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  1. water mage
    "Really? That's some good advice," He walked with her through out the castle. "Care to share anything else? I mean if you want to. It's your choice after all," the melodious nocturne shrugged not wanting to pressure her into anything she felt uncomfortable with.
    Post by: water mage, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. water mage
  3. water mage
  4. water mage
  5. water mage
  6. water mage
  7. water mage
  8. water mage
    Kaoru took the list from his older's brother's hand and traced his finger down it in case there were any questions that arose. "Hikaru, your plan sounds fool proof, but there may be a few things that need to be addressed. Driving our parents' cars and being in disguise is one thing that concerns me. How would we get out of the mansion without anyone seeing us let alone one of the cars leaving and what kind of disguise would we be wearing?" He leaned back int the plush interior of the seat.

    Hikaru had a feeling his brother would point out the obvious, but it was a good thing too. He didn't want to get caught setting his plan in motion. "Well Kaoru, we would make sure our parents weren't home at the time, we would practice after school and the host club and on the later half of Saturday and all day Sunday. We would also be aware of the schedules of the guards and preoccupy them with a distraction so we can drive the car off the property without them knowing. As for disguises, the only alterntive way to pull this off without our cover being blown is dressing up as ninjas." He took a pen from his bag and began doodling on a piece of paper of the image he was protraying.

    Kaoru shifted in his seat and grinned nervously. "Ninjas huh? No one will be able to tell its us all right. How would we distract the guards? We'll have to turn off the security system some how?" He took the pen from his brother and drew a rough blue print of their home.

    "The smoke bomb cover will have to work. If we have to Kaoru we may have to hire a ninja if you would feel more comfortable with that. He would be able to do what needs to be done and teach us the techniques in case we need them when we're disguised."

    "That would be easier than doing it ourselves. He would be able to get us out of our home no problem and then he could help us in any other way." Kaoru scanned the screen on his cell phone looking through the database places that hired ninjas. "I want someone experienced and young of course. We've got to meet this guy in person before we give him the job."

    "Of course Kaoru. So we'll hire a ninja, learn to drive, get our driver's license, check out the black market to get our ids changed to 18, fly to America, take and pass the tests and then come back and get a motorcycle and car. Does that make sense?"

    Kaoru was silent for a moment, but the thought of their parents not knowing anything what they planned to do was nerve wrecking to him. "How will we fool our parents? Just say we want to go to America for a short time over the summer and then come back? Plus where in America would we be flying to?" Kaoru was full of questions that were waiting to be answered.

    Hikaru patted his brother's back to ease his concerns. "We won't be the only ones going to America. We'll have the boss and everyone from the host club come to so it won't look suspicious. Our ninja can pose as a guard or extra help so no one will suspect him of anything. We can even invite the new girl Hiromi too. As for the place, beautiful Southern California like Hollywood and then onto sunny Miami. We have to convince them that we'll be sight seeing on the trip.Plus we'll take one of our planes or the private jet to get there."

    "I'm sure mother and father will be fine with us inviting them if they agree for us to go, but how would we get them to come with us? Just say to the boss that we want you guys to come to America with us? We have to have a reason for him and the other wanting to go." Kaoru pointed out.

    "Hmm... You're right. Besides sight seeing we'll say it would be beneifal for the host club to explore the different cultures and learn first hand what American girls like to do for fun. Kyoya would be interested if it meant profiting the host club more with more cliental. So that means, our clients that are interested would be coming on the trip too. And I bet Haruhi and Hiromi have never been out of Japan. This will be a good experience for them."

    "If they do agree then we'll have to talk to the boss about the hotels we'll be staying in. We should meet him with tomorrow and talk to him about it."

    "Good point. Oh and if we have a lot of people coming with us we should hire two ninjas for that extra help and convience." Hikaru wrote some information in his planner.

    "Good idea. We'll need one to get the job done as well as one to get stay with others and pose as an extra. I'm glad we thought this through." Kaoru leaned on his brother's shoulder.

    "Yeah and the vital thing for this whole plan of ours to work is convincing our parents of letting us take the family plane or jet to America for the summer." Hikaru tapped his fingers on the seat knowing that was not going to be an easy task.

