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  1. water mage
  2. water mage
    (OOC: I completly understand and will give you a recap so you know what goes on. Thanks for letting me know. Myself or someone else will gladly take over while you're away. ^-^)

    Kaoru had a worried look for his brother before he smiled a bit after his mother's touch. He was relieved to hear the truth and that was one less thing he needed to worry about. A mother's unconditional love for her son was like a taking a breath of fresh air. "Thanks mother that's all I needed to hear." Kaoru's arms wrapped around her waist as a sign of gratiude and love before he pulled away only to look upon his older brother seeing that his mood had not changed. "So is father home yet? If he is you two can eat together. Well you can finish your meal anyway."

    Hikaru was getting tired of the discussion for he was not one to be babied unlike his brother. The oldest had a reputation to uphold as well as his pride. He had let his wall down earlier with his emotional display and now it was time to bring up his defenses. Abruptly standing and wanting to be away from his mother and brother his patience was wearing thin and he was annoyed once more as one could tell with his body language with his arms crossed tightly against his chest. "I'll let you speak fondly of him alone. Besides we're still grounded so what's the point of looking forward to anything anyway? Glad you feel better brother, but I'm out of here. This doesn't concern me anyway." Before anyone could respond, he closed his eyes for a bit and left the room, slamming the door behind him. Storming outside on one of the balconies, his temper fumed and he stood in silence, his mind elsewhere.

    Post by: water mage, Apr 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. water mage
    "Which goes to show how different we all are. Now we need to get you the same cloak as me, but of course your size. The cloak will be what you'll be wearing for now on." Demyx took her hand and took her to another part of the castle.
    Post by: water mage, Apr 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. water mage
    Demyx laughed a little bit to lighten the mood. "Don't worry about it for now. You're a newbie. You'll come to understand like I did. It took me some time to get adjusted, but there are some members in the organization that are cool and everything."
    Post by: water mage, Apr 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. water mage
    Demyx waved his left hand in the air while resting his right hand on his hip "Well we have different personailities and I guess it goes back to how we were created and from our somebody, the one person who we once were long ago." The melodious nocturne placed his hand on her shoulder. "I guess you can say us nobodies are the suped up powerful version of ourselves." He added with a smile.
    Post by: water mage, Apr 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. water mage
    Demyx shook his head at how Xigbar had protrayed Axel. "No you're wrong. He wants a heart like we all do, but there is something else. I guess he feels more alive than any of us. Axel may show signs he can't be trusted, but I have always looked up to him in more ways than one. He's a great guy." He turned his back on the older member, his arms crossed and mad at himself for the arguement he and Axel had earlier. "You may not see it, but I do."

    Cloud was growing tired of the search. It had been a long day of fighting and merely suriviing. "How about we just call it a night? We can research more about these things tomorrow."
    Post by: water mage, Apr 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. water mage
    "If she didn't have a family could you adopt her?" Hikaru and Kaoru playfully punched each other in the arm pretending they were disappointed that Haruhi wouldn't be living with them when the truth is they the answer that question along. At least their plan to bring a smile to their mother's face had worked and she seemed to be in better spirits which made made them both feel less guilty. "Of course mother. We'll let you know well in advance." Sighing that the tension was gone for now, they relaxed where they were sitting until thier mother addressed the youngest son.

    Kaoru returned her gaze with direct eye contact so not to be rude. The subject was upsetting, but it was better to get it out in the open rather than keep it to himself any longer. "For starrters I apologize for being so disrespectful on the phone and also for downstairs. I was merely reacting out of emotion. The truth is I didn't know you wanted a girl and I thought you would be disappointed with having me as the way I am so I thought that was why you gave me my name to make up for that. You knew Hikaru was going to be a boy being the first born able to carry on the name, but as for me..." he paused not knowing what else to say and glanced down at the ground. "I was simply a mistake or an accident from someone whom was destined to come into the world."

    Hikaru sat closer to him and made him look up by placing his right hand underneath the chin. "Kaoru don't ever think that. You and I were bound to be as we are, identical twins. It doesn't make me better than you or you better than me. We may be similar in a lot of things, but you and I are still unique individuals not clones of one of another. I'll give you some differences," he used his fingers to explain his examples. "You have more patience than me, you're more open minded, you care more about others feelings than I do where I am blunt and impulsive, you're thoughtful and think things through. In fact you may be the better one of us. I create disasters and trouble where you solve them." Hikaru's expression had changed from being optimistic to one of melancholy."But I guess that's why we're not exactly alike."

    Post by: water mage, Apr 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. water mage
    Giving the other nobody his attention, he smiled at Axel glad for the support "Of course we are." He took no time answering Phenox's question. "After all he is the one who gave us our names and we have no choice but to follow. Anyone who doesn't will be dealt with and I would never get on the boss's bad side. I don't want to get destroyed," his voice rang out with hestination and fear intertwined in one. "I mean come on listen to what you're asking?" A little bit of laughter erupted from his mouth. "Just be glad no one else heard you say something like that."
    Post by: water mage, Apr 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. water mage
    "Yes we're ready to talk." Looking at one of another, they got up from where they were lying and both sat on the couch ready to be lectured. The last bit of information did get her attention so at least she was confused instead of angry with them. "We want you to adopt Haruhi," they both exclaimed. "Did you think we were going to have another brother or a sister?" they both grinned like imps.

    Shifting in his seat, Hikaru pulled out his phone and briefly showed his mother the layout of the apartment complex where Haruhi lived. "We've seen where she lives and she has to walk that kind of distance everyday from school. It would be better if she came to stay with us."

    "Plus didn't you say you always wanted a daughter mother? This would give you the chance. At least let us have her over here so you can meet her for yourself," Kaoru pointed out.

    Thinking like his mother was not hard and it was all part of their plan. "She can model for you mother instead of us because you know how much we dispise wearing femine clothes unless we have no choice in the matter," Hikaru addressed another point to having Haruhi at the residence.

    "Maybe you'll get more inspiration from seeing her in your designer outfits," Kaoru softly offered his opinion.


    Post by: water mage, Apr 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. water mage
    (OOC: So true. Ah... drama can't get away from it especially the family type. It feels like a soap opera *LOL* XD)

    Immeditely both of them stood up at the same time practically ganging up on her. "Grounded? You can't ground us! This isn't fair!" They both yelled at the same time alarming the staff with their voices.

    Kaoru was stunned, more like hurt when he heard their mother send forth the blow. Sighing he glanced down at the ground, satisfied he finished his whole plate of food. He was so upset that he slumped in his chair and began to cry. "This isn't fair. This was not supposed to happen especially with summer coming up and our birthdays too. Mother why do you have to be so cruel? How could you do this to us? " He leaned on the table and began to cry in his arms knowing any chance at their freedom was gone now.

    Hikaru on the other hand was enraged that he slammed the table and pointed at his mother forgetting she was even his mother due to the adlerline and that the woman was merely a stranger. In other words losing all respect for her at the moment. "Mother! Now look what you did. You made Kaoru cry after he's been through enough. First you call us and embarrass us in front of a girl after we were doing something nice, then you have the nerve to mistake us again and to follow that you ground us. See if I ever do anything gracious for anyone ever again especially if I know I'm going to get punished for it!" He attempted to calm down, his fists both clenched but it was near impossibe with his temper and personaility. "So much for bringing the family together. With this stunt you just alientated us from ever trusting you or father again. Is that what you want? You might as well be working and desserting us like you did practically our whole life!"

    Kaoru's red edged eyes from crying stung which made him gaze up at his brother and he knew this discussion was getting more heated. He had to do something to calm his brother down. "Hikaru. I know you're angry, but you need to stop. We'll only get in more trouble this way." He seized his brother's arm and pulled it back gentely hoping to diffuse his brother's temper.

    Turning to his younger brother, he vented at him. "It's not fair Kaoru. I didn't do anything except tell her how I felt like she told us to do. I was being honest and we get punished for it." Facing his mother, their was distrust and anger in his eyes, but also a glimpse of tears. "Isn't that what you said to tell you exactly how I felt? Tell me exactly what you are thinking were your words were they not? I did just that and look what happens. You lower the boom on the both of us. Would you like it if you were told to do something and you did just that and got punished for following orders? Am I now supposed to not say anything at all and not be able to express how I truly feel? You're not being a mother. You're being a tyrant!"

    "Hikaru please stop. What good is all this rant and raving going to do? What if father comes in at this moment? I don't want you to get hurt." He tightly wrapped his arms around him; scared for his safety.

    "I don't give a damn if he comes in or not. What mother did was unjustified and unfair. Because she can't handle a simple discussion she pulled the trump parent card and I'm sick of it. There has to be another way to get past this and grounding us isn't the answer. It only makes things worse and makes me never want to trust her ever again especially for something she told me to do. Damn it. I'm repeating myself like a parrot now." He inhaled and closed his eyes, trying to be reasonable and not let his anger get the best of him.

