) Now, his name...I can't figure out a good one exactly, but Razor or Night Razor seem pretty good, since his signature weapon is his claws. Any suggestions are welcome. Removed after feedback: -rapidly adapting body, like for underwater combat or the vacuum of space (redundant with armor skin and regeneration)
Anyone got a 14 day trial of Xbox Live I could have? I'd really like to try the multiplayer of Halo 4, before I go out and buy myself a few months of year of the service I barely have been using.
I have like 3 to give away.
So, like with my Fallout 3 thread, What mods should I get?
Spoiler Lincoln 2012
-I don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever want to work with beer again. Ever. -I hate country music. -I hate ******* management who, instead of actually, y'know, HELPING US SERVE A SWARM OF FUCKING PEOPLE, INSTEAD YAP THEIR GOD DAMN MOUTHS AT US TELLING US WHAT WE'RE DOING WRONG -I hate when drunk people try to get more beer when they know everyone is closed down for the night -I I hate country music. -I don't want to see another cowboy hat for a long, long time. -I love when the other servers next to us give us free food <3
What mods should I get?
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/art...nctuation/10016-Idle-Chatter-Builds-Character I seriously love this guy and wish more developers would take a hint from games like Thief and Max Payne 1 & 2.
Such a great Kinect commercial.
Get it on Desura (because it's actually a cool mod hosting thingy) The trailer on linked website for those who just like videos: Basically: you're somewhere in Lake Erie, in some kind of dark facility, and armed with only a spray can, you have to escape...simple, yet effective.