I also agree that Aqua isn't fit enough to be Kairi's mom. My reason is that Kairi and Aqua met before at Radiant Garden--just like Misty said. If you hadn't played Birth by Sleep yet, it sure explains a lot of stuff.
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Well--why would I go back in time to kill a person? I wouldn't have any reasons to and I think murder is very--how should I put it? Uncivilized. I think that things can be solved without murder--wouldn't you think?
If we were to time travel--wouldn't it disrupt the balance of time--as to say--everything would be pretty messed up?
Why does this song remind me so much of Peter Pan? :/
Oh--uh--my bad...
Ouch--spraining your ankle? That must hurt... You have my greatest condolences.
Well--I'd say I'd want to face Ansem again. He was pretty tough, I know--but I had fun battling him since I learned what moves he'd do to try to demolish you.
Uh--huh? O_o Major outbreak there...
I haven't heard of this show before, but when I saw that, I was like: that looks really nice. :O
Okay... D:
Happy New Years to you too. ^ ^
Who's this Loriah person? I don't know who you're talking about.
I don't even know what that is.
I think it's very unstable and doesn't have any tune to it. Sorry if I make you mad or anything...
Johannes Brahms--he's a famous pianist and I adore his playing. Yeah I know--I like to listen to a lot of old classical music...