Um--sorry if I'm rude or anything, but--isn't it One-Word Titles or something? I'm really sorry if I'm wrong...
My favorite music? I like classical--you?
Well--you can probably tell it's Ansem because of his voice.
Avatar: 8/10 Signature: 10/10 Pikachu!!! CX
Avatar: 7/10 Signature: 5/10
I really like the first one. I think the cat/mouse ears look cute on the girl. ^ ^ The shading is really nice too.
"It's a wild Sora! What would you do? Run--attack--or tackle glomp?"
I hope there would be brand new worlds. It's kinda boring--being in the same world in every KH game and having to do the same task--defeat Heartless and whatnot.
I'm going to sleep. That's my New Year's goal.
Food [20 character limit insert here]
Hey. Is this what you mean by **** the police? LOL...
The easiest way to defeat the Leachgrave is to hit one of those thingies over and over again. When it gets weaker at a certain point, that's also an advantage. It's pretty fun, actually...
I can somewhat speak French. Bonjour!
That must be hard on you. At least you got the game. That's what counts.
I'm 17. A lot of people forget if Asia is a country or not sometimes. Search it on the internet and a lot of people ask that question.
I forget sometimes alright?
You seriously don't? :/ It's an Inside Joke pic so it's good for an Inside Joke thread.
Oh--it's not a country. It's a continent for other Asian countries like Japan and China.