Search Results

  1. water mage
    (OOC: I added you guys to the list. I would like for someone to play Xemnas if they can, plus Sora and Roxas would be appreciated.)
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. water mage
    "Come on you kidder. Let go," he thought the gesture was a joke. Kaoru tugged on his sleeve again for her to let go that caused all of the classmates to direct their attention towards them which brought about a few of them teasing Kaoru with thier singing and mocking kissy noices. Kaoru was humilated, his face turned pink from blushing so hard and his temper began to surface. He couldn't let this go on any longer. "Haruhi, people are looking so let go already." His persistent voice had become cross until he had enough. "I said let go!" Pulling so hard, the desks and chair he was sitting in wobbled and fell over to the right with Kaoru on his side trapped underneath his desk and Haruhi's desk that got drug down by the extension of his left leg. "Ow, my arm. My leg," he moaned clearly in pain as he attemped to move the sedatary objects off of him.

    Hikaru gasped and tripped when he got out of his seat falling onto Haruhi, the young brunette. He mangaged to crawl out from a very awkward position that was his lower chest and adominal area being forced onto by her head from the fall. Hikaru blushed himself for few seconds staggered past her and kneeled to his brother's side before anyone could respond. Seizing his younger's brother's hand he held it in his clenched hands. "Kaoru! Are you all right?" Fearing the worst, Hikaru had to act fast. With what seemed like his brother was maimed he frantically attempted to lift the desks off of Kaoru. Hikaru had to admit he needed help and the only one on his mind to assist him was her. Thinking twice about the embarrasing display of her on him, he pushed that thought to the side and would discuss it later with her so she wouldn't think he did it on purpose to have her onto his body. "Haruhi, forget what happened with me falling on you. Help me!" He yelled to her in desperation. "Kaoru hold on!" Glaring at the rest of the class especially for their childish behavior towards his brother and the teacher he didn't say a word to them for his eyes were menacing enough to reveal what he thought of everyone involved at that moment.

    Post by: water mage, May 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. water mage
    (OOC: I updated the list and thanks for volunteering to be who ever we might need. Who did else did you have in mind of all the characters that are listed?)
    Post by: water mage, May 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. water mage
    The oldest of the twins sat up, his eyes half open. "What this guy is dull as mud," he murmered to her causing the class to stare at them. Hikaru gave them each a death glare making them turn back around and pay attention to the teacher. Now even more bored, he sighed outloud calling attention to himself once again. Deciding it was now or never, he rose his hand and stood up. "Excuse me, but you're putting me to sleep here. I can hardly hear you because you are mumbling. Can you make the lesson somewhat interesting instead of repeating dates that I'm going to forget anyway? I would think the whole class would agree with me on that."

    Kaoru was the first to rise to his feet and called attention to himself also. "We don't need to make any waves, but this whole teaching method of yours is stupid, stupid, stupid," he pointed at the rest of the class mates except for the girls. "I could learn more from reading a book than having to listen to someone I can barely hear." Kaoru grinned likewise Hikaru, the devilish gleam in thier eyes.

