I remembered seeing this on Yahoo news and just had to repost it here for you all to read. So...was Moses high when he was on Sinai?
Hi. :3 How's it goin'?
Totally deja vu. Wait...can you have deja vu a third time?
Okay so I peruse fanficrants which is a treasure trove of rantings about badly written or parts of fanfiction that cause WTF moments in readers. So I'm reading through this when I come across a rant about a Doctor Who fic that near caused me to have soda spewed onto my computer screen. Because my hyperactive imagination can picture the following quite nicely. That's a special mental image right there.
And no I'm not promoting alcoholism. Just laziness.
Reach out and touch faith Your own Personal Jesus Someone to hear your prayers Someone who cares Your own Personal Jesus Someone to hear your prayers Someone who's there Feeling's unknown and you're all alone Flesh and bone by the telephone Lift up the receiver I'll make you believer Take second best Put me to the test Things on your chest You need to confess I will deliver You know I'm a forgiver Reach out and touch faith Your own Personal Jesus Feeling's unknown and you're all alone Flesh and bone by the telephone Lift up the receiver I'll make you believer I will deliver You know I'm a forgiver Reach out and touch faith Your own Personal Jesus Reach out and touch faith
Did you know there's an actor with the same name as me? GET OUT! I so did not know. :3 lol this is so funny.
I was surprised the guy didn't have one yet. So I decided to make one. Who wants in? :3
Okay so before we begin, I want to say that this thread is not meant to flame. It's more of the fact that some of them I have seen have made me go 'HUH?!' as I try to imagine the ways that the crossovers could work. Since this site is KH based I will mainly keep in mind the KH storyline. Yes, Sora can travel to various disney related worlds so anything that Disney had made, and possibly worlds that Squeenix has created. Personally I would love to see Sora and company show up in Midgar someday. Anyway, outside of the Disney and SE worlds you kind of have to sit back and imagine a kid with big shoes wielding a giant key, a talking dog, and a talking duck would work in that setting. Take for instance Harry Potter. It can work. Since magic exists in both worlds. There are instances of a shadow organization in both( Death Eaters and Organization XIII) . And an epic struggle for Good vs Evil also exists in both. (Harry and co. vs Voldemort and co. and Sora and co. vs. various baddies). It can work if done well. Also in Harry Potter, there is a good deal of talking animals such as spiders. I don't think a talking duck and talking dog would look too out of place. And some of those Death Eaters would make great Heartless and/or Nobodies. Come on, imagine Bellatrix Lestrange as a Heartless. She's almost there around the 5th book. xD And Lucius Malfoy as a Nobody? Another instance of a good crossover: Jak and Daxter/Kingdom Hearts. Well think about it. Eco is almost magic and I can just imagine the tutorial Samos gives Sora on the use of Eco. The first game was at least kid friendly and if your friend is turned into an Ottsel I don't think a talking dog and duck is going to be too strange. Jak might give them funny looks but wouldn't consider it too odd. Sure odd in the out of the ordinary sense but I would think the giant key might throw him off more. And how about Spyro? Magic is all over the place in that world. Animals talk. It's PERFECT. Also the Zelda universe would be perfect. Magic all over the place. And can you imagine having Link in your party fighting against...whatever enemy would be there. The Twili were sort of like Heartless. And what's an instance of a crossover that's one of those WTF? worthy ones? Well just think a moment...it can't be that hard. Let's look at Resident Evil/Kingdom Hearts. I realize that the Good vs. Evil element exists in both of these games. However, can you imagine Sora, Donald, and Goofy in infected Raccoon City battling zombies and BioOrganic Weapons such as Nemesis with a giant key, a shield, and essentially a stick? Nemesis likes using a rocket launcher. Magic doesn't exist in Resident Evil so this crossover better not be appearing unless you have a pretty darned good explanation for it to happen. Although I can imagine Wesker having a good laugh at Sora before beating him senseless. :3 Okay another example where this wouldn't work, how about Metal Gear Solid? I know it's a great game series and Snake uses some pretty ridiculous things that even MacGuyver would shake his head at. I mean using a cardboard box to escape detection? I can't see Sora, Donald, and Goofy in that world let alone imagine why they would be there. Yes there is Good vs. Evil but magic does not exist...at all. You can make some arguments here and there ie Fortune but there was a logical explanation for that. Kojima is almost ****-retentive in making sure there's logical explanations for everything. One final example that wouldn't work is SG-1. Now I have read some FF7/SG-1 crossovers that actually had a logical explanation to it. Something about randomly dialing in Gaia and Sephiroth sort of crashing through the iris of the Stargate. Blahblahblah. Anyway, aside from a few worlds, magic largely doesn't exist. The Gao'uld could be considered as the villains for the most part, aside from Replicators and the like. I just can't see Sora, Donald, and Goofy there. Again, this isn't meant to flame anyone. Please don't interpret this little guide as that. I'd just like a little logic in your crossovers. Is that so wrong? ;; PS: If Staff would like to move this. Feel free.
