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  1. Laurence_Fox


    We Know Drama.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 30, 2008, 42 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Laurence_Fox
    ...that fluffy man eating kittens will appear from a rift and cause chaos on this forum.


    Yeah, something like that.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 29, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Laurence_Fox
    Gamers rejoice.

    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 25, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. Laurence_Fox
    Yes yes, I know Degeneration is the CGI movie but apparently there's a tie in game for the N-Gage. You remember the N-Gage right? The phone that swallowed a game-boy?

    Can't they just let the N-Gage die?
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 22, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Laurence_Fox
    Is when people read the stickied threads in the sections.

    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 20, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Laurence_Fox
    You read it right. I don't know much about Braid but I figure that it's some kind of RPG that involves time travel. But the plot of Braid isn't important.

    What is important is that Soulja Boy will Tell Us what the game's about. :3

    Warning: You will laugh.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 18, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Laurence_Fox


    I feel...rebellious.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 16, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Laurence_Fox


    So I finally watched the video for Crank Dat Soulja Boi.

    All I need to say is: LOL.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 15, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Laurence_Fox
    Well it's in Wisconsin, course it's going to be a little cold. :3

    But hey, come in and chit-chat for awhile. The dragons are harmless really.


    [And yes...this is my hangout thread.]
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 14, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Laurence_Fox
    How many of you are over the age of 18?
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 14, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Laurence_Fox


    Seems to be dead tonight.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 12, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Laurence_Fox

    Since I feel people are taking this HMC or whatever it's called WAAAAY too seriously.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 10, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Laurence_Fox
    Maybe not sleep deprivation. But let's just say that I had a horrible bout of insomnia last night that I'm sure you don't want to know the cause of. Suffice to say that I'm only running on about an hour and a half worth of sleep.

    I have found that sleep is like some kind of drug. You want more of it yet you can never get enough.'s so easy to get addicted to sleep.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 8, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Laurence_Fox
    If I said I liked the vBulletin skin more than the current KHV one?

    I mean the header bothers me. It always has. It looks like a small child colored it in with MSPaint.

    And no this isn't a thread where I'm complaining about the current skin. I'm just saying I like the vBulletin one better.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 6, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Laurence_Fox
    As I'm sure a lot of you know, I have a big interest in World War II. I enjoy reading about it, I enjoy learning what I can of what happened during that period in time. And since my WW2 buddy on Y! has gone Missing In Action, I thought I'd try it here.

    You can have a mature and Intelligent dicussion about this topic since I took a college course about World War II, more focusing on The Holocaust and what led up to it. The course was laid out like a timeline starting with the Weimar Republic and ending with Liberation and Holocaust Denial. Then it ended with Nuremburg and Eichmann's trial.

    I do have some Guidelines for this thread which I think you might find helpful:
    1. Keep discussion intelligent. Back up your claims with research. Don't just say things like: 'Hitler was a ******.' or 'The Jews deserved it.' Put thought into your posts and if possible, cite where you got the information.
    1a. When citing information, put the link to the website where you got your information or the title and author of the book.
    1b. Don't just copy and paste. Please put the information in your own words. You can quote some parts of it but don't copy and past entire websites and claim it as your own idea. That's called plagiarism and I will not tolerate it.
    2. Don't spam in this topic please. This is a potentially heavy topic for some people who had relatives in the war so please don't spam.
    2a. Keep your posts considerate. A heavy subject like this requires you to use tact when replying. You don't know what will upset/offend someone.
    3. Given the sites rating of E10+, we will have to take that into consideration. I realize that the Nazis were no angels but we don't want to scare the children. I want to inform the younger generations so something like this doesn't occur again.
    4. Spam will be deleted. Offensive racist remarks will not be tolerated and deleted and the user will receive a warning. ~ from Repliku
    4a. Goes the same for offensive/racist images.

    Also, I was thinking about what topics can and cannot be discussed here. As you can see the possibilities for the subject vast outweigh the closed topics.

    Topics open for Discussion:

    Psychology of the Nazis
    How the Nazi Party began/Reasons for WW2
    War Machines
    The survival of the Jewish culture
    General Holocaust
    General Holocaust denial
    The role of the German people
    Nazis who saved Jews.
    Pearl Harbor
    Conspiracy Theories
    Nueremburg Trials/Eichmann's trial
    WW2 in popular culture
    -Schindler's List
    -Diary of Anne Frank
    -Saving Private Ryan​
    branches of the German military
    -Wehrmacht/General Military
    -Lufftwaffe/Air Force
    -Hitlerjugend/Hitler Youth​
    Why the Allies waited so long?
    Nazis and the Occult
    The Master Race/Aryanism

    Topics closed for Discussion:

    The brutality of the Concentration Camps
    Detailed descriptions of the brutality of the Nazis
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Aug 30, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. Laurence_Fox


    All these Spam Zone taking over threads.

    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Aug 24, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Laurence_Fox


    Moar categories for KHV Awards nao? :3
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Aug 22, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Laurence_Fox
    I don't play WoW myself but I still keep tabs on the canon of what is going on.

    Looks amazing though.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Aug 21, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. Laurence_Fox
    But there is fanservice. Oh man is there fanservice.

    And it does look like RE5 will have CO-OP play.

    Only screen that I find interesting is the last one.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Aug 20, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. Laurence_Fox

    Comrade Teals

    Post in this thread.

    Because it's the trendy thing to do.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Aug 19, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone