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  1. Laurence_Fox


    I'll be leaving tomorrow morning and returning late Thursday afternoon/evening.

    I'm going to be in Door County, WI.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Jul 22, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Laurence_Fox
    Because I am curious what you lovely people think.​
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Apr 11, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Laurence_Fox
    And now I will do nothing else the rest of the day.

    I'm contributing.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 13, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Laurence_Fox
    Feel proud of me KHV.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Feb 6, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Laurence_Fox
    ...This is going to be a challenge.
    But it'll be so worth it.

    Just have to put up with the Hanno-ji stage and him reviving 3+ times. His life bar also increases every time he comes back.

    He also has a Persona.


    I am so ****ed.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Jan 5, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Laurence_Fox


    Since I find your lack of knowledge on the subject deplorable.

    As you may or may not know, I myself identify as asexual. I do not have sexual attraction to males or females. There is nothing wrong with me. I want to say that now since most everytime I tell someone I'm asexual there is always a reason for it or they want to cure me. And you might not know it but saying things like 'But you're a human being, you can't be asexual' actually hurts since you're denying the very thing I am.

    I find this site to be very informative.

    I want to say that asexuality is not the same as celibacy. Celibacy is a choice people make regarding their sexual nature. Asexuality is very much ingrained into who a person is. Priests take vow of celibacy to be devoted to their faith. People with asexuality have no such choice. I cannot simply decide one day that I'm attracted to girls or I'm attracted to guys. It does not work that way.

    By making this thread, I am hoping to educate and provide some awareness of a sexuality that is often overlooked simply because there is no sex involved in it. We're rather dull because we want more of a meaningful romantic relationship. To me and other asexuals, what is important to us is not sex, what is important to us in a relationship is personality and who a person is. When a person touches me, I am not expecting anything aside from contact and the knowledge that I am loved for who I am and not for my body.

    For those of you that have read this far, thank you. I appreciate your open minds. Please keep the discussion positive. I ask that much of you.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Dec 10, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Laurence_Fox
    Some analogies written by High School Students.

    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Dec 6, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Laurence_Fox
    Wow, Forsaken and Fox talk a lot.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Dec 5, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Laurence_Fox
    Note: Crossposted from the Creativity Corner. I know how some of you seem to live here.


    Gather 'round ye lads and lassies and I'll ye a tale of adventure and cutthroats, of tragedy and bloodshed. If any o' ye think ye can't handle it, then I would advise ye to close yer ears to what I'm about to tell, mateys.

    For I be tellin' the tale of Captain Fox and his Mistress, the Lost Heaven. The Lost Heaven was a fearsome ship if I ever did see one. Her sails were black as the blackest night that ever swallowed the blazing sun. The rest of her was the color o' blood lined with torches. The figurehead. Oh other vessels might have a mermaid or some other goddess to guide their way. But not the Lost Heaven. Her figurehead was that o' Medusa herself.

    And who was the Captain of this fearsome hellspawn of a ship? None other than Captain Laurence_Fox of course. Why, one old salt I ran into last week, forget his name, said that Fox was one o' the harshest Captains to ever sail the high seas of KHV. Fox said to be so deranged and evil that hell itself spat him back out because he tried to take over the place. Imagine old Lucifer wasn't pleased at that development.

    What did he look like, Captain Fox? The accounts o' his appearance vary but for the most part he was tall and dressed all in black and silver. An ornate eyepatch worn over one eye. The other eye as pure ice but that eye held a fury that the world had not seen since Cain killed Abel.

    The First Mate of this ship was Libregkd and he was jus' as bad as the Captain he served under. He took great pleasure in doling out punishments upon the forsaken crew and he had a most insane cackle as he did so. Libregkd dressed garishly in contrast to Fox's sinister black.

    The Lost Heaven was unbothered for the most part. Save for the occasional foolhardy pirate ship seeking to end Fox's reign of tyranny. All of those ships lay at the bottom of the ocean along with their fool Captains and crews. The other contender against the Lost Heaven was the Royal KHV Navy. One Commodore Clawtooth in particular was especially Hellbent on taking down the Lost Heaven and mounting Fox's head as a trophy.

    Commodore Clawtooth is well known amongst us pirates. He's personally escorted a few of us to the banishing gallows himself. While Captain Fox's eye burned with fury, the Commodore's eyes burned with a purifying fire. For he couldn't tolerate the presence of pirates in Staff waters and the fact that the Lost Heaven was the biggest pirate threat made Clawtooth more determined to bring her and Fox down.

    The particular tale I'm gonna tell ye salts about is about the conflict between Fox and Clawtooth. The met in the middle of the ocean in the Fun and Games section. The Lost Heaven loomed out o' the gloom like a ghost ship while Clawtooth's ship, the H.M.S Darkwatch. Named of course for the legendary Admiral who had lost his life against Fox's own sword. Maybe that was the reason the Commodore sought Fox's head.

