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  1. water mage
    Hikaru whom was told by one of the nurses that his parents were almost to the school, only gave her a cold stare. He was numb not able to reply and the only thing on his mind was Kaoru and what his mother and father would face when they came through the doors. Haruhi was helping, but to him her assistance was bringing him closer to passing out. He had to be strong for his brother and even though he could tell himself that he was about to collapse, the older brother held his emotions together. She had already seen him cry and had touched his shoulder in a way to comfort him, but never in his wildest dreams he would want her to feel sorry for him. Hikaru thought of himself being pathetic before her eyes and that was unacceptable. He had lost control and felt helpless before the doctors, but there was no way he was going to lose his self respect too if he could help it.

    Kaoru leaned up to try to comfort Hikaru and show him that he was all right. He was feeling much better now after the oxygen was helping him get his breath. He was more worried that the splitting visage of himself would lose control. "Hey... listen to me Hikaru." Kaoru for the first time since the incident revealed a sad smile. "I'll be okay. They're probably going to perform some tests. It was partically my fault for tugging my arm away so forcefully. Don't hate her because of this. We're both to blame. All of us will learn from this lesson and move on from that." Clenching his teeth from the aching, burning sensation of his chest where the physicans were checking and ordering some medical test, his eyes caught hers as well. "Be there for him will you?" Kaoru's head hit the pillow as the drug that had been given to him along with the iv was putting him in a twilight state.

    "Kaoru? Kaoru... Kaoru! No! Don't do this. Stay with me," Hikaru held tighter onto his hand crying once more. "I'm nothing without you. You can't leave me like this!" His voice to everyone in the room increased in range like a desperate cry of anguish. "I'm not leaving his side. Not until he is better. I don't care if both my parents show up. I don't care if the whole school shows up. I'm his twin and we can never be seperated; not like this. So back the hell off!"

    Post by: water mage, May 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. water mage
    I'm glad that you decided aganist throwing your life away and remembered the people like your family and friends that love you. Taking your own life would not only be foolish but selfish because you would of left them that memory. So kudos for doing the right thing. Just remember if something bad happens, just know that it could always get worse. My advice to you is to tell someone you trust about your problems and find a way to solve it.
    Post by: water mage, May 18, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  3. water mage
    Pets are more than pets. They are considered family members and I feel most people would feel the same way. Anyway that's how I feel. True they are property, but they are more than that. They are living breathing organisms just like you and I and someone can easily tell if an animal is suffering just by observing their behavior and the look in their eyes. It's just that people who don't care... What good are they and is that the kind of individuals they really are inside? Also note with negative thinking nothing is ever going to change and anyone can just give up and accept the way things are. It takes more effort for those to think of someone besides themselves. Just to even give a thought of giving something a chance makes a huge difference. If the tables were turned (I was an animal) I sure would appreciate if someone was trying to help me out.
    Post by: water mage, May 18, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. water mage
    (OOC: Oh you bet. Love the words you used by the way. All you need to know is that it's now Satuday and everyone is in class. Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru are in history together, the teacher was boring the hell out of everyone in that class, Hikaru said what was on his mind as usual, Kaoru agreed and put his two cents in. Haruhi feeling ashamed for the teacher grabs Kaoru by the sleeve and doesn't let go when he tells her to. This results in him yanking his sleeve tipping over his desk and hers that fall on him thus he's injured. Hikaru panics for the safety and well being of his brother, accidently trips and falls onto Haruhi where thier bodies both collide almost knocking the wind out of her. He gets past her and she helps him move the desks off of Kaoru who is having trouble breathing. Hikaru goes into a frenzy to get his brother to saftey and yells at the top of his lungs at her for her suggestion of them literally dragging Kaoru to the nurses office by having her grab one of Kaoru's arms and Hikaru grabbing the other one. So Hikaru races out the door carrying Kaoru in his arms and is racing down the hall which would get the attention of other people in the classrooms I would assume. Also note there was a lot of shouting going on as well. I hope this helped.)

    "Hikaru... I..." he coughed for Kaoru felt like he was to black out any moment. No relief would come to the pain he was experiencing and the only thing he thought about was why did this have to happen? Why did she not let go after he told her over and over again to? This was partically her fault so she would be held responsiable if something did happen to him.

    Hikaru as one would say how fast the dove flies didn't care who or what was in his way. He had to get his twin what he needed. In his mind it was life or death. A lot of commotion was stirring outside as the class mates from different years stood like zombies wondering what was happening? He could hear the gossiping and rumors begining to circuit already. The news would spread like wild fire and their would be a huge blow to his ego especially if something terrible did happen. Now was not the time, to worry about his image, his brother's life was literally on the line. "Get the hell out of my way!" He hollered at those that stood in the way wondering what was happening. "Move or else!" He showed his fist, daggers in his eyes for those who were blocking his path in the corridors on the way to the nurse's office.

    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. water mage
    Demyx was stuck not knowing what he should do? Roxas was threatening him to get involved, but if he did would Xigbar and Luxord consider him to be a traitor? "," he complained and turned his back on the whole thing. "What shoud I do? I hate making decisions that could hurt others. There are going to be consequences no matter what so pretty much I'm damned if I do or damned if I don't. That's not fair at all." His consistent complaining was very typical of the young nobody and hopefully this method of stalling the enevitable would create distraction that he could use to get out of this jam.

    Cloud was stunned not hearing a single thing his friend was saying. The words were loud, but not registering in his mind. He was going through a phase of shock and wallowing deeper into the darkness.

    Xigbar was intrigued of how this whole mess would end. Would Demyx be involved and try to help Roxas or would he stick to the organization like a good boy should? "Hey Demyx. I'll give you the obvious answer. Let what's going to be the end happen already."
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. water mage
    (OOC: Yey. Somewhat of a long post. I haven't typed one of these in a long time.)

    Demyx exhaled a sigh of relief knowing that the danger had passed when his boss left them be. He understood what he had got himself into and to make matters worse the water wielder was uneasy of how certain members would get along with Cloud staying with them. Demyx was not one for violence as he was the one being the butt of their jokes, thought lowly of due to the face that he disliked fighting. Was there a problem with why he didn't like to fight? Could they blame him for refusing to get sweaty and hurt in battle? Perhaps it was the leather organization cloak he had to wear which brought up the excuses. Regardless, Demyx had an important job and that was to ensure the safety of his friend and the saftey of himself if Cloud did not do as instructed.

    Demyx putting those worries aside gazed upon his friend and smiled, glad that the whole nightmare of him being trapped in another void was over and that Xemnas had accepted the mighty warrior. "Now what do you say I show you around? Just stay close to me and everything will be cool."

    Cloud was relieved that Xemnas had gone else where. The warrior had been threatned enough to argue with the leader of the organization."All right show me around." He agreed to Demyx's plan. Now all seemed to be quiet and the first thing on Cloud's mind was how the organization would react to having him live with them? His first guess is that the organization would be against it and he would have to watch his back where ever he went to avoid getting hurt or killed by one of them. The second worry that was on his mind was how would his allies like Sora and Leon react to him living in the castle? Would they think of him as a traitor and would Sora try to come after him too? If that was the case, Cloud would have no problem putting the keyblade wielder in his place. One swipe from his sword would send forth the message that he wasn't messing around. And who caresof what Sora and his friends thought of him anyway. Cloud was not like them. He was not one to hang out or be congradulated by those whom he saved. Cloud was looked down upon, misunderstood so being with the organization wouldn't be that bad. In a way it was comforting to know that Demyx would be the one to watch out for him not that he needed it, but with nobodies one could never tell.
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. water mage
    Demyx ventured into the unknown and felt the weird changes occuring around him too. The more he walked deeper and closer to the other side, the stranger he felt. Out of astonishment, the melodious nocturne lept out on the first time on four furry feet and starred at Axel's new self. "Woah what happened to you Axel? You've been turned into a red lion," he ran towards him, bounding playfully on his hunches. "Hmm this is weird? Why do I feel so different? I mean what the heck is going on?" Demyx scratched his head with his paw and gasped when he brought his azure tealish eyes upon the sight of it. "Ahh I have paws!"
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. water mage
    The gameplay on certain parts like after you exit from one of your item menus, the game tends to lag sometimes.
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. water mage
    OMG what the hell is he wearing? Is he a clown or something? Man those clothes are horrible and those shoes that Sora is wearing, he might as well be Bozo's long lost cousin.

    At that time...