There's been a most beloved theme song from a most beloved show from my childhood tossed around in the Spam Zone today. My childhood was great but some things are better left as a memory. Rattails, skorts, among many others. They need to be forgotten. Or at least not something you bombard people with. I've said my piece. kthnxbai
Part 1 Part 2 A few hours later, Fox called for everyone to be seated. She seats herself at the head of the table and everyone follows suit. Forsaken on Fox's left and Sara on Fox's right. Fox: I do hope everyone enjoys the dinner. It's one of my favorites. It was then one of Fox's in-home help came out with a silver platter covered. She placed it on the table and uncovered it revealing roast duck. DA: *Screams out in horror.* Lisbeth! Is that you? Say something? Fox: Is something wrong DA? *She asks concerned. Forsaken: *Leans into explain.* He thinks it's his imaginary friend. Fox: Don't worry, DA. For one thing this duck was male and I purchased it yesterday. It's not your friend. DA: *Leans in close to examine the golden bird.* It's not 'Lisbeth. Two other platters were brought out with mashed potatoes and a vegetable medley. People are mainly quiet while they eat to enjoy the meal. Vivi: I wish it had been pizza but this duck ain't so bad. What's the seasoning on this Fox? Fox: Lemon and cracked pepper with a hint of rosemary. My cook has outdone himself this time. Split: So you don't cook yourself? Fox: *Laughs* Most I can cook are things that involve a microwave or a toaster. Best to leave things up to the professionals. Sara turned to look at SA, who nodded. Sara then turned to Fox. Sara: Fox, I respect you as a member of the forum for the work you've done. I've had nothing but good reports from you from Kitty and the rest. Even from Darky and Cin from when they were Admins. Fox: Is there a point to this? Either you're promoting me or banning me. Sara: Right. Well these murders going on under your roof. We'd like your help in organizing an investigation into them. You know this house better than any of us and the people who come and go from it. *Sora*: I agree. I don't exactly feel safe sleeping in a house with a crazed killer. Fox: *Appears to think before she stands to get everyone's attention. Sara has asked of me to organize an investigation into the murders of Angel and iPraise. I am perplexed by these occurances and why it's under my roof. Darky: Indian burial ground? Cin: Aliens? The two are promptly 'shushed' by Kitty and SA by means of the ladies shoving a roll into the males' mouths. Kitty: Continue, Mulder. Fox: This night we will not sleep until we get to the bottom of the murders. I have my cell phone on should the authorities call me with any developments but until then I feel that we can gather some evidence ourselves. Kitty: Just like Scooby-Doo. Vivi: Only this time it's ****ing reality. Kitty: And? We'll triumph just like Link! Vivi: Jesus Christ... Mish: *Clamps a hand over Vivi's mouth.* Not that name in SJ and Fox's hearing! Forsaken: We don't have time for religious debates. Fox, I'd be happy to take a few of the members. We'd cover more ground if we split up. Fox: Good idea. Myself, Forsaken, and Sara will each take a few members to investigate the house and the grounds. I wish you good luck and both of you have a way we can keep in contact should you find anything? The three exchance numbers for their cell phones. Fox: I'll take *Sora*, Darky, SA, Orange, and Vivi with me. Sara: I'll take Cin, SJ, Split, GX, and Mish. Forsaken: And I'll take whoever is left. Kitty: Hi Jobby. Forsaken: Crap. CtR: You also get me and Rosey with you. Forsaken: Yay! A barrier. Vivi: At least she won't be trying to hug me. CtR: Shnookums! Vivi: *Hides behind Fox* Keep her away from me. Hugs are kryptonite to me. They detract from my image. Fox: Alright, we'll continue on our seperate ways. I'll take my group to the basement. Forsaken, you take this floor and Sara will take the upstairs. We'll meet here at dawn. And so the three groups went their seperate ways into Fox's grande house. Will they get to the bottom of the mystery?
Please shoot me. I have 4 more hours of this class. xx;
I love randomly browsing art sites and coming across these little gems.
One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all Go ask Alice When she’s ten feet tall And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall Tell them a hookah smoking caterpillar has given you the call Call Alice When she was just small When the men on the chess board get up and tell you where to go And you just had some kind of mushroom And your mind is moving slow Go ask Alice I think she'll know When logic and proportion Have fallen sloppy dead And the white knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's "Off with her head!" Remember what the dormouse said Feed your head Feed your head
Part 1 When last we left the group, Fox had just been informed that there was a murderer in her house. Normally people would have freaked under these situations but Fox seemed to handle the situation quite well. Sara: So Fox, you seemed to handle things well? Fox: If I panic, then my guests will panic. And I really do not want a riot under my roof. Are we clear? Sara: *Blinks*And why aren't you staff yet? Fox: *Shrugs* You tell me. The conversation is interrupted by Vivi and Kitty fighting over the Wii. Vivi: You've been on it for near an hour, woman! Kitty: No one will come between me and my love. Vivi: Your love is an elf boy in a video game with a girlfriend. And he also turns into a wolf. Kitty: Darn that hussy Zelda. At that moment, in the drive up to the house, another car is pulled up. Out comes *Sora*, Cin, Darky, and Xaldin. Darky: Thanks for making us late, Cin. Cin: How many times does Count Chocula appear at a grocery store? *Sora*: Cin, that was a cardboard cutout. Xaldin: Forget that. I've never seen pizzas so small. And those doors that open by themselves. It's like they know you're coming. Darky: Riiiiight. I wonder if the party's started yet. I don't know much about Fox but she seems like a decent enough member. Cute with some brains to her. Good enough for me. The four approach the house and knock four times using the heavy brass knocker. *Sora*: Anyone else reminded of a bad horror movie here? The door opens to Fox herself. Fox: Glad you could make it. There should still be a few more stragglers but that is to be expected. Come in, come in. There's horderves and punch if you're hungry. She steps back from the door to allow the four in before she goes back to mingle amongst the others. Forsaken: So you guys missed the excitement? *Sora*: Yeah we would have been here but Cin insisted on a side trip. Cin: It was Count Chocula man! Forsaken: ... Anyway, Angel's body was found upstairs with its head missing. Fox might be harboring an insane killer under her roof. SA: Don't make up things, Forsaken. We don't know if she's harboring anyone yet. Forsaken: Yet being the key word. SA: You've known Fox as long as the rest of us, Forsaken. Does she seem like the type to harbor insane killers? Forsaken: Is this a rhetorical question? SA: Well...we can't exactly accuse her without evidence. Just then a horrified scream comes from the kitchen. Fox and a few others run in. Finding DA up on the center island. Fox: Goddamnit, DA, I didn't know you could scream so girly. SJ: I wish I had that recorded. What caused it? DA points to what looks like a large chest freezer. Fox evidently hated going to grocery stores more than she needed to. Vivi approaches the freezer and lifts up the lid. Vivi: It's a body with its head missing. Fox approaches as well attempting to maneuver the frozen corpse to look for identification. SJ: It looks like...ipraise. No wait...it is Ipraise the shirt gives it away. Who else would wear a shirt that says: 'God is always right.'