Hey Beau--sorry to say, but--can you resize the picture a little bit? It's really great, but--a Super Moderator told me it's too large. D: Thank you.
I'll resize it. Thanks for the reminder.
Oh--alright. Nice thing to say to break the moment...
OMG. Love it. <3 I'm sorry to be a burden to you. [I try not to be. Heh heh... CX]
I know, but still--this is almost like a home to me. We all like Kingdom Hearts and cherish it in many ways. That's the one thing we all have in common.
What if it is a home to me? I don't mean I'm actually a computer, but still... A home is a place where you should feel welcome. Isn't that correct? For all I know, me and my family don't get along so I decided to move out of the house. When I saw this place, I thought that this was where I should belong but I was wrong.
I think Jayn is amazing. The graphics that she posts in the Graphics section are really nice.
You know what you guys? Right after Hurricane Sandy, I thought this place would be a new home for me, but it's not. I was wrong.
Who's that? :/
Kingdom Hearts is what brought me to this awesome place. ^ ^
Hey dude. I'll send you my email in a sec.
Yeah LOL.
Okay Raz. Can I call you that instead? You can call me Crisis--it says so in my sig.
Okay. Thanks for the greeting.
Oh thanks. I mostly go here most of the time. I've got free time since I've got vacation and all. CX
Avatar: 7.5/10 Signature: 7/10
Yep. How 'bout you?
I've read it. It was a bit boring to my taste, though... K-ON is an exception.
What Zero III said is right. Maybe I shouldn't take things so seriously. From now on, I'm going to laugh at everything everybody says. [Even though it's not funny.]
Hey there. Welcome to the club. Remember to read the rules and follow them. If you need help--you can ask the staff.