    Anyway, the two ships clashed and Fox ordered his pirates onto the Darkwatch. 'Board that ship, ye dogs o' hell!' he yelled and he was one of the first to board the Darkwatch with Libregkd not far behind. 'Commodore Clawtooth is mine!' Fox yelled as he went in search of his prey.

    As luck would have it, the two men soon clashed swords with a clap of thunder. Both sides stood by watching as if a pair of titans were dueling for command of the world. Neither man seemed to have an advantage over the other and both seemed to be anticipating the other's movements.

    Ages seemed to pass as the two remained locked in combat with the thunder growing more frequent in the background. Fox was relentless, unleashing his full fury against the Commodore who matching him blow for blow. Either their blades would break or one of them would. Soon though, Clawtooth saw his chance, a minute opening in Fox's defenses and plunged his sword through Fox's heart. A hushed whisper ran through the pirates as the long awaited rain began to fall.

    Captain Fox looked down at the sword in his chest as he stumbled backwards. The ice cold fury leaving his eye before he fell backward onto the deck. "C…Commodore, I want to tell…you something before I die." Clawtooth knelt beside the dying pirate. "By killing me…the world is a smaller place." And he cringed as a stream of blood left his lips. "Some small bit of…wonder dies with me. As does my ship."

    And as the light left Fox's eye, the Lost Heaven seemed to melt away under the relentless rain, along with her crew. The First Mate, libregkd, he shot himself rather than hang and then his body too, vanished into mist. Only Fox's lifeless body remained on the deck of the Darkwatch. Clawtooth frowned as he closed Fox's eye, giving Fox that much respect. He pulled his blade from the pirate's chest.

    Oh aye, no ship has ever plagued the sea like the Lost Heaven did and no pirate instilled such a fear like Captain Laurence Fox? Did Commodore Clawtooth bring Fox's body back to the rest of the staff? Aye, he did. Once the staff had proof o' the pirate's death, they committed the body back to the sea. The Commodore was never the same after Fox's body sank to the depths, he often repeated what Fox had told him as the pirate lay dying. That the world was a smaller place and that he was responsible for killing some wonder from it.

    And who might I be telling' this tale like I was there? I served on Commodore Clawtooth's ship. And I 'ave the abandoned that life after I saw the legend o' Captain Fox die. My name has become Forsaken…as surely I am after witnessing that terrible day.

    On the bottom of the ocean, rests the body of Captain Fox. Even the sharks fled as that eye opened, not the ice blue from the old dodger's story, but blood red. Neither Hell nor Heaven would have him it seems…
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Dec 3, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Laurence_Fox
    Chapter 1

    Gather 'round ye lads and lassies and I'll ye a tale of adventure and cutthroats, of tragedy and bloodshed. If any o' ye think ye can't handle it, then I would advise ye to close yer ears to what I'm about to tell, mateys.

    For I be tellin' the tale of Captain Fox and his Mistress, the Lost Heaven. The Lost Heaven was a fearsome ship if I ever did see one. Her sails were black as the blackest night that ever swallowed the blazing sun. The rest of her was the color o' blood lined with torches. The figurehead. Oh other vessels might have a mermaid or some other goddess to guide their way. But not the Lost Heaven. Her figurehead was that o' Medusa herself.

    And who was the Captain of this fearsome hellspawn of a ship? None other than Captain Laurence_Fox of course. Why, one old salt I ran into last week, forget his name, said that Fox was one o' the harshest Captains to ever sail the high seas of KHV. Fox said to be so deranged and evil that hell itself spat him back out because he tried to take over the place. Imagine old Lucifer wasn't pleased at that development.

    What did he look like, Captain Fox? The accounts o' his appearance vary but for the most part he was tall and dressed all in black and silver. An ornate eyepatch worn over one eye. The other eye as pure ice but that eye held a fury that the world had not seen since Cain killed Abel.

    The First Mate of this ship was Libregkd and he was jus' as bad as the Captain he served under. He took great pleasure in doling out punishments upon the forsaken crew and he had a most insane cackle as he did so. Libregkd dressed garishly in contrast to Fox's sinister black.

    The Lost Heaven was unbothered for the most part. Save for the occasional foolhardy pirate ship seeking to end Fox's reign of tyranny. All of those ships lay at the bottom of the ocean along with their fool Captains and crews. The other contender against the Lost Heaven was the Royal KHV Navy. One Commodore Clawtooth in particular was especially Hellbent on taking down the Lost Heaven and mounting Fox's head as a trophy.

    Commodore Clawtooth is well known amongst us pirates. He's personally escorted a few of us to the banishing gallows himself. While Captain Fox's eye burned with fury, the Commodore's eyes burned with a purifying fire. For he couldn't tolerate the presence of pirates in Staff waters and the fact that the Lost Heaven was the biggest pirate threat made Clawtooth more determined to bring her and Fox down.

    The particular tale I'm gonna tell ye salts about is about the conflict between Fox and Clawtooth. The met in the middle of the ocean in the Fun and Games section. The Lost Heaven loomed out o' the gloom like a ghost ship while Clawtooth's ship, the H.M.S Darkwatch. Named of course for the legendary Admiral who had lost his life against Fox's own sword. Maybe that was the reason the Commodore sought Fox's head.

    Anyway, the two ships clashed and Fox ordered his pirates onto the Darkwatch. 'Board that ship, ye dogs o' hell!' he yelled and he was one of the first to board the Darkwatch with Libregkd not far behind. 'Commodore Clawtooth is mine!' Fox yelled as he went in search of his prey.

    As luck would have it, the two men soon clashed swords with a clap of thunder. Both sides stood by watching as if a pair of titans were dueling for command of the world. Neither man seemed to have an advantage over the other and both seemed to be anticipating the other's movements.

    Ages seemed to pass as the two remained locked in combat with the thunder growing more frequent in the background. Fox was relentless, unleashing his full fury against the Commodore who matching him blow for blow. Either their blades would break or one of them would. Soon though, Clawtooth saw his chance, a minute opening in Fox's defenses and plunged his sword through Fox's heart. A hushed whisper ran through the pirates as the long awaited rain began to fall.

    Captain Fox looked down at the sword in his chest as he stumbled backwards. The ice cold fury leaving his eye before he fell backward onto the deck. "C…Commodore, I want to tell…you something before I die." Clawtooth knelt beside the dying pirate. "By killing me…the world is a smaller place." And he cringed as a stream of blood left his lips. "Some small bit of…wonder dies with me. As does my ship."

    And as the light left Fox's eye, the Lost Heaven seemed to melt away under the relentless rain, along with her crew. The First Mate, libregkd, he shot himself rather than hang and then his body too, vanished into mist. Only Fox's lifeless body remained on the deck of the Darkwatch. Clawtooth frowned as he closed Fox's eye, giving Fox that much respect. He pulled his blade from the pirate's chest.

    Oh aye, no ship has ever plagued the sea like the Lost Heaven did and no pirate instilled such a fear like Captain Laurence Fox? Did Commodore Clawtooth bring Fox's body back to the rest of the staff? Aye, he did. Once the staff had proof o' the pirate's death, they committed the body back to the sea. The Commodore was never the same after Fox's body sank to the depths, he often repeated what Fox had told him as the pirate lay dying. That the world was a smaller place and that he was responsible for killing some wonder from it.

    And who might I be telling' this tale like I was there? I served on Commodore Clawtooth's ship. And I 'ave the abandoned that life after I saw the legend o' Captain Fox die. My name has become Forsaken…as surely I am after witnessing that terrible day.

    On the bottom of the ocean, rests the body of Captain Fox. Even the sharks fled as that eye opened, not the ice blue from the old dodger's story, but blood red. Neither Hell nor Heaven would have him it seems…
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Dec 3, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Laurence_Fox
    Suddenly I am 8 years old again.

    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Nov 29, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Laurence_Fox
    KHV: Hellsing Ultimate
    A/N: Apparently I missed a character for this installment. Allow me to rectify this now. The part of Richard Hellsing will be played by Makaze.

    Cast List

    Installment I

    Makaze: Where? Where are you? Pretty, pretty, niece. Successor to the Royal Order of Hellsing Knights. Oerba Yun Fang.

    Oerba Yun Fang is, unknown to Makaze hiding in the air ducts in the building.

    Makaze: You don't understand a thing. I waited 20 years for Cin to resign and leave the forum. But before he left, he made you his successor. Leaving a request I cannot accept. Hellsing is mine.

    Begin flashback which occurs as Oerba recalls something important as she flees Makaze.

    Cin: Kitty… If it should ever come to it… If a situation should become critical. If you've been cornered with nothing left to do. There's a long forgotten jail in the Role-Play Arena. One of our legacies as staff is hidden there. A means for your protection.

    End flashback as Oerba reaches the hidden jail in the Role-Play Arena.

    Oerba: Why would he send me here? He knows I hate this place.

    Her eyes widen as she comes across a mummified corpse.

    Oerba: Slowly moving towards the body. This is the means to my protection? Cin, was this some sort of cruel joke? …I never liked him anyway.

    Makaze: Having followed Oerba. Laughs. I've found you.

    He shoots Oerba in the shoulder.

    Oerba: You want Hellsing that bad that you'd go so far as to… What happened to actually asking for it?

    Makaze: That's not as dramatic. Places the gun between her eyes.

    He's just about to pull the trigger when the sound of raspy breathing catches his attention. The long starved corpse is licking blood off the stone floor from Oerba's gunshot wound. The blood seemingly having some sort of rejuvenation effect. Red eyes partially hidden behind black hair lift in Makaze's direction.

    Makaze: The…dead body!

    The body, once known to the forum as Laurence_Fox, finally stands and frees itself from the bindings placed on it long ago. His eyes glow as do the odd insignia on his white gloves. Moreover, there's an unsettling grin that a shark would envy. Fox brutally kills Makaze and insures Oerba's survival as head of Hellsing.

    End flashback. We now move forward into the present time. Somewhere in the English countryside. It is nearing nightfall. A group of local moderators are moving toward the site of a small church. The pastor of said church, a vampire, has been attracting attention. There is a young woman with the police, known as Misty. The pastor has already amassed an army of brainless ghouls, more zombie than vampire.

    Male moderator: *******s!

    Misty shoots along with her fellow mods. However, their bullets don't seem to do any good. A few yards away, more police wait. An older Oerba Yun Fang meets with the police chief. The Hellsing butler, Forsaken, removes her coat.

    Chief: Please, tell me one more time. Director of Hellsing, Oerba Yun Fang.

    Oerba: Very well. I suppose once more will do you folk some good. They're ghouls. The entire village has become ghouls. Ghouls are what becomes of non-virgin humans who are attacked by vampires. Normally, this being an internet forum, you'd think that wouldn't be an issue but then again, I'm from the family of vampire experts. Ghouls are like zombies controlled by vampires.

    Chief: So there's a vampire in the village?

    Oerba: That's what I'm getting at.

    Chief: That's completely ridiculous. You expect me to believe some nonsense like that?

    Forsaken opens up a silver case of cigars and Oerba selects one. She unwraps the brown foil and bites into the chocolate. What? You were expecting real cigars?

    Oerba: Petty officials like you don't know and frankly, don't need to know. But our Hellsing Organization have been fighting these monsters since before this forum was founded. In fact, it's natural you don't know, we're kind of a special-operations hush hush agency founded for the purpose of eradicating these monsters that wish to harm the forum, the British Empire, and the Protestant Church.

    She pauses to take another bite of chocolate.

    Oerba: There's a vampire in that sub-forum. The enemy is a monster. Send in all the forum helpers and mods you want. You're just giving them more food and more servants. Only when a vampire, Dracula or Draculina drinks the blood of virgin females and males respectively, are more vampires created. In all other cases, victims are nothing more than ghouls.

    Forsaken: To himself. She's going to be hyped up on sugar later.

    Oerba: Only way to keep the ghouls from spreading, you have to exterminate the controlling vampire. Like killing a snake by cutting off its head. That's where we come in. Hellsing will handle this.

    Chief: …You're still not serious about this.

    Oerba: One of our top vampire experts is already on his way to that particular sub-forum. The problem will be dealt with in a matter of hours.

    Chief: Who the hell is he?

    As the two talk, cut to a figure walking along in the woods. He's dressed in a victorian-era inspired suit.

    Oerba: When it comes to monsters of all sorts, he's the greatest expert there is.

    Laurence_Fox looks up at the moon from behind orange-tinted sunglasses and smiles.

    Fox: It's a great night. The kind of night that makes me want to drink blood. Ah the quiet like I never recalled with this forum. I must be near the Premium Section. It really is a great evening for a walk.

    Not too far away, Misty is seen running. She's soon caught up to however.

    Chedder vampire: There's no use running. There's no use firing your gun either. I intend to make a ghoul out of you since I know girls your age aren't usually virgins.

    Yes, this guy is creepy. I know. Luckily, his fun has been ruined. Since another predator has come onto the scene.

    Chedder vampire: Who are you?

    Fox: A professional killer.

    Chedder vampire: A professional killer? You've lost your mind. Kill him. And he snaps his fingers. The ghouls draw an impressive assortment of guns and turn them on Fox. Fox makes no move to defend himself from the gunfire, letting the bullets rip him to shreds.

    Chedder vampire: Are you dead already, professional killer?

    As the vampire laughs, it would seem that Fox isn't down for the count just yet. A low laugh is heard as he starts pulling himself back together.

    Chief: He's a vampire?

    Oerba: That's right. Humans don't make very reliable anti-vampire experts, as you can imagine. They're injured quickly. They die quickly. They're squishy and filled with what vampires like to feed on. Humans are like jelly doughnuts to vampires. Like dangling a raw steak over the mouth of a crocodile. The most efficient way to destroy a vampire is with another vampire. And the domesticated vampire of the Hellsing organization is first class even among them.

    Fox has completely regenerated at this point. Leaving the on-lookers stunned, he draws an odd sort of silver gun. Which he aims toward the vampire and his ghouls. Not seeming to pay Misty any mind at this point. As the bullets he fires connect with the ghouls, they disintegrate into ash.

    Chedder vampire: H-how can he kill them like that? Those bullets…

    Fox: They're exploding 13mm shells, made out of the melted-down silver cross from Lancaster. They'll kill any freak, like you, they hit. I mean, come on, the girl looks about 12 years old.

    Chedder vampire: Why would a fellow vampire side with the humans. As if recalling something important, he pulls Misty in front of him acting like a human shield. However, Fox simply smirks at the cowardice of the act. She's the only survivor. Don't you want to let her live? Help me escape or at least look the other way.

    Fox: Not one to be predictable, knows there's a third option. Young lady, this might seem like a strange question and don't think I'm a creeper, but are you a virgin?

    Misty: …Yes I am. As soon as she answered yes, Fox pulled the trigger on his gun. The bullet going through her to get to the vampire.