    Kaoru rubbed his older brother's shoulder and neck area with his own face seeking comfort. "I know how you feel, but like it or not we're still her sons no matter how old we get and she is still our mother whether you agree with her decisions or not no matter how wrong they may be."

    "I don't know if I can take anymore of this and I understand what you're saying Karou, but someone has to take a stand even if it is against our mother. What she said was wrong. She mislead me. I didn't know she was going to go as far as to ground us otherwise I would of never said anything. I would of just sat in silence, but she didn't want that. She wanted me to tell her how I felt." He kicked one of the chairs to the wall frusterated and scorned and turned away not able to face her any longer. Knowing what he did was wrong, he picked the chair up and placed it back to the table like it never happend not wanting to get in any more trouble for that stunt. "I'm just saying none of this had to happen if she didn't trick me. And I'm sick of this! I'm tired of always being in the wrong because of how I express myself!" Hikaru was pacing now, feeling his temper resurfacing and walking was something to keep his emotions in check. "I don't know what else to do?"

    Post by: water mage, Apr 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. water mage
    (OOC: Ah my bad. Now that I re read the paragraph it did sound like Kaoru said it instead of Hikaru. *smacks self for grammer stupidity mistake* Oh well I guess I will just go with it the best I can.)

    Karou held his mouth open, shocked that his mother was addressing him instead of Hikaru. "But I didn't say anything to the staff." His eyes pierced in Hikaru's direction whom was the true culprit. "Oh just forget it." He drummed his fingers on the table not wanting to argue anymore. It wasn't worth the fight anyway. Not moving from his spot he only starred at the sketches not feeling hungry anymore. He hated being blamed for something he didn't do and wondered if his mother mistook for the other on purpose or as a mistake.

    Hikaru shrugged his shoulders,and shook his head out of disbelief. Their mother was either bothered by what happened or didn't care which twin she blamed. "Wrong again mother." He pointed out to her as he helped himself to the food, but instead of serving it for himself, he passed the plate to his younger brother. "Come on you need to eat."

    Kaoru appreciated that Hikaru was trying to help, but he was to depressed to eat anything. What more trouble would occur for him now? This evening was dragging on like molasses. "I'm not hungry," he lied and shoved the plate away from him. Taking one hurtful glance at his mother, he left the table without permisson and headed into the kitchen where he found a paper plate and took as much as he can onto it, sneaking out the other door and headed up towards the bedroom his brother and him shared.

    No, not of all nights. Was his brother trying to make matters worse? Blaming himself for everything that had happened, Hikaru got up from the table to stop his brother from doing something defiant. "I know you're upset, but you need to come back. This is normally something I would do," he joked trying to bring a smile to his brother's face.

    Kaoru placed the plate on a flat part of the banner of the railing and sat down on one of the steps. He revealed a half sad grin, his body held tight with his knees against his chest. "Scary if you say that. I just want this night to be over with and I don't want to face mother right now especially when she confuses us again." He slammed his fist on his side in frusteration.

    "Yeah it's lame, but what ever right? One of us will always be blamed for the other. We're used to it I guess, but the important thing is that you're all right through all of this," he leaned his forehead onto his brother's.

    "Hikaru..." Kaoru returned the same gesture. "What would I do without you? I'd be lost." A tear shed down his right cheek.

    "No Kaoru I would be lost without you. You're more important to me then anything in this whole retchid world." Hikaru glady let his brother hug him for comfort and returned the favor. "You leave everything up to me. I'll get us out of the mess we're in. It's time for me to step up as the older brother after all." Pulling away, he helped Kaoru up to his feet, lifted the the paper plate, took it with him and walked with Kaoru through the kitchen where he transferred the food from the paper plate onto the fine china as well as got himself a plate of dinner. Hikaru sat in one of the chairs next to his brother, at the opposite side where his mother sat and silently ate while at the same time keeping an eye on his brother.