    Post by: water mage, May 12, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. water mage
    I guess Valentine's day is another holiday that I don't care for. I only celebrate it because that happens to be the day my younger brother was born on. Other than that, it's just another day for me.
    Post by: water mage, May 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. water mage
    Aisle seat so if you need to get up to stretch your legs you can without having to crawl over anyone who is sitting next to you.
    Post by: water mage, May 12, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  7. water mage
    Well I see both sides of it, but my mother on the other hand agrees that those sickos should be tested. One can not always be saved no matter how disturbed and that's the problem with our society. We think we can "save" anyone even though this sick and twisted sort of thing keeps happening. There should be harsher laws and something should be set as an example so it won't happen again. So if I had to choose I would be all for it. Hell, the animals that get tested on don't derserve the cruelty that is inflicted upon them. No, the creeps out there should be held accountable in that way instead of sitting in jail and wasting tax payers dollars on them. The prisoners have a better life than someone who is homeless for goodness sakes. The least the country could do is enforce harsher consequences.
    Post by: water mage, May 12, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. water mage
    Cheerleading is just encouragement for the home team. How could it be a sport if it's not a game unless one treats it like a game such as who can scream the loudest or do the most back flips or something?
    Post by: water mage, May 12, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. water mage
    When you mean content do you mean content like home videos and stuff or copy righted material? What do you consider quaility? I'm asking this because I'm curious.
    Post by: water mage, May 12, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. water mage
    Demyx slapped his forehead with his right hand. "Geez I guess I have to spell out everything for you don't I?" Demyx uttered to himself. "You can change in one of the bathrooms. It's down the hall and to the right. Not the left, but the first right. I'll wait for you here when you come back."
    Post by: water mage, May 12, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. water mage
  12. water mage
    Hikaru and Kaoru from thier respected seats both glanced at the tired young girl in which the school thought she was a guy. She appeared to be out of breath like she had run a marathon. "Hey Haruhi how are you?" With their features now brightend they were about to speak more until the teacher banged a ruler on the desk for the class to stop talking. Instantly both of the twins rolled their eyes and sighed in unison cause the teacher had the floor.

    Kaoru pulled his text book out of his bag and rested his elbows on the thick cover. A yawn was followed by his left hand covering his hand to hide that he was yawning. The teacher was dull as dirt that even watching paint dry would be more exciting. With a pen in his right hand, he leaned the end of the handle towards his mouth in boredom almost tasting the smooth plastic.

    Hikaru leaned back in his chair in a slouching postiton where he felt like his eyes were going to go to the back of his head. "I go to school for this?" He mumbled softly. The chairs were not comfortable and one would think with how much money the private high school had, the faculity would invest in comfortable seating. No they wanted the kids to feel uncomfortable and sit up right to keep them awake. Drumming his fingers on the desk, the endless tapping was almost sounding like a beat. Not satisfied with how he was seated, he repositioned himself several times, but this time with his legs planted firmly on the ground and his head leaning on his elbows.

    Post by: water mage, May 12, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. water mage
  14. water mage
  15. water mage
    Instantly a pair of maids walked into the room to see if the young masters were ready to eat their breakfast. Hikaru and Kaoru followed the pair downstairs and handed their school bags to another servant who took those bags and placed them in the back of one of the cars. Once at the table, the food attendant second to the one of the chefs brought out their oatmeal, orange juice and bagels. He gestured out his hand for them to sit and walked away leaving the boys to their meal.

    Kaoru consumed his food taking time to drink his juice gradually and glance at his twin every now and then. Tapping the side of his glass with a spoon would be irratating enough to get Hikaru's attention. "So..." he tried to start a conversation, "you took a long time coming out of the bathroom. You must of really enjoyed the shower I bet."

    Hikaru whom was not in the mood for small chat tensed and forced himself to eat half of his meal, leaving parts of the bagel not touched and the oatmeal half consumed. "I like to take longer showers than you. The steam is good for my pores and clears my head." He got up from the table abruptly leaving the maids to clean up what he had not touched.

    Kaoru bounded after his brother, swung his left arm around his neck in a playful manner. "I'm not looking forward to sitting in a classroom bored out of my mind either, but at least it's only for half a day and plus Haruhi will be there so that's something to look forward too."

    Hikaru carefully brushed his brother's arm off of him and headed towards the outside of their mansion where the car was parked in front ready to take them to the prestigious academy. "I guess you're right about that. I'm just not feeling like myself today. I have a lot on my mind."

    Kaoru could tell his brother was telling part of the truth, but not all of it. "Oh is it like you're having doubts about our plan? I see your point, but we'll make it happen." He cheered him up. Kaoru got into the back of the car, and sat in silence . "I'll follow him more closely today if I have to. Something is not right," he said to himself.

