You should make Skyfall first. That movie was badass.
I just searched his name and they look like the same person. O_o
Banned because you think typos are cool.
What exactly is Holister? Haven't heard of it.
I didn't say Bleach was not awesome. Banned for putting words into my mouth.
Banned for saying "Bleach". Bleach is awesome.
Your welcome.
They're probably trying to copy off that show Big Bang Theory.
Nevermind--I just found a more awesome one. :3 Thanks anyway.
Banned because you have proof that I was wrong. C:
on bread
Banned for saying that that isn't Bleach and I'm wrong. CX
Banned for having a Bleach avatar and signature without even knowing.
I don't think Sony would be dying. I mean--it created the Playstation and people still buy it to be able to play games such as Kingdom Hearts on it. Recently, I've bought Kingdom Hearts 2 and bought the Playstation 2 system along with it. It only depends if people want to dearly play a game on a system that belongs to Sony that they'll even buy the system when they get the game.
Banned for saying that I should get banned for calling Sho--whoever that is random.
Banned for having a random guy in your avatar.
I'd really hope that Marvel could make a new superhero. The other superheroes are just too old and not as surprising as they used to be before. Spiderman was alright--but he wasn't in the Avengers movie--which probably pissed off a lot of Spidey fans. I think having a new superhero would be a great idea. Kingdom Hearts is alright, but they make new Kingdom Hearts games with no actual means of a story in them. I think they should make a Kingdom Hearts story that does mean something to the series instead of adding just random gameplay as to say Kingdom Hearts: Coded. I did not see the importance of that story.
Hey Plums. Can you lock this thread? Thanks:
Yeah. :D
It's from The Office. You don't know that show? :/