    Fox moves in closer for the kill to drive his white gloved hand through the vampire's chest. Twisting the limb a few more times for added damage and a guaranteed kill.

    Enter flashback to a young Oerba Yun Fang, just after the corpse that was Fox dispatched Makaze.

    Oerba: What is your name?

    Fox: Your father called me…Laurence_Fox. as he is kneeling before the young girl.

    End flashback to the present day. The vampire's body disintegrates. Though there is something else to be taken care of. Misty lies bleeding to death.

    Fox: In order to hit his heart, I had to go through you. Your lung to be precise. Sorry, but it's a high caliber gun. You won't last long. What do you want to do?

    As if to answer, Misty reaches for the red-coated monster and the moon behind him. As her hand falters, he catches it in his own.

    Fox: Tonight…really is…a great night. And then he bares his sharp teeth, all of them.

    Misty: Where am I? Am I dead?

    Fox: So, Staff Girl, what does it feel like to be dead? As the realization sinks in, he smiles. But, it was your choice. The path of the Draculina.

    Misty wakes up as if she were having a nightmare. She looks around and knows she's in someplace she does not recognize.

    Misty: Another dream?

    Fox: Staff Girl, how's it feel now you're a Draculina? Misty jumps as she didn't know he was there watching her.

    Misty finds a hand held mirror to look at herself. She smiles to find the point of a sharp fang. Fangs?!

    Oerba: You're too loud, Staff Girl. I don't care if you're a Draculina now. You still must act like a proper Englishwoman.

    Misty: …Draculina? Um, excuse me, but where am I?

    Oerba: The Royal Order of Religious Knights, better known as Hellsing. We expel monsters. We are monsters. Of course you'll be working for us as a member of the Organization.

    Forsaken steps forward and presents Misty with a uniform bearing the logo of the Hellsing Organization.

    Oerba: We've had some number of incidents involving some suspicious Midians. Destroy the vampires, Staff Girl.

    Cut to a small suburb where the police are investigating a scene too beyond their understanding.

    Oerba: They've cut off their victims' heads and wrote messages with their blood. This is a challenge to Christians and Christianity. They're thumbing their noses at our church, our country, and Hellsing. The target is moving north on route 17. They're going around attacking families they've elected beforehand. These freaks must not be allowed to live!

    Cut to a murder scene. The killers have not left.

    Mike: Soon we'll be able to live forever.

    Rosey: We'll be invincible vampires.

    Yet, Mike and Rosey can't seem to get a minute's peace for the door bell rings. Mike goes to investigate, bringing his gun with him. Though a hail of blessed gunfire answers his investigating for him. Then the door caves in on itself, exposing Fox. Mike responds by shooting with his own gun before Fox can shoot. Fox crosses his arms letting them take the brunt of the bullets. However, Mike's ammunition runs out.

    Fox: You can't even change into fog or a bat. You can't even heal your own gunshot wounds. If you run out of bullets, you can't even fight. And you want to be nosferatu? Shame on you! [Fox stalks toward the baby vampire who runs. Fox seems amused at the idea of a chase.[/i]

    Fox: My turn. And he shoots to weaken Mike before using his hand much as he had with the Chedder Vampire. Don't let her get away, Staff Girl. As he moves away from the wall, a bloodstain in the shape of a cross is left behind.

    Misty: Yes! She's perched on the roof of the house with a rifle in her hands.

    Fox: What's wrong? Shoot her.

    Misty: She's incredibly fast. She's already 500 or 600 meters away.

    Fox: Think of yourself as having another eye in the middle of your forehead and shoot. Shoot like a human and you'll only be able to hit like a human. Seems far too amused at the idea of playing teacher. You can't miss. A single shot through the heart.

    Misty: But I don't have a scope and it's very dark.

    Fox: That would only be a problem if you were human. But you're no longer human.

    Misty concentrates and she's able to see Rosey as clear as day. She aims and fires a single shot. And her aim rings true, a single shot right through the heart as Fox instructed.

    Misty: It's such a big gun and yet I felt hardly any recoil. It's night and yet I could see better than during the day.

    Fox: Well done, Staff Girl.

    Misty: And now, I'm having a conversation through some sort of telepathy. What on earth is happening to me? I'm… And she looks up to the moon.

    Fox: Not yet. You still have a ways to go. And a long ways at that.

    Back at Hellsing HQ.

    Oerba: Too many. Far too many. Too many vampire related incidents. What's more, it's only low tier vampires who keep killing people at random. Nothing but cheap, pointless, pathetic acts. It's like there were some sort of…vampire production line.

    Cut to Italy.

    Christor: Both of you stop that! You must never resort to violence against your friend. You can't go to heaven if you do that.

    Child: Sorry, father.

    Christor: Listen. The only people it's all right to use violence against are monsters and heathens.

    A visitor approaches and the priest running the orphanage sends the two orphans away.

    Christhor: What can I do for you?

    Priest: I'm afraid there's been quite a number of strange happenings as of late. Especially in England.

    Christhor: Yes, it seems something of a coverup going on.