    Post by: water mage, May 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. water mage
    Takes place after the first years graduate from high school and the ecnomy is worse than ever epecially for the working class. Haruhi is shocked and frusterated to find out that there isn't any funding for the law school she wants to attend and no one is hiring so she can't get a job to pay her tuition.

    Everyone else in the host club faces different problems. Hunny doesn't want to continue with his martial arts 24/7 as he has been for the past three years Mori doesn't want to be seperated from his cousin and go his way seeing how his life hasn't changed to what he expected it to be, Hikaru and Kaoru hate the fact that the host club is over and that they are stuck being forced to live under their parent's roof as well as attend lessons and go to a university they could care less about. Kyouya being the third son, faces more pressure from his father and can't give his opinion to anything such as make changes and Tamaki is faced with learning more of Suoh trade and being away from his so called "family" thus leaving him no spare time to be whom he once was.

    When things look their bleakest,Tamaki hating what his life has turned to, sees a mysterious portal in the distance that appears and disappears every now and then. He thinks of another place to call home like America. He decides to meet everyone at his mansion once again from the host club except Haruhi to discuss their futures They come to the decision that's it's time to leave Japan and go else where; however Haruhi must come with them due to the twins and Tamaki's protest. They travel to her apartment and learn that her father can't pay the rent any more and is on the verge of losing his job due to cut backs. Haruhi becomes in debt again to the guys at the host club for having them pay her father's bills and lead him to have a comfortable life finacally. She must leave with them at once on one of their private jets. Without saying a single word to any of their parental units, they leave Japan and head towards America, the land of opportunity.

    However without any warning, the jet gets sucked in by the vortex and they get lost in the World That Never Was.Being Tamaki with his optimistic attitude, he sees a beautiful white castle in the distance and decides that would be perfect to hold upcoming host events and balls for their guests of the come back of the host club rather than thinking of their situation. Haruhi tries to reason with him, but to no avail. Kyouya studies the structure and ponders how to get out the world, the twins go exploring, and Honey and Mori go off as well. Little does the host club know once inside they become unexpected permenent tenents in the floating castle due to various reasons only to try to get along with the inhabiants and influence the organization their ways and standards. What will become of this?

    Meanwhile Sora and the others learn that outsiders have come into their world and go to the source to see that the organization is indeed back and that are "others" living there with them which creates lots of speculation and curiousity for the young hero and his group.


    *Everyone is to be treated with respect around here so respect everyone's feelings and posts and if you have a disgreement please pm me about it. There is to be no flaming, or insults to anyone here. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Disrespect to other characters is fine, as long as it is not the user hurting another user's feelings.

    *No spamming which means only posting as OOC format after the rpg has startted. You must post in character(s) while you're here once the rpg begins. If you have to talk out of character please use the OOC format or simply vm or pm me.
    Example: (OOC: *say what you're going to say*) OOC means out of character

    *There is one exception listed below to the god modding rule which means no controling another user's character(s).

    Exception: Currently I will go ahead and take the roles of Hikaru and Kaoru since they are identical twins, but I will share the roles of the twins if a user can prove to me that that he/she is evenly matched with how I roleplay. This will be handled through a private message. Doesn't have to be exact, but you must think like you're my twin so it could be a challenge, but do your best. I don't expect perfection. So for those who apply for this postion must have spare time on their hands and be able to communicate with me very often like almost every day or other day so we can coinside of how to post has either Hikaru and Kaoru or both of them. In other words that other user will be playing them both as I will.

    *No power playing which means making the character invinciable. Everyone has to have a weakness and that includes the OCs. (original characters)

    *Each person can be up to three or four characters which includes Ocs, however if you have an OC you must have at least one character from either Ouran High School Host Club or Kingdom Hearts.

    *Please stay active in this rpg and let others know if you're going to be leaving instead of just quitting. I hate it when others do that.

    *If you're leaving for a short period let me know so I can give you a recap. But keep up with the posts and don't just ask for a recap without reading it.