    Post by: water mage, Apr 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. water mage
    With his left hand held up high waving at Haruhi as she passed them, the younger twin placed his fingers upon his bag, picking it up by the leather handle in a quick motion. "That sounds like fun. I have some suggestions that may sound appealing." He quickly walked across the grass covered in dew since their ride had pulled up aside from the curb. "But first we need to find out exactly where she lives." Making sure his brother had his bag, they both got into the back of the luxrious bently, the driver closing the door after both of them were seated. "And in order to find that out," Kaoru snapped his seat belt on,"Some changes must be made." Reaching his arm across his brother's waist, he leaned closer to push an intercom button to alert the driver. "You see that person walking down the block. Pull up next to the curb."

    Post by: water mage, Apr 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. water mage
    "Just curious." They both shrugged noting how she was keeping her weight balanced. With the obvious height factor the twins both took note that Haruhi was speaking to them eye level which proved she was respectful and obviously cared at what they had to say. This was a plus in their book.

    Kaoru took one more glance at Hiromi then settled his gaze back on Haruhi "We all lead private lives." His hand traveled to his shirt collar to adjust it before bringing his arm back around his neck.

    "Which makes her no different. You'd be surprised by what you find out about others later on." Hikaru's smile transformed into a slight smirk. "Keep that in mind," he gestured a pointing gesture with his thumb held back like he had an invisable gun in his hand.

    "It's our advice for the day," Kaoru softly spoke with ease and confidence taking his eyes away for a second to scan his surroundings. "One more thing. Don't believe...

    "Everything the boss says about us." Hikaru was a tad annoyed coming up with the reference of their king of the host club from the back of his mind, but kept his slight aggresion concealed in his eyes hidden for the most part. "Go by your own...

    "Speculations and feelings." Kaoru softened the tense moment he was feeling at how his brother came across.

    Hikaru shook his head to clear the blonde from his head. The one whom could blow their secret at any time without warning. "Nothing is worse than to judge others...

    "Without getting to know them first." Indeed that statement was a load of hypocrisy, but everyone else was just as guilty as they were so it didn't seem all that bad at the time.

    Hikaru flashed a warning stare at his brother to drop the subject of judging others, for he could as easy swallow his guilt and pride in one mouthful with what had just transpired. Instead Hikaru received a gaze at the ground from Kaoru letting him know he comprehended the non verbal message. "So anyway," Hikaru placed both of his elbows behind his head, his dainty fingers touching his hair's length at the back of his neck, "glad that everything is working out with Hiromi and you." He intentionally changed the subject not wanting to discuss it anymore.

    Post by: water mage, Mar 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. water mage
    (OOC: Not one of my best posts because I'm tired and I typed this after 12 am.)

    Hues of shades of pinks, blues and purple, reflected from the clouds that were setting in with the tiny particles of light. He caught notice of the young woman's vibrant hair when she froze for a moment before continuing on her way. Pulling out his cell phone from his pocket for what seemed to be like the third time, he texted the driver once more. Dropping his hand by his brother, he leaned close to him to whisper something into his ear. "There has been a change of plans." Surely his brother would know what that meant. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Haruhi who did take his invitation to talk to them after all. Like a moth drawn to flame, his orbs starred at her own. "Is there something on your mind?" His lips formed a smile. Everything was good just as long as Tamaki didn't show up.

    Getting off his elbows, he leaned forward and nodded in approval at his brother's words, but his mind was else where. The stranger who seemed to be a mystery was on his mind and for some reason he felt sorry for her. He wondered how far she walked each day just to get home or if she even had any friends at all? Shaking his head for a moment, his attention was directed at Haruhi as well. Giving her a single wave from his hand, he was distracted by Hiromi. "So Haruhi how is Hiromi as one of your guests I mean?" Perhaps she knew more than what they did.

    Post by: water mage, Mar 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. water mage
    Demyx awaited Xemnas's answer and tried his best not to annoy him with the tapping of his foot. "Um boss did you hear what I said?" He thought of going on his own through the realm. The boss had wanted everyone to go through there, but because of the inncident with Sinder, the misson got put on the back burner. Hopefully everything was now resolved. Edging towards the realm, he took one step in only to feel the emptyness that awaited him.
    Post by: water mage, Mar 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. water mage
    Cloud watched Tifa attempt to fight back. At least she wasn't going to throw in the towel so soon. It would have been suicide otherwise. Making sure he wasn't in the way, he watched from a close distance and kept his hopes up. Maybe one of the members would slip up and she could escape? She made it clear that she didn't want to be helped so he had the task of feeling helpless.