    I didn't have any interest in Kingdom Hearts until Kingdom Hearts II came out and introduced some members of guys in black cloaks where I later found out were known as Organization XIII.
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. water mage
    He sounds like he is bothered by something or harboning something evil.
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. water mage
    Do you want me to be honest? Ok here it is. Oh no! Another heroine whose character is going to be undeveloped or a damsel in distress. Also she's got big feet for such big shoes. XD
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. water mage
    I don't hate Kairi, her character just never appealed to me and still hasn't after the other games. I don't know what it is? One could not say she is a ho or a whore because that doesn't even make any sense so I don't know where people come up with stuff like that? *scratches head*
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. water mage
    (OOC: That's fine with me guys. When do you guys want to begin? I'm very flexiable with my schedule.)
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. water mage
    Of course not. Smoking is horrible period. Who ever still does should stop before you face an early grave. My grandmother is dying from having COPD and it breaks my heart watching her struggle to breathe with even oxygen. It pains me knowing that others are throwing away their lives just for a fix and you could say that, because smoking is addictive once you begin. Not only does it kill you, but it's expensive, and it puts up a huge red flag about hygiene. Any kind of cigarette is harmful whether it has less nicontine or not.
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. water mage
    I'll explain why it's a debate. Their might be some people who won't want this measure to be a law because of the money issue such as the measure won't bring in enough revenue to cover the costs for the registry or that it might "violate the rights" of these creatures. It's disgusting to think of the cons for this bill. Animals have rights to and I hope it does become a law no matter how much it could cost. If that is the case, then there will have to be cutbacks such as the big coglomric CEO's and bosses won't get a raise to their inflated salary or their business trips on private jets won't be covered for anymore. Oh boo hoo. What ever will they do?

    Seriously I don't see how in anyway or in any form why anyone in their right mind would want to oppose this. The only ones I think of are animal haters or wackos with their animal sacrifices. Yes I'm entitled to say how I feel and if anyone is offended by this, just know that's a free country and my right as American to have freedom of speech.
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. water mage
    Hikaru shook his head knowing that was a bad idea. "No!" He pointed at her, his finger shaking with fear. "I needed your help with the desks. I'm not going to drag him by his arms. That's a bad idea and you know it. We might make his injuries worse if we did it your way," he hissed clearly taking his anger out on her. Not that he didn't mean to, but with the scenario so terrifying he said what was on his mind at that moment.

    Kaoru moaned and groaned as the pain intenisfied the moment the desks were off of him. "I'm having... trouble breathing," he held his chest with his right hand and leaned his head back, hoping the oxygen would fill his lungs if he stayed in a sitting up posture. "Can't... breathe," gasps of air and wheezing was heard with each syallable.

    Hikaru was horrified that his brother's face was placid and all movment had escaped from him. His brother was limp as a rag doll not able to muster the strength to move. "He can't breathe!" Hikaru paniced not trying to get emotional, but in the end his emotions came out. "He needs oxygen!" The older twin glared dangerously at Haruhi. "If you want to help then run to the medical area and let them know I'm coming and that they better have oxygen." Using his body like a make shift carrier, Hikaru gathered the strength to pick up his brother carefully and transfer him into his arms where he practically flew past Haruhi and out the door as if the classroom was on fire.

    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. water mage
    As we all know in the USA there is a database for sex offenders so why not have one for animals? The California legislature would decide on a bill that would require adults convicted of felony animal abuse to register with local law enforcment. Their names would be placed in a database similar to the sex offenders registry. All forms of animal abuse would be enclosed such as people convicted of maiming, mutilating, torturing, killing of animals as well as hoarders and operators of fighting rings. Since animals can't tell us how they feel or the kind of unspeakable pain that occurs to them, it is our job to be their voice and let us be heard that animal abuse is wrong and if one commits it, that individual or group not only have to pay a hefty fine or imprisonment, but be known notoriously by all those who may work or live near by. The public has the right to know what kind of sick, twisted freaks are out there.

    So my question to you is should there be a bill that would require by law that all animal abusers in any form have to have their names registered in the database for this dispicable crime. Give me your thoughts and opinions whether you agree or oppose?
    Thread by: water mage, May 16, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  18. water mage
    Demyx chuckled as the dusk flew over him and dropped the clothes in his arms. "Oh that would be one of our servants, a dusk." He held the clothes up in the air and walked towards her. "One of the rules is you won't ever be able to dress in these anymore. It's against orders." He tossed them to her. "You can hold onto them for a momento."
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. water mage
    I say keep them coming, but as long as they tie into some sort of plot and fill in the mysteries that have yet to be revealed. This is something that would be a waste. Sora's childhood days meaning the whole game is centered of him growing up on the island, not becoming a wielder of a keyblade yet, being with his friends and never leaving it. That would be something I would never buy.
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. water mage
    Demyx swung back and forth on his heels whistling a tune for her to return. "It shouldn't take her that long to change." He was bored and wondered where the rest of the organization was.
    Post by: water mage, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home