    *One, two or three liners are forbidden. You must post at least a paragraph which can be anywhere from 4 sentences. Your posts can be as long and detailed as you like.

    *Please try to use proper grammar and spelling. If that is a problem don't worry about it. Just do your best please.

    *If you wish to have another character not listed let me know.

    *To have a character please read the rules and type the saying "inner and outer beauty" in your post; that way I know you read them.

    OC Format

    Species: (human, heartless, nobody etc.
    Image of the OC if you have one:

    Ouran High School Host Club:

    Haruhi: Princess_ of_ hearts
    Tamaki: fire mage
    Kyoya: Last of the Organization
    Hikaru: water mage
    Kaoru: water mage
    Hunny: Aerith G
    Mori: Aerith G

    Kingdom Hearts:

    Organization XIII

    Xemnas: AmericanSephiroth
    Saix: leon47
    Axel: fire mage
    Demyx: water mage
    Marluxia: Last of the Organization
    Xion: Aerith G

    Final Fantasy Characters:

    Sephiroth: American Sephiroth
    Cloud: water mage
    Leon: fire mage

    Sora: Princess_of_hearts
    Kairi: Aerith G
    King Mickey:
    Thread by: water mage, May 9, 2010, 56 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. water mage
    (OOC: That's right. We're here just to have fun after all. Sorry for not posting pictures with my posts. Haven't been on my laptop where my huge collection is stored. I'll get back to that though.

    By the way, here is the link to the music video I made. I would appreciate for it to be commented and rated please for those who have you tube accounts. Thanks.

    Kaoru finished his shower and came out in a towel wrapped around his waist due to the fact that his school uniform was hanging in his closet. "Hey Hikaru the bathroom is all yours." With a concern gaze, he walked over and tapped him on the shoulder to wake him if he was asleep. "You okay? Are you not feeling well?" Kaoru went about his task of getting dressed in front of one of the large mirrors.

    Hikaru regretfully rolled onto his side and forced himself up to his foot where he began to stagger. "You could say that, but I'll be fine. It was just something I ate last night that didn't agree with me." Shrugging his shoulders as if nothing was wrong, I went into the bathroom and closed the door only to stare blankly at himself before stepping into the steamed shower. Sighing his hands turned the knobs releasing the water jets that slicked back his hair just below his shoulders. "I feel awful, but I have to go to school and just fake like nothing is wrong. Haruhi or the others won't know the difference." Hikaru convinced himself while he bathed, rinsed off the bodywash, shampoo and conditioner and came out only to get dressed in a slow fashion. "I hope we don't have anything heavy for breakfast," was his quick reply as he finished fixing his tie.
    Post by: water mage, May 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. water mage
    "Oh did I forget something?" He glanced over at her. "Oh that's right. You need the pants and boots. Sorry about that," he disappeared and reappeared shortly after he got them elsewhere. "Here is the whole outfit," he grinned sheepishly from under his hood.
    Post by: water mage, May 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. water mage
    The twins stayed later after curfew well into the hours of the night that it was actually some of the staff members that went outside to the pool and jazuzzi area. Hikaru and Kaoru both gave uninterested looks upon the household help and shooed them away with their hand.

    "If you have a problem with it go tell our mother. Like she would care anyway," Hikaru rose from the jazuzzi.

    "But you won't because you're afraid aren't you?" Kaoru stepped out first drying himself off as he spoke.

    "We're fully aware what time it is so do us a favor and get lost," Hikaru ordered her to leave. "I swear I wish the help would stay the hell out of our business," he walked inside dripping wet with Kaoru.

    "I guess they have nothing better else to do then play nannies to us like we're still eight or twelve," Kaoru headed upstairs and into their bedroom and bathroom.
    Post by: water mage, May 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. water mage
    I don't think it is going to be very popular. If it was then it would have been designed for a game system rather than a phone that you could only get in Japan. I will pass on this and try to forget that this "game" exists.
    Post by: water mage, May 2, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX