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The story. I'm editing it a bit and it sounds pretty good. I'll post it later.
Yes--he hasn't found a partner yet. But soon--he will, though...
May I ask--who? :/
You know what? I like this one a whole lot better.
Whoa--those are nice. I'm going to use the top one. Thank you very much. ^ ^
But that's only what other people think. You don't have to agree with them.
Yeah. :D I'll dedicate this story to Nights.
Dude--that's just--wrong... O_O I don't mean this in an agreeing way just so you know.
Criticism would make my writing better--that's what I believe, so I'll take them. :3
Oh--but wouldn't it not be harder to understand if I put in: The Doctor thought or did I already do that? I can't remember. CX
I agree LOL. Remember the campfire song? :D
The Doctor wasn't talking, though. He was thinking. CX
Maybe it's the new one that dulls you out a bit? I don't like the new one either... :|
Your welcome. I'll post more when I get the time to. ^ ^
I loved that movie LOL. Patrick wearing high heels? Major LOL. CX
Would this be better for you? CX
I love this one Spongebob Squarepants episode, LOL. The best time to wear a striped sweater, is all the timethe one with the color, turtel neck, that's the kindbut when you're wearing that one......special..................sweater
Yes indeed. I love the series. :D