It has been sent X3
*pokes* yer pm box is full ;-;
You've got it in spades, I won't deny that. But I can honestly say I've had some of what you've mentioned happen to me. Not a lot, but some of...
lol she says it's fun to freak people out with (particularly the hair dressers XD) Try me.
Yeah, she mentioned something about her hair being down to her butt...I have to admit, that boggles my mind as to why anyone would grow their hair...
Actually, I don't know it. I've never seen what she looks like, never heard her voice, I haven't seen so much as what her clipped finger nails or...
Sometimes I feel the same way...all I'm able to do is talk to her. I can't sit with her, actually talk to her, hug her, give her the things she...
Yeah...she's really lucky to have you by her side, when things get rough.
I thought maybe you'd be able to get some medicine to her, is why I approached you. I knew that overall she'd recover on her own, but she was...
...idk...I'll leave you alone, now.
I know you're right, I believe you, it's just...I don't think I'll feel better unless I hear it from her...I'm kinda a worry-wart. :-/
It doesn't sound like it's serious for a trip to the hospital, I just feel badly because I can't go over to where she is and help. Add to the...
Ash ate some food a little while ago that had something she was allergic to. It didn't sound serious, but at the same time, she's upset because...
No, nothing like that.
Hey, I'm glad you're here. Are you within relatively good distance to Ash's house?
Thank you for trying to cheer me up, tonight. I'm going to go ahead and turn in, I'm needed for a lot of things tomorrow XP otherwise I'd stay up...
XD if nothing else, it's a good song to listen to.
lol well, the vid is subbed, and even if you can't hear it, it talks about finding the ultimate partner to be what everyone needs XD
Ooooooooookay. :3
Why not? Connection problems, or parental rules?