    Priest: It's a vampire.

    Christhor: Oh?

    Priest: Vampires have been turning up repeatedly in their borders. Numbers outside the norm.

    Christhor: Nothing seems wrong with that. Lots of English Protestants have died right?

    Priest: No they haven't. I believe you're familiar with Hellsing? They've performed better than we thought. Damage has been kept to a minimum.

    Christhor: THose amateurs! They're like a kindergarten compared to us. Catholics, the Vatican, and us. We've been fighting them longer than Hellsing has. …What do you want from me? If the trouble is in England, let them handle it.

    Priest: If it were only England. This time it occurred in Ireland. Hellsing is on the move.

    Christhor: Sending someone in like the own the place. Shameless and presumptuous as always. Should I run into Hellsing?

    Priest: We are the only and absolute instruments of God on Earth. We can't back down from these heretics.

    Christhor: If anyone does not love the lord, Jesus Christ, let him be accused, O Lord come. Amen.

    Cut to a building in Badrick. Misty is sitting on the steps looking bored while Fox does most of the work killing ghouls.

    Fox: Staff Girl. A command which Misty answers by bursting in through the door.

    Misty: They're not human beings. Aim…fire. One shot it's all over.

    Fox: Staff Girl, when you aim, make sure to put a bullet through either their head or their heart. These people didn't become ghouls because they wanted to. There's no way to change people who've become ghouls back to who they were. We shoot them dead, quickly, for their own good.

    Misty: As she reloads. Sir…yes sir, my Master.

    Fox: Oh?

    More ghouls appear and Misty dispatches them all on her own.

    Fox: Looks like she's getting the hang of being a Midian.

    Misty looks at her blood stained glove and perhaps against her better nature, starts to give into the desire to drink it. Before she can, a bayonet pierces her throat. Followed by ten more through her torso. Fox looks closer, able to determine that the blades bear some sort of writing.

    Fox: A blessed bayonet?

    Pages torn from a book fly around attaching themselves to walls with nails of their own accord.

    Fox: A spiritual barrier?

    Christhor: We are the agents of God. We are the instruments of His divine punishment on Earth. Our mission is to wipe out every last bit of flesh of those fools who oppose him. Christhor forms the two bayonets he's holding into a cross. Amen!

    Back at Hellsing HQ

    Messenger: Chief, a report from our intelligence officer at the Vatican. Vatican's Special Operations, 13th Division Iscariot is on the move!

    Oerba: The Vatican's unofficial special operations unit. The most powerful fighting force they have. Named after Judas, it's not even supposed to exist. …How many?

    Messenger: …One. The Paladin, Black Plague.

    Oerba: …Father Christhor? What's going to happen if he runs into Fox and the girl? I'm going to Badrick too! Get my gun, my sword, and two bodyguards ready! Forsaken, I'll leave negotiations with the Vatican to you.

    Forsaken: Certainly. Father Black Plague, his origins, his race, and age are all a mystery. There is only one thing known about him other than his many usernames on this forum. The fact that he's a specialist in fighting monsters. Just as Fox is our trump card in this fight against monsters, he's the Vatican 13th DIvision's ace-in-the-hole for dealing with them.

    Oerba: Put Fox and the girl in front of him and he's bound to do something.

    Back in Badrick(…in black?)

    Christhor: It's a lovely moon, you monsters.

    Silence continues, broken only by Misty's sounds of pain.

    Christhor: You make such lovely sounds of agony, young lady. But you won't die from that. Not a single one pierced your heart. It's been awhile since I've been vampire hunting. I have to enjoy it.

    Fox: Vatican 13th Division. Special Operations Organization, Iscariot.

    Christhor: That's right, you Hellsing lapdogs. So, you're the miserable, Laurence_Fox? The one who sides with humans even though he's a vampire. Hunter of monsters. Hellsing's trash-man.

    Fox: What did you do with the vampire here?

    Christhor: I've dealt with him. He was a piddling two bit small timer. I didn't even have time for fun.

    The two walk toward each other. Stopping only when their paths crossed.

    Christhor: You two are the only ones left.

    Fox: Is that so? Perhaps I can have some fun tonight after all.

    Christhor brings his bayonets to bare. Fox seems to block with his gun but both bayonets pierce his collarbone. That's when he lifts the gun, shooting between Christhor's eyes. Fox then pulls the bayonets from his flesh.

    Fox: You're a brave Father to pick a fight with a vampire. And to do it head on even though it's night. You didn't even try to catch me by surprise. But you're a fool.

    Misty: Master?

    Fox: Don't talk. You've been stabbed with a holy bayonet. Recovering under your own power will…He's caught off by the realization that Christhor might not be as defeated as earlier thought. The bayonets that pierce Fox's chest(but not the heart) are testament to that. Fox springs forward and flips to shoot upside down in Christhor's direction. Christhor eventually gets Fox pinned to the wall by bayonets through his palms. The holes left by Fox's bullets start to close in Christhor's body.

    Fox: Regenerator…

    Christhor: That's right. Our race was engineered and manufactured in order to fight you creatures.