? Fox: Oh dear, all these bodies of members showing up on this night of all nights. Tarnishes the spirit of the evening. And Ipraise was such a good member to debate with. Fox then relays another message in German to have the body taken care of. Vivi: Where are you sending these bodies? Fox: To the police of course. Perhaps we'll be able to figure out how they died and probably who killed them. SJ: Why the German? Fox: *Shrugs*How they know it's me without me having to actually tell them my name. Now then, dinner shall be served in two hours time. Hopefully nothing else goes wrong before then. Someone get DA off the counter? Vivi and SJ sort of pull the protesting DA off the counter and drag him out of the kitchen with Fox close behind. GX: What was the scream for? SJ: DA found another body in the kitchen. It was Ipraise this time. You know I never liked him. Always posting his nonsense Catholic gibberish about how fossils were hoaxes and God created everything in 6 days time. You know those damn Christians and their beliefs. And the rant continued for a good ten minutes after that before SJ was through. SJ: Ah, that feels better. Sara, SA, and Kitty were sitting in one area letting Forsaken have the Wii for awhile. Sara: Well this clears Fox of any suspicions right, SA? Kitty: Right. She was out here when the body was found. SA: True. But the body was frozen. It could have been killed weeks ago or last night. And we know how Fox felt about Ipraise. Sara: True. But I don't think she would have killed him. There's a line between hating and killing out of hate. I don't see Fox as crossing that line. Kitty: I heard a story once about a wee lad. His father abused him, every single day and the mother indulged the lad, spoiled him rotten. The lad loved his mother hated his father. When the mother died suddenly, the lad didn't cry, not one tear. But when the father died, the wee lad was inconsolable couldn't be comforted by anyone. SA: And the point is? Kitty: Point being Fox wouldn't remove what she hates. She wouldn't have reason to be otherwise. SA: That's a...good point. Kitty: I'm not all swords and elf boys in tights you know. I have my moments. Sara: I think we should get Fox's help into investigating what is going on here. I'll propose it to her at dinner tonight. End Part 2
So I'm kinda taking a little break from Spam Eater. I kinda lost the drive to continue it. When it comes back I'll so contiue it but for the moment I want to just do a random KHV story. One that isn't really based on a Metal Gear Solid story. xD I have gotten into Final Fantasy and as much as I'd like doing a KHV based version of FF7...it's not likely to happen. Though I may figure out one based on Advent Children. We'll see... Anyway...here's the story. .~+~. A select group of members from a certain forum we all and love have gathered in a exquisite mansion(why a mansion? Because I'm taking writer's freedom here. Deal with it.) for a lovely little shindig thrown by none other than Laurence_Fox. GX: Wow, Fox's crib is tizzight! Chickie must have some serious green. Orange: Course the rumor is she paid for this house in the blood of her enemies. GX: So she's got some serious street cred too? *I think I'm eying the wrong girls.* Orange: -Shrugs- Maybe. Another group are settled on a group of leather couches in front of a flat screen tv playing Zelda on the Wii. Kitty: Oh Link, forget Zelda. Take me away to Hyrule! Forsaken: You do know this is a game right? Kitty: Don't squash the dreams of a young lass, Jobby! Forsaken: ... Yes Ma'am. Vivi: So where is Fox anyway? You'd think being hostess she'd be here by now. Forsaken: Maybe she likes being fashionably late? She seems like that kind of person. Vivi: I don't know. Something doesn't feel right here. Get up off the couch for a minute. Both Vivi and Forsaken stand and lift up the couch coushins finding LA SOFA. Vivi: Well no wonder it felt lumpy. What the hell you doing in the couch? La Sofa: I don't get it. Forsaken: Better get out of here before Fox finds out you're here. Vivi: *That might be fun to witness.