    Demyx observed Roxas ready for battle and also kept his eye on Axel. He knew Axel wanted to do the honors of finishing her off and if the melodious nocturne were to interfere than the other members would have their suspisions about him. He couldn't risk getting on anyone's bad side. All he could do was wait and see what would happen.

    Xigbar waved both of his sharp shooters in the air and gave Axel a smirk. He could always depend on the executioner to finish the job. Now it would be Luxord's call if Axel would be the one to take Tifa's life.
    Post by: water mage, Mar 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. water mage
    With his golden eyes focused on what he was doing, he carefully copied his brother's hand style dotting every i and crossing every t just as he would. They were so identical, even their writing was the same and couldn't be told apart. Fooling the teachers time and time again with the subjects that troubled them was like a game. Hikaru was strong with science and some math, where as Kaoru excelled in the arts and humanties. By helping one of another out with their weaknesses it just meant less time to study and more time for leisure activites. Proof reading the paper, Kaoru blew on the paper so the ink would dry before placing it in his brother's bag.

    Glancing at his cell phone, he sent a text message for the driver to pick his brother and him up. "Oh I bet she would. She never let's us get away with anything in her class, disruptions or poor work ethic. Remember the time she called our home and no one answered? And then she called again and it went right to voice mail? I'm glad we deleted that message. Mother and father would have had a fit if they heard that our grades dropped all because of a stupid test."

    "But at least we got it back up with that report that was half our grade so they never found out. Still, is it allowed for a teacher to hurt a student? I heard in some places like America for example, the teacher could be arrested for causing physical harm," Kaoru leaned up, and hugged his kness. "America never used corporal punishment unlike our country."

    Hikaru gripped his fist just thinking of seeing his brother embarrased in front of the whole class when they were in middle school. The reason; because Kaoru forgot his homework at home. Shaking those memories out of his head, he could only imagine himself being humilated in front of Haruhi if he or his brother did anything to call attention to themselves in the classroom. "Well we can't do anything about it." He rubbed his younger brother's back. Seeing the sad smile on his face, touched his heart as he reached out and caught one of the tears Kaoru shed from his eyes. "I'll make sure something like that never happens again, but in the meantime do you think Haruhi got our message or will she pretend we don't exist?" He kept texting on his cell phone to pass the time, telling the driver to take the scenic route on purpose so that they may get to talk to her.

    Kaoru held his brother's hand and leaned on his shoulder, feeling his warm shoulder against his cheek. His brother was always there for comfort and would keep his promise to him no matter what. "To answer your question I have a feeling she might come if it's in the direction she needs to get home." With his other hand he pulled up some strands of grass and rubbed them between his hands. "If not then we'll see her tomorrow in class." He shrugged after letting the grass slide out of the palms of his hands. "Besides the boss is probably putting on his puppy dog face," he held out his hand in the air and shook the grass residue off his palm.

    "Yeah he would." Hikaru leaned back on his elbows not caring that his school blazer would get dirty or not. "The sooner we got off these grounds the sooner I can change out of these clothes. I feel like going for a dip." His words peaked Kaoru's interest which resulted in his brother laying on his stomach.

    Post by: water mage, Mar 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. water mage
    "Agreed." They nodded thier heads just after Tamkai's announcement that the Host Club was closing for the day. At last the day was over and then there was just one more half day before a day off from school. It was cruel that the japanese school system made students go to school on Saturday, but at least school would be over at noon and then doors to the host club would open. Before then they had to come up with a plan. It was going to be a long afternoon and could slip into the hours of the night. Knowing what they had to do, their steps were almost silent as they passed by Tamaki and Haruhi not even saying a single goodbye. Stopping in thier tracks and looking over their shoulder they witnessed what looked to be harassment. Of course the moron was holding her like a snake constricting its victim and Haruhi did look like she needed help. "Oh please," came the unison reply of exasperated teenagers. Against their better judgement, they helped her out by literally grasping Tamaki by his waist and pulled back making sure they weren't kicked or punched in the process. "You can thank us later. We'll be waiting outside in the courtyard until we're picked up." Their reply was directed at Haruhi. Not waiting for her to answer on the chances of being clobbered by thier king, they left the room in a quick fashion. Passing down the halls, with their school bags tucked underneath one of thier arms, the sun's light basked their faces nearly blinding them once they got into the courtyard. Setting themselves down on the green grass and tossing the bags alongside of them, the twins enjoyed the presence of what nature had to offer while the cool swift breeze blew through their hair.

