Yurp, got a Genie box now, and it's been working for like a month or so, but all of a sudden, I'm getting no sound with the HDMI connection going through an HDMI sound bar. Sound works perfectly for my PS3 and Xbox 360 though, and I'm getting perfect picture still, just....no sound at all. For now, I switched the DirecTV to using a composite cable straight to the TV, which has no problems, but I still want to be able to keep it connected through my HDMI sound bar thing, to utilize the intended convenience. Haven't tried running an HDMI straight from the DirecTV box to the TV, so maybe that'll work? I dunno. Solutions for getting sound through the HDMI connection using the HDMI sound bar are what I'd really like.
Here are highlights of one of the biggest televised events covering vidya games! For added fun, take a shot everytime something unfunny happens! Be sure to have 911 pre-dialed!
Seeing as I'm done with this semester of college, I kindly request a rundown of the best anime of 2013. I mean, besides Kill la Kill. Shit's just great for me. Heard good things about Beyond the Boundary or however the title goes. Anything else?
>going to Gamestop with Mike >got my Buy 2 Get 1 Free coupon for used games >enter store >Cool Guy Employee talking to customer henceforth known as Jimmy Rustle >we've both known Cool Guy Employee a long time now >Jimmy Rustle trying to redeem PowerUp points or some sh.it >issues with something another employee said about receipt >probably trying to get more money for a pre-owned game while buying another one >whatevs >I grab Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance >Mike grabs Dark Souls >Cool Guy Employee still talking to Jimmy Rustle >Jimmy Rustle is getting more and more uppity about situation not resolving >starts swearing now >says Cool Guy Employee's not working with him >"The customer is always right." >Cool Guy Employee trying to stay cool >Jimmy Rustle is not >starts calling Cool Guy Employee "idiot" >Cool Guy Employee politely asks him not to talk to him like that >Jimmy Rustle gives no sh.its >persists >Cool English Employee steps in >asks Jimmy Rustle to not talk to him like that >Jimmy Rustle enters racist mode >"You're British? Let's go get some drinks." >Cool Guy Employee still trying to work out situation >Jimmy Rustle still being pissy about situation >Mike and I = done >"Dude, chill out. It's vidya games." >Jimmy Rustle enters FINAL FORM of rustled jimmies >"Y'all n.ggers can **** off and mind your own f.ucking business." >starts to threaten us >f.uck this >I grab Anarchy Reigns >Mike and I pay for our games >Jimmy Rustle not done yet >"Y'all f.uckin' kids probably in high school still" >"Need to mind your own f.uckin' business" >"Probably piss on your balls" >my hands are shaking in fury >da fuk? >don't make any response towards him >Jimmy Rustle walks outside >"Y'all n.iggas wanna make something of it I'll be out here" >we got ourselves a badass >whatevs >Cool English Employee recommends we stay in the store for a bit >agree >games bought >aw shi.t >Jimmy Rustle pops his head back into the store >something along lines of "We cool?" >I don't say anything and give a thumbs up >Jimmy Rustle FINALLY fuc.ks off and leaves >Cool Guy Employe thanks me and Mike >gives us some Disney Infinity keychain things >jokes about Cool English Employee not helping him >really appreciates us standing up for him (its his job, he can't) >"No problem dude!" >we out with our games >la fin
As the title implies, you can download and play Final Fantasy VIII on any system that runs Steam, for $11.99 (but you could just wait for a sale lol)
You now have a reason to go to Target on Black Friday weekend.
So yeah, it's mine, if anyone cares. Just throwin' that out there.
Y'all get to hear my dumb voice. And if the demo's super short, I'll just get to finishing Amnesia: The Dark Descent finally.
I spent about two hours in Pokemon Y trying to hatch a Magikarp with an Adamant Nature and Male Gender. I also have half of my Water box full of Magikarp variants, and I sent maybe 12 over the world through Wonder Trade.
But he did it Spoiler
Top Tier: Pokemon Y Fire Emblem: Awakening Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Animal Crossing: New Leaf Kid Icarus Uprising Some Time Tier: TheLegend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Super Mario Kart 7 Super Mario 3D Land What else do you guys recommend?
The red one to be exact. Now what :| And don't even try being funny by saying "buy games," I will when I have more spare money.
Games such as Red Faction: Armageddon, Supreme Commander, Painkill: Hell & Damnation, and Darksiders II for just $6. Link.
By that, I mean stuff released sometime in the last 10 years. Also, no listing Miyazaki films please -- I already have seen most of them.
This is why I love improvisation.
Yup, beat both Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and The Avengers. Say what you will about Rockstar and their games, this is kind of amazing to see.
Based on the popular Platinum Games title, Bayonetta will be adapted into an anime collaboration between Sega and Gonzo, known for such anime as Rosario + Vampire, Witchblade, and Samurai 7.