* I'm sure Fox would be overjoyed to see Sofa. Is ipraise here too? Kitty: He was here before. Think he's in the kitchen. In the kitchen of the mansion, Split, VGN, DA, and SJ are checking out what Fox has for munchies but mostly in the way of booze. SJ: Schnapps, red wine red wine red wine. Man, I thought Fox would have something hard in here. Split: Nah, Fox is a classy girl. Imagine this red wine is for all the parties she throws for the other well-to-does in this town. DA: Hey Lisbeth found chocolates. Holy ****, German chocolates? SJ: Well...she does claim to be a Nazi. Some German pride or Nationalism or some other crap. She's told me a few times but I think I was drunk. VGN: Would explain all the pictures of Hitler and Nazi officials she has all over the place. She'd look hot in a Nazi uniform. Course the other three(four?) have stopped to stare at him by this point. VGN: What? A guy can have his fantasies. Meanwhile back in the batcave...er in Fox's chambers. The lady swipes a card in a splot before a section of the wall opens into a secret control room. She seats herself in a chair before a bank of computer screens. Fox: I think we'll see what all is going on before I make my entrance. Oh my, there seems to be some rabble amongst my guests. Oh well, no matter. They'll be disposed of before the night is through. This game might be rather interesting after all. In another part of the house, there would roam WA-...StupidAquarius, Mish, Sara, Madi, and Rosey, who had gotten bored since Kitty was hogging the Wii and had decided to go exploring. Rosey: I never knew Fox was this well off in life. How'd she get so rich? Mish: Nazi gold willed down to her through her family? Madi: She killed people using the Death Note and took their money? Sara: *sips tea* Who knows? SA: Where'd you get the tea? Sara: It's my thing. Like the avatar I never changed. Madi: And when you did change it people had heart attacks. Like in Death Note. Rosey: Ye-ah. Hey what's in here? *She pushes open a set of double doors into a room with a crapload of books. SA: *Whistles* That's a...lotta books. She has her own damn library? Wonder if she's got any porn. Sara: *Eyes* Has to be worksafe porn. SA: Oh fine. Madi finds a large book bound in a hard cover. Madi: Hey guys, it looks like a family registry. Wow, look at all these German names. Hey Mish, looks like you weren't too far off. Mish: I...what? Sara leans randomly against a wall when a panel behind her compresses into the wall causing a panel of dark wood to slide down causing a body to slide lifelessly to the floor. The girl's scream mostly in horror but Madi yells out 'KIRA!'. SA: Wait a minute...I think I know that member. Oh god it's Angel. Mish: How can you tell? The head is missing. Sara: *lifts up the corpse's arm reveling the identification number, username, and some odd words in German tattooed on.* It says it's Angel right here. My German's rusty but isn't 'Engel' translated to 'Angel'? SA: I think so. We have to find out who is doing this and then inform Fox there's a murderer loose in her house. But first we have to find her first. Sara: Maybe she's downstairs by now? Back downstairs, Kitty, Vivi, and Forsaken have been joined by CtR. Who was trying to still get that hug from Vivi. Vivi: Damn it woman I am not your ****ing Snookums! CtR: Oh you're so adorable when you swear. Kitty: Guys could you keep it down. Fishing takes a lot of concentration. Forsaken: Then why aren't you in first person mode? You're staring at his ass aren't you? Kitty: NO! ...Maybe. SA and the other girls come running down the grand staircase just as SJ and the others have emerged from the kitchen. DA complaining of eating too much chocolate. SA: Guys, we found what we think is Angel upstairs. She's been murdered and her body was mutilated. Orange: Mutilated. You don't mean... GX: I am not down with necrophicizzles in the hizzy. SA: No, her head was missing. We didn't see what else was done. I think Fox has a murderer lose in her house. Someone has to tell her. Fox: Tell me what? She had apparently come down just as SA was saying that bit. Mish: Frenchie here thinks there's a crazed killer hiding somewhere in your house. Fox: There haven't been any crazed killers in this house for years. I'm sure it was just an overgrown rat. I'll have it disposed off immediately. And Fox delved into German to communicate over a small walkie talkie she had removed from her belt. Once the request had been put into place, she returns it. Fox: Now then, I hope we are enjoying ourselves tonight? Sure to be exciting having you all here with me. End Part 1