Yup yup XD lol
I really should charge for that line; it's been stolen so many times XD lol
O_o what have I done? lol
Ha, don't worry, that's not my sig line; mine's the fun for the whole family bit. XD
That's how I roll XD
Marvelous good or marvelous bad? It's hard to read past the lines for me, sometimes.
It's okay. It's late, and I'm not really focused on the note cards anyway XP lol
...don't look at me, I don't. But yeah, I see your point. Once you find the perfect partner in a game, it's hard to settle for anything less.
Just working on note cards, getting them ready for a final in a couple of weeks...want to see if I can still get an A in that class.
...from my experience, it's not always a good thing when somebody WANTS to be the serial killer. But that's just me. :-/
Ah, fun times...
Missing someone isn't necessarily dumb. Yeah, it might make you sad, but on the other hand, you remember some of the happier times you had with them.
Pray tell, what kind of crap?
Oh yeah XP something Rita Repulsa would say...XP all the times I've seen Brian blown to bits, I've never seen him bleed....
Oh yeah, fun for the whole family. Something for the kids, grandma, everyone. XP
lol wow, that didn't sound dirty in the slightest...XP And he likes it, too... Why da saddnesses? D8
You'll think otherwise soon, I can promise you that. He's got very accurate pain receptors, surprisingly.
Just school. Fun fun. -_-
Ok, then. What's new with you?