Exactamundo lol XD
lol so I guess you're the expert on who needs help, huh? XD
lol hey, you're friends to both of us! What's that say about you? XP
lol you read it, I take it? XD
Well, if ever I do it, it's either there's nothing else to be said about it, or I don't know what else to say about it. It's either "Yup yup", or...
lol again, sorry XD I'm not trying to just put in fillers
lol sorry XD I use it as an agreement, and that anything can be inserted after that. XD
Yup yup lol XD
lol fun times XD
Stranger things have happened lol XD
Huh...Brian was experimented on at an early age as a lab rat, and got a bunch of his wires crossed. Now, aside from certain random powers, he...
Aside from random duplication, Brian has a knack of appearing when not wanted. I'm not sure how he does it, but he does it. :-/
*gone to search for Kyo* ...looks like Brian's found a new playmate. :-/
*dog piles* O_o;....
All the Brians follow: But we want to play!! WHEE!! >.>
*many Brians grow and form as a result* WHEEE! This could be awhile...
Brian: *grins, laughing* WHEEEE! THIS IS FUN!! 8D *twirls and dances* O_O;....heeere we go...
And yet, somehow, Brian did it anyway. Bad Brian! *gets newspaper* no liver, onions, and Cool Whip for you, tonight!
Brian ate Kyo's sword. I believe he's in for it, now. :-/
Bad time to tell you Brian's eaten Kyo's sword, right?