Along with a copy of inFAMOUS: Second Son. WUT ELSE DO
First Trailer: "Father to Son" I'm really glad that Rocksteady are the ones developing this time. No doubt we'll be using the Batwing too. So far, the game is confirmed to be coming to Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Like seriously guys how many "Post Here: Become X" threads did you make I was just bored and had Pokemon on my mind :x
I've been searching for a solution for this conundrum for a while, but I haven't found one. Basically, for whatever reason, YouTube's quality options for videos only go up to 720p, when I know the video is meant to have quality options up to 1080p. Is there a way to fix this for Firefox? I'm still able to watch 1080p videos in Chrome...
Yeah it's one of these things. I'm bored, it's Friday morning, let's see how you like what I give you.
In case you guys haven't heard, there was a lot of controversy in the past few weeks about the passing of State Bill 1062 in Arizona, intended to amend Section 41-1493 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, which essentially prevents "any law, including state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and policies" from "substantially burden[ing]" a person's exercise of religion, unless the burden is the least restrictive means of furthering a "compelling government interest." SB1062 was going to extend said protection from "a religious assembly or institution" to include "any individual, association, partnership, corporation, church," "estate, trust, foundation or other legal entity." In simplistic terms? The bill would basically allow for religious-freedom to be an acceptable claim or defense in lawsuits "regardless of whether the government is a party to the proceeding." This means that businesses could legally refuse to serve members of the LGBT community on the grounds of using free exercise of religion to defend their own discriminatory acts. As you can imagine, anyone within earshot of the bill who at all shows sympathy for the LGBT community opposed the bill, and luckily enough, my own state governor vetoed SB 1062 (though honestly it took far too long to make such a seemingly easy decision.) Thoughts? For myself, while I think it's perfectly fine to give religious people a legal right to exercise their beliefs, there needs to be a limit to what those beliefs are: discriminating against people for their sexual orientation or state should never be defended, and it seems like this bill goes against the belief in the separation between church and state. Here's a full text of the bill if you want to see.
So these two Dream Eaters sound like the best in the game for my purposes (getting powerful offensive Abilities,) but they both require some of the hardest Dream Pieces to get. Does anyone have good advice on how to get these materials? Skelterwild needs Wild Fantasies, Brilliant Fantasies, Noble Fantasies, and/or Prickly Fantasies. Ryu Dragon needs Lofty Fantasies, Prickly Fantasies, and/or Brilliant Fantasies.
Dear demon overlords of KH-Vids, I require thy assistance. I am in search of a certain video, from the realms of YouTube. In such a video, the song "Best of You," by well-known kickass band Foo Fighters, is played normally, except for the singing eventually becoming a loop of the Dave Grohl repeatedly saying "THE BEST." It is not a simple loop, however, as all of the music besides such singing plays normally. Also, the video is basically the same as the actual music video for said song, besides segments of the Dave Grohl singing. I offer this as payment.
Stuff like Batman: Arkham Origins and Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition are being discounted more than 60%
Apparently they're only free today though. Stuff includes OST's from Sleepwalker's Journey, Anomaly 2, and Funky Smugglers. Linkage
My good V-MODA set finally broke after a good year and then some ;.; My price range is anything below $50. Preferably some buds with good range and noise cancellation/isolation, whatever it is.
So you'd best keep refreshing to pick that up before Christmas ends.
Check it, Amazon's got some sweet deals. The best ones are temporary though so get on it! Tomb Raider for $5 Mass Effect Trilogy for $10 Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition for $5 Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition for $7 XCOM: Enemy Unknown +XCOM: Enemy Within for $20 And other things!
....this is supposedly one of the best games this year? Uh....what? What am I missing here? Do I need to watch another playthrough? Of a game that can be beaten in literally under a minute? With such a bland, predictable story that doesn't have any interesting twists?
And it'll only be in Japan I bet.
January 9th, 2014. Comes with all of the DLC: Jetstream Sam, Blade Wolf, VR Missions, and Armor Sets. Also stuff exclusive to the PC version, like Graphics Options and Cutscene viewer.
Watch this guys I liked it :|