Link. A lame list to me. Bayonetta 2 should have gotten Best Action. inFAMOUS: Second Son looked better than Titanfall too on consoles.
Spoilers abound, obviously, since I'm going to basically going to go over why I'm not feeling like finishing the anime, even though I've already decided I will to please some friends who are basically yelling at me to finish it, and to give a more complete opinion of the anime (not the manga, which I haven't read, nor do I plan to) Spoiler I finished the first season already: decent, but the romance (after thinking it through) was honestly written terribly, and it had a lot of throwaway plot points that didn't build Kirito as any more likable...not to mention, he's a terribly boring protagonist so far. Asuna's my favorite character so far, but still, she's linked to the rushed romance plot point. And the whole parenting thing between her and Kirito towards Yui? Terrible. I was in disbelief they were actually going with that plot. Not to mention the pacing makes no sense to me: it may say that they were in the game world for 2 years, but it feels like we've had maybe 2 days worth of actual character development. I'm currently on episode 21. The second season sucks so far. YOU DON'T TAKE AWAY THE WEIGHT OF DYING IN REALITY IF YOU'RE TRYING TO UP THE ANTE OF A DRAMATIC SERIES. And the whole semi-incest-but-not-really romance sub plot with Sugu? Built up over the second season from it's beginning, AND RESOLVED IN LIKE 10 MINUTES!? I keep being told to just finish it cause the last 2 episodes will, apparently, "make up for it all," but I think that's a terrible excuse. Oh well, at least the animation is excellent, and I like some of the more humorous scenes, but when it tries to be falls flat to me.
Yeah, that one obscure anime. I want to get some opinions from various parties cause I've never seen an episode but keep hearing/seeing countless references now. What do y'all think?
I got it near the beginning of the year for $10 just cause. I know how long Final Fantasy games take to beat. Would those of you who've played it recommend me to do so? Or should I use my time on other games this summer?
Spicy Nacho Dorito Pie Suffice to say, nomlicious.
Not completely serious...
Link to video I feel like he's bringing up a good point about the PS4: the industry of gaming has gotten to a point that simply not being greedy assholes when the opportunity could so easily be taken (just look at Microsoft) is now worth applause, without a bunch of "innovations" that I honestly couldn't tell you people ever wanted. I dunno if you guys knew about this thing already but its fun and I think I finally made a cool somewhat unique competitive team. My dude is HayabusaZeroZ.
You know the deal: Spoiler
And I love America.
I've been thinking that, once I have enough spare money saved up, I'll get one from either the nearby Air Force Base Exchange, since there's no sales tax there, or try to find a cheaper one online, like on Amazon Suggestions? I didn't put how much the regular 3DS costs on base since I can't remember, though I believe its around $160.
I ended up buying BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend Limited Edition for $15. Good buy? Oh and I mean this thread.
THERE WILL BE A NEW ALBUM BY NINE INCH NAILS. Somebody share in my excitement please
Every time I try to add a video to a playlist, I get a message saying "Invalid Request" When I try to Like or Dislike the video, I get a message saying "This feature is not available right now. Please try again later." Any way I could fix this? I can do all these things in Chrome, but Firefox is my primary browser, so I'd rather not have to use a separate one just for Youtube. EDIT: WELL I just figured out the problem is one of my add-ons. Disabled it, and things are back to normal. You guys can go ahead and close this.
needed varus though ;.;
Note: freedom of speech and all but I can't be the only one bothered by this. Again opinions and all but...yeah you get what I'm saying. have fun trying to figure out my name if you don't know it yet
Well, I think so at least.
For reference Spoiler