    Post by: water mage, Apr 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. water mage
    Demyx placed his arm behind his neck and then looked away for a moment. "Well it's because he is part of the organization. We have an ordered rank by the order of how we joined and yet most of us can't stand one of another. Larxene for example, stay clear of her."
    Post by: water mage, Apr 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. water mage
    (OOC: I'm glad to hear that. ^-^ Typing the food paragraph made me hungry as it was close to my dinner as well. *LOL*)

    Hikaru not worried at all unlike Kaoru was irritated that dinner was not prepared. He had expected to eat when he got home not wait around and go hungry until it later into the night. Disgusted and irratated he stormed into the kitchen holding both of his arms up in the air. "Hey what gives? My brother and I are home now. How come dinner hasn't been served?" The response he got was complete silence which made him roll his eyes. "Forget it. I'll just get something right now." Taking a fork out of the drawer, he stabbed a few shrimp dumplings to hold him over and ate them in a few seconds. "Make sure it's ready to eat in five minutes. You don't want to know if the time exceeds that." With those demands held in the air, he walked out of the kitchen and joined his brother in the dinning room, his eyes starring at what was on the table instead. Picking up some drawings of some sketches of some clothes and a pencil on the table he assumed they were merely rough drafts and starrted to lightly shade in some areas of a dress that would be represented as a lighter tone compared to another that he darkned. He was bored and occupied himself coloring in the dress layout completly not acknowledging where his mother was.

    Now he knew he was in serious trouble. When dinner wasn't ready to be served meant their mother or father wanted to get the discussion out of the way or that they were to upset to eat. Instantly his stomach growled by the auroma of the charboiled ganish hens dripping with orange sauce by the hint of the citrus in the air. Stepping into the kitchen, he saw the cooks preparing the garlic mashed potatoes smothered with butter and three kinds of cheese, a dish of chinese tossed salad mixed with dried cranberries and mandarian oranges, another dish of chow mein being set aside as well as a miso soup with shrimp dumplings. When no one was looking he snatched a shrimp dumpling for himself and scarfed it down afraid that might be the only thing he would eat tonight. It was unforunate he couldn't savor the flavor for the small piece was already consumed and being digested by the time he walked out of the kitchen and went back into the dinning room.

    Touching one of the chairs, he pulled it back having it make a loud screeching noise that sounded like nails on a chalk board and sat down carefully onto the floral plush seating. With his left hand he felt the softness of the fabric that symbloized comfort which made another fear venture into his mind. What if his mother decided to spank him like a child? Wasn't he to old for spankings or did she believe in that corporal behavior? How old could someone be and still get spankings or was there a law against it once one reached a certain age? And if she did would he cry out like a baby; most likely. Wishing he had payed more attention to these sort of things, he could only assume what kind of punishment he would recieve for the guilt was eating away at him. Waiting for his mother to notice his brother and him, Kaoru didn't say a word and only starred blankly at some of the sketches that were layed out on the table instead of his dinner while visions of being spanked or whipped by their father also if he was home crept in his subconscience.

    Post by: water mage, Apr 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. water mage
  15. water mage
    Hikaru patted his brother's shoulder afterwards hoping to give him some reassurance. He didn't expect Karou to be so emotional and almost torn to pieces. "Don't worry about it." Setting himself closer to him, his arm was reaching over Haruhi's lap to get back his phone before Kaoru forgot. Hikaru was convinced his brother did his part to leave their mother guilt stricten, but at what cost? His brother and him were alike in so many ways and it almost seemed that he was looking at a mirror of himself individually; temper wise which was no better.

    Kaoru handed the phone back to his brother and looked away for a few moments feeling ashamed and embarrased of how he reacted. The expression on Haruhi's face just said it all. He had made an ass in front of her and couldn't take it back. Taking out his own cell phone, he sent a text to his mother basically apoligizing for being out of hand and understanding that she wanted to speak with him when they got home. Sending the message with an icon of a sad crying face, he closed his cell hoping she got his text and gazed down at his feet. Swiping his hand over his brow, he glanced in the other direction trying to find the words of what to say. "Um... it's been taken care of. Sorry you had to hear that." That was the only way he could excuse his emotional behavior without getting to upset about it. What he did was wrong and in the pit of his stomach, he was beginning to feel ill epecially of how Haruhi would see him as now. For the remainder of the car trip he couldn't face her, and starred out the window. The car pulled into a drive way, leading them to an apartment complex. Starring at the structure, Kaoru sighed with relief glad that he didn't have to face her again, but then in the back of his mind he knew he wasn't a coward and so the best thing he could do was say one more thing until she departed from their car. "Please let's just forget this ever happened. It wasn't supposed to be like this."

    Post by: water mage, Apr 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. water mage
    (OOC: That's fine. I understand. Sometimes my posts are short too.)

    Instantly Cloud felt his body being lifted off of the ground like he was being controled. By natural instinct, he was fighting his way trying to remain where he was, but alas the blonde warrior was like a mere puppet being held by it's strings. Out of no where, the portal sucked him in and seemed to spit him out at the same time where Cloud found himself in front of the leader of the organization as well as his other friend. "What happened? What's going on?" He asked glaring at both of the organization members for being treated so harshly.

