So when a world is overcome by the heartless and is destroyed because they 'nom the heart the people who are unlucky also get 'nomed and the lucky ones end up in Traverse Town. Amirite so far? Because the antogonists of the original Kingdom Hearts game were being so badass and dominating each world one by one without much resistance due to most locals not understanding what was going on and only Mickey working by himself to fight back the heartless a lot of worlds were destroyed by the heartless... And then Sora came along and took out each of the members of the group that wanted to rule the heartless and Kingdom Hearts itself. Because the emblem heartless didn't get any new orders for a while due to the group being disbanded, Pete being Pete and Maleficent being out of action the the worlds began to come back (either by the passageways between them being unclogged or restoring themselves). I've understood this whole thing correctly, right? If so, How do the survivors who ended up in Traverse Town get back to their homes? E.g. Mushu or Simba
I need an "Old School Disney Character" to dress up as for a party. Should I go as Yen Sid? Or some other character?
[Milhouse here. Can I be a fad?]
Please watch your step as you enter the mind of some randoma
What do I do?
So we each name one thing we deem impossible after one another. However there's a catch. You can't contribute to two out of 3 impossible things in a row. (If a,b and c are people a's post, b's post then a's post is not acceptable. But a's post, c's post and then b's post is.) I'll start. #1: This thread getting up to the limit of posts per thread.
I just sculled 3/4 of a litre of water.... What do you get headrushes from?
:lolface: I keep getting ninja'd so I consider that pretty active But there's about 3 new threads from the last hour.. What is wrong?
Write down the number of days in a week you visit KHV Double it Add 5 Multiply by 50 If you have had your birthday this year add 1760, if not add 1759 Subtract the year you were born in You should have a 3 digit number The last two digits are your age... I betcha can't figure out how it works...
Ok, my MS Paint adventure Roxas edition is dead because (from my perspective): KS hasn't replied. Roxas is a bad character to puzzel solve with I suck at the story If I make a new MS paint adventure who should the character be?
It's going to be hot.
[Parties that have a theme are good fun. For those who want to dress up they can dress up. For those who want to laugh at the fools who dress up they can laugh at the fools who dress up. There are many different party themes to pick from if you do decide to do a party theme. Themes exist such as Mardis Gras, Formal, Jungle... too many to name! So my question to you KHV is:] What is your favourite theme for a party? [Mine would have to be formal, because people make a real effort to look nice and efficent :D Bonus Question: What is your least favourite theme for a party?]
Hi KHV do you like folk songs? I know I do! Here's my favourite album: What's your favourite folk song of all time? Mine would have to be Moo Cow :)
K i want to try running one of those MS paint adventure things.. if you don't know how to play you'll catch on soon. You are Roxas You are standing in your room in Twilight Town.
Injuries. We all get them from time to time. Some of us get them more frequently then others. The rest of us... well not so much. However all of us have been at some point. So by your memory what would be your most painful memory? Pain can exist emotionally too... You don't have to share, you can come and cringe at the painful stories or laugh if you want... For me, it would have to be: Age: 17 I was jumping on a trampoline and I was "double bounced", due to physics (every action must have an equal and opposite reaction) I was bounced really high. The problem was that the way I bounced off was off the trampoline, onto the ground where the top of the back of my pelvis hit a metal pipe that was in the grass. that or, Age: 14 Being on a youth camp with some other people. A scavenger hunt was going on and one of the things on the list was "Something unusual". We saw a tractor tyre lying in the grass. We decided to roll the wheel back to the camp. On the way there the tyre fell over on top of me. My pelvis was crushed from the front by the tyre. On top of that I was compressed into the wet earth and my tailbone was bruised heavily on rocks. tl;dr: The most pain for me comes from my pelvis.
[K its one of those threads where you complete the You know... when... sentantance. You know the rules and if you don't then learn them. I'll start:] You go to swing your arm out to make your alarm shut up but instead you fall out of bed and wonder what the hell is going on for the next minute.
I liek you. You're Beautiful c; [This message has been brought to you by GMH]
Amy never gets her TARDIS key in the whole 5th series. Have other companions lasted a whole season without one before?