    A multitude of bayonets pierce Fox's body, further pinning him to the wall and breaking the window panes behind him. And then with one more strike, Christhor cuts off Fox's head.

    Misty: Master!

    Christhor starts laughing in victory as the helicopter bearing Oerba approaches.

    Oerba: Hurry. Knowing Iscariot… No, knowing Fox, it's already started.

    Christhor: This thing is Hellsing's trump card? The best vampire they've raised? You must be kidding me! He's complete joke. These Protestants can't do anything right. He looks behind him and notices the girl is missing. Along with Fox's head. Oh…she's still able to move after all that damage. It seems I may I have taken the Draculina too lightly.

    Misty moves along, supporting herself with the wall. She pulls the last bayonet out of her back. She's cradling Fox's head in one arm.

    Misty: Master… You're terrible. Dragging me into this and then leaving me. I can't believe this is happening.

    A bayonet strikes to pin the head against the wall.

    Christhor: Where do you think you're going? There's no place to run. Dust to dust. You are nothing more than dust and to dust you shall return.

    Misty: I have to run. I have to get out of here and tell Oerba! She reaches the window yet feels her hand repelled by the barrier.

    Christhor: That's a spiritual barrier, little girl. It's impossible for you Midians to cross it. Now be quiet and let me kill you, you monster.

    Fox: This is no time to lose your head, Staff Girl.

    Misty: Master? Then Fox's head starts to melt. The blood spelling out letters.

    Fox: Drink my blood, Staff Girl, and you will not be a vampire who's treated like a slave. You will truly be one of our kind. You will drink blood wisely and stroll the night on your feet. Be the eternal, No Life King. Drink my blood, Staff Girl. No, Misty.

    Christhor: Looms over Misty breaking the telepathic connection. It's over.

    Shots ring out, breaking Christhor's bayonets.

    Oerba: That girl belongs to us. What do you think you're doing, Iscariot Paladin Black Plague?

    Christhor: Director Oerba. To what do I owe the honor of having the Director herself appear?

    Oerba: Father Christhor, this is a serious breach of our agreement. This place is supposed to be under our control. Withdraw immediately. If you don't, you'll cause a crisis between us and the Vatican.

    Christhor: Withdraw? Did you say withdraw? We'd never retreat from Protestants. He then takes out Oerba's two bodyguards and then turns on Oerba, only for his bayonet to be blocked by her sword.

    Oerba: You're the ultimate in bio-engineered regeneration as well as healing? You monster.

    Christhor: You're all too weak. Every one of you. I chopped he head off that garbage man you're so proud of. I decapitated him.

    Oerba: Oh, is that all? You chopped off his head. That's step one. What about two through thirteen?

    Christhor: You're joking.

    Misty: Having found a gun, now aims it right at Christhor. Take your hands off of Director Oerba, you monster!

    Oerba: You don't have a chance, Father Christhor. I'd back off quietly if I were you.

    Christhor: What are you talking about? I'm just about to finish you all off.

    Oerba: Then you'd better make it quick. Because if you don't, that person you decapitated is going to come back to life.

    Elsewhere, Fox's headless body is turning into bats and one hovers just above Misty's head.

    Fox: You didn't drink it did you, you fool? And just then, an entire flock of bats breaks through the window.

    Oerba: You cut off his head? You pierced his heart? Don't put him in the same class as those other vampires. Those things won't kill him. Just as you are the culmination of anti-vampire technology, he is our greatest creation which took the Hellsing family 100 years to create. The vampire, Laurence_Fox.

    By now, the bats have all reformed into the shape that is most familiar to them.

    Misty: Master!

    Fox charges at Christhor, losing two arms in the process but he simply regenerates them.

    Oerba: Now you understand. What will you do, Christhor?

    Christhor: I see. I am not prepared to kill him as I am now. He places his hand on a bible and withdraws. Taking his barriers with him.

    Oerba: Are you alright, Fox?

    Fox: Yeah, it's been awhile since my head was plucked off. So that was Father Christhor from Iscariot?

    Oerba: That it was. The Vatican owes us big time for this one. However, they're not the ones we're fighting now. There's a large scale organization working in the shadows.

    Fox: It's the Nazis' isn't it? As if he knows something she doesn't.

    Oerba: ...Remind me to tell Forsaken to limit your access to the History Channel when we get back.

    Fox: Then give me the order. Tell me to wipe them out. Tell me to turn them into dirt. That's what you should do, my Master, Oerba Yun Fang.

    Oerba: When the time comes, I will.

    Fox: Really. It will be my pleasure. Hey, Staff Girl, why didn't you drink my blood? …Why didn't you drink it?

    Misty: I…I'm not sure. But I felt like if I drank your blood it would be the end of something.

    Fox: …You nitwit. And then he turns. But perhaps that's alright. Maybe it's okay to have someone like you that's scared to walk the night. Just keep taking baby steps for as long as you need to.

    Oerba: Why did you make the Staff Girl one of your kind?