    Post by: water mage, Mar 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. water mage
    Kaoru thought carefully of how he should respond to his brother's question, his golden eyes never leaving his brother's own. Most of the times he was honest with him, but then there were some things that he kept hidden which was pretending to agree with something when in fact he was against it. No matter what, Kaoru would attempt to keep peace with his older sibling if it meant sacrificing his own thoughts or feelings. In this case, Hikaru's question, however;was a no brainer. "Well I think you and I need to devise something, but not here. Someone could overhear us. We'll be away from the others when we're home and alone." His right hand touched Hikaru's palm gentely caressing it in a slow forward motion. "The last thing we would need is for some nosy person to find out." With his other hand tapping the edge of the sofa he was sitting on, he was counting down the mintues when they could be alone from everyone's watching eyes and be able to say whatever was on thier mind. Sure, it was nice to hear the girls scream with exhiliration over them when they did their facade of "forbidden brotherly love" but that special bond that his brother and him shared would never go unnoticed or fade away even after they graduated in another three years. Hikaru was his other half, one to whom he would treasure always no matter what anyone said or thought.

    Post by: water mage, Mar 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. water mage
    Demyx was confused as she was. Vexen was just plain creepy. "Who knows?" He commented with a shrug from his shoulders. "All I know is he's the one that attacked me which makes me wonder what in the hell does he have planned?"
    Post by: water mage, Mar 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. water mage
    (OOC: I like it. By the way everyone else is doing such a good job. I'm impressed with the activity here. ^_^ On another note, fire mage will be taking over the role as Hikaru and because of this and the fact that Hikaru and Kaoru are identical twins, the method of power playing meaning controling another character will take place when the twins speak at the same time, when doing something together, or when ever the other twin is needed. In other words fire mage and I will be able to control either of the twins. This is the only exception of power playing. Other characters' this method is not allowed.)

    Both of them rolled their eyes, disgusted at Tamaki's behavior and the fact that he carelessly deserted them when they were trying to warn him of his antics and what fate the club would have if word got out that Haruhi was a she. "Because you know we're right and you can't admit it." Looking at thier watch, the day would soon be ending and perhaps afterwards they could speak to him again. It was useless to talk to him when he was so distracted. Perhaps instead of talk, a course of action was in order. It was time to devise a plan of their own. Giving in for now, the two brothers left the changing area and headed through the doors of Music Room 3. Carelessly sitting on one of the couches they remained bored, not caring who was doing what and not interested in the slightest of Tamaki's mushy bs or any other host club member's interaction with the guests.

    Post by: water mage, Mar 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. water mage
    "And weren't you the one whom gave us the idea of the forbidden brotherly love act in the first place?" They rebuttled back, glaring at him with their hateful eyes. "It would be great for our guests." Yes, they would mock their boss by all means now.

    "What better romance for two brothers to have." Hikaru held both of his hands together, imitating Tamaki.

    "Won't the ladies swoon and squeal over that." Kaoru repeated his older brother's behavior.

    "In other words it's your fault." They both pointed their finger at him making him see the truth in his words. How dare he blame them. In their minds, he was nothing, but a jester that deserved to have pies thrown at him directly in the face. They were so upset that they chose to ignore another one of Tamaki's lame lines saying that he was her daddy.

    Post by: water mage, Mar 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. water mage
    Xigbar laughed as one would who enjoyed torturting someone. "As if." You're not going any where. You still have to play Luxord's game of fate or perhaps you already lost."

    Demya glanced at the senior member and then Cloud whom he could tell was very upset by the way, the hilt of the sword was being gripped so tightly. "Are you sure that's a good idea guys? What did the boss have to say anyway about this?" He attempted to smooth the waters.

    Cloud was not in a mood to be toyed with. Tifa had stated what she wanted, but that didn't mean he didn't want her to die. They had a history together and if something happened he didn't know what he would do?
    Post by: water mage, Mar 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home