    Demyx laughed nervously for he knew Cloud did have a temper and right now he was demanding answers. "Glad to know that you're not hurt. The boss and I have actually come to an understanding." After this statement he heard a scoff erupt from Cloud's mouth that made him pause. "Anyway, the boss says you can stay."

    "What did you have to do sell your soul to him? That's right it doesn't matter. You already belong to him." Cloud glared at Xemnas for the cruelness he inflicted upon him and Demyx in the past.

    "Uh I guess you could say that," Demyx hestiatated once more.
    Post by: water mage, Apr 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. water mage
    "How do you know that Vexen or did you make it up?" Demyx questioned the senior member. " Eh forget it." He waved his left hand at him not wanting to put up with the forth organization member. Don't listen to everything he says. The old ice dude can't be trusted." Demyx leaned his right hand on Alexx's shoulder.
    Post by: water mage, Apr 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. water mage
    Kaoru took the phone from his older brother so he could say his piece. He heard everything Hikaru had mentioned and there wasn't a reply from their mother so it meant that Hikaru must of made her speechless. Understanding what his older brother was doing, it was time to reign more guilt upon his mother even if it meant bringing up a part of the past. "Hikaru is right mother. Father and you could have managed to spend more time with us, but you probably chose not to anyway thinking we would be a bother with our antics." Shaking his head, he inhaled and exhaled a few times before going on with what he wanted to say for a long time now, the anger and sorrowful desperation like that of a needy child in his voice being heard by everyone in the car. "I know you even wanted a girl mother and was hoping I was going to be one, but you were disappointed that I wasn't which is why you had my name already planned out regardless what gender I was. I know what it means too so don't think I don't know." Panting from his surprising rant he looked down at the ground slightly before speaking, but this time softly and a little annoyed at himself for bringing up something that he questioned for so long. ""Anyway... if this is about school work, we finished it so you don't have to worry about that. We're not lazy with our studies and as for staying late, Hikaru already told you why." Glancing out the window and then at his brother he rose both of his arms in a defeated shrug hoping Hikaru understood the emotional pain he went though. "Maybe I shouldn't of said all of that," he contemplated to himself, his golden eyes wandering around the interior of the car.

    Post by: water mage, Apr 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. water mage
    (OOC: One thing slipped my mind. I wanted to inform you all and welcome Last of the Organization as Kyoya into the rp. Now have fun. ^-^)

    Hikaru and Kaoru let her sit between them glad that she accepted thier invitation. With the window now up and the door locked they pushed a button that lowered the tinted glass so they could speak to the driver. "Haruhi will direct you of the destination you need to get to."

    "Haruhi, thanks for letting us take you home," Kaoru spoke softly leaning his arm on his side of the armrest. "We don't know how far you walk each day so if you ever need a ride feel free to let us know."

    Hikaru leaned towards his right to engage in the conversation, his bag tucked neatly behind his feet. "Kaoru and I want to help out as much as we can, you know to make your life easier." He paused for a few moments gathering his thoughts of what to say next. "In fact with summer around the corner we were thinking of asking the boss and the rest of the host club and the clients to come to America with us."

    "We're going to tell the boss tomorrow about it as well as Kyoya. I think they will be up for it." Kaoru was silent for few moments hearing the ring tone "Bad Romance" from his brother's phone repeating. "Hikaru your phone is ringing."

    Hikaru wanted to finish speaking before he chose to answer his phone, but pulled it out and held it in his hand. "I know. Now where was I? Oh that's right. Haruhi if you decide to go, don't worry about cost for a passport or any expenses. We'll gladly pay for it." The song became louder as he sighed for being rudely interupted. "All right already." Looking at the display of his phone he saw his mother's name flashing on the screen. "Shoot. I didn't know it was her," his voice was timid as he flipped open the phone to answer. "Please don't lecture me. Please don't lecture me," he subconsciencly repeated before speaking into the phone. "Mother... Hi.... " His worried expression was a cause for concern that made his brother nervous as well.

    Post by: water mage, Apr 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. water mage
    Knowing now they had her attention, they both leaned out the window, their elbows hanging over the rim of the glass. "We were wondeing if you would like a ride home."

    "It's getting dark after all and we would be..."

    "More than happy to give you a lift." Kaoru finished the sentence for his brother like twins always did.

    "What do you say?" Hikaru flashed a genuine smile her way as Kaoru leaned closer out of the window.

    Post by: water mage, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home