    Fox: Why indeed. As a bit of entertainment? A spot of fun? A passing fancy? No, it's none of those things. Perhaps your human capriciousness has rubbed off on me. After spending so much time with you people. Come on, Staff girl. Don't dawdle.

    Misty: Y-yes, Master. But my name's not Staff girl. It's Misty.

    Fox: Shut up, you coward. You're Staff Girl. "Staff Girl" will do just fine.

    Misty: …You're so mean.

    Oerba: Or perhaps you could call it a "No-Life-King's sentimentality. No, a "Count's".

    Cut to black

    Rat: Ladies and gentlemen, let's carry on with the plans for war. For the next war. For the war after next war.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Nov 15, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Laurence_Fox
    Hi kids.

    KHV Hellsing Ultimate

    The Cast

    Alucard - Laurence_Fox
    Sir Integra Fairbook Wingates Hellsing- Oerba Yun Fang (Kitty)
    Seras Victoria - Misty
    Walter C. Dornez - Forsaken
    Abraham Van Hellsing - Deathspank
    Pip Bernadotte - Zeonark

    Enrico Maxwell - libregkd
    Alexander Anderson - Black Plague(Christhor)
    Yumiko Takagi - DPWolf
    Heinkel Wolfe - Chevalier

    The Major - The Genius Sex Poet(Rat)
    The Doktor/"Dok"- Ace Sukebe
    The Captain - Roxasvsriku
    Zorin Blitz - Mish
    Rip Van Winkle - Ienzo
    Schrodinger - What?
    Tubelcain Alhambra - Trigger
    Luke Valentine - Mixt
    Jan Valentine - Wolf Haley

    Round Table
    Sir Penwood - DarkAndroid
    Arthur Hellsing - Cin
    Sir Irons - Darkwatch

    Leif - Mike
    Jessica - Rosey
    Chedder Vampire - NPC
    The Queen - NPC
    The Pope - NPC

    * I will be following the OVA/Ultimate episodes. [With my own spin while remaining loyal to the source material.]
    * Very, very, very minor characters such as the Queen MAY be assigned to a forum member but at this point they are at NPC status.
    * Yes, I gave myself the part of the [IMO] badass. Deal with it.
    * When I post the first Installment, the cast is final.
    * Of course, Hellsing is a blood and gore fest, I will not go into profound detail. And any cursing will be censored by KHV's censor system, I will not bypass it.
    * All installments will be posted in the Spam Zone. Personal preference.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Nov 14, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Laurence_Fox


    It's been quite a long time since I wrote a story that was KHV based. Dear What? has inspired me to do so again. The last story I wrote was either Metal Gear KHV: Twin Cynics or Apt KH-Vids.

    I have sort of a rough idea in mind.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Nov 13, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Laurence_Fox
    What it says on the tin. Post the last 20 stalkers people to visit your profile.

    Itaru "Daru" Hashida+
    Midnight Star
    Noctis Lucis Caelum
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Nov 12, 2011, 54 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Laurence_Fox

    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Oct 13, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Laurence_Fox
    Umbrella Inc.

    You might know them as this pharmaceutical company that claims to be able to cure diseases. You probably all know people who work for the company. Family. Friends. Neighbors. Probably half the world works for them.

    Nothing out of the ordinary right? Umbrella provides jobs. They pay money to their workers. They provide transportation to their employees. You probably don't think twice when you see their logo plastered all over that allergy medication or those pain killers.

    Well, there are some things you don't know about Umbrella. I could be putting my very life at risk--

    ...Sorry about that. This location is secure but...they could be tracing my location right now. So I have to make this quick. Before I really am found out.

    What you know about Umbrella and the people who work for them is WRONG. Sure, some might not know what their superiors are doing but the higher ups...there's something there.

    ...I'll have to continue this later. But believe me when I tell you that Umbrella is lying to you.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 27, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Laurence_Fox
    R.E.M has broken up.

    The world is a little bit darker now.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 23, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Laurence_Fox
    [And this is what you guys do?]
    Pffft. I should know better by now.

    You crazy kids and your shenanigans.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Sep 17, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Laurence_Fox

    The 'R-word'.

    Alright people, considering I've seen a few instances of this from people on this very forum directed at other people, I'd like this to come to an end.

    What is the 'R-word' you ask? That word is '******ed' and it is used to imply that a person or an idea that a person has is stupid. However this word has a history to it that is not at all kosher. In fact, today this word is being used as an offensive slur.

    As some of you may or not know, I had a mild form of epilepsy when I was younger. Was on an anti-seizure medication at least until 5th grade. However, I was not dumb by any means yet I was called '******ed' by my classmates. All because I had absence seizures that I could not control. And it hurt a lot. I felt alienated and perhaps this was the source of my anger issues that I've mentioned before.

    Ideally, I would like this word not used at all. But please, keep in mind that people with intellectual disabilities and physical disabilities are people with feelings.


    Discuss civilly.
    Thread by: Laurence_Fox, Aug 22, 2011, 31 replies, in forum: Discussion