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  1. water mage
    (OOC: That's fine and welcome back nobodynerd100.)

    Cloud was unsure of what Leon was trying to prove. How could he understand him when he had not gone through anyone controlling one's self? Leon was sadly mistaken to think he could relate on any level. Getting up on his feet, Cloud Strife brandished his sword, coming awkwardly at the brunette. He still needed to recover and the best he could do for now was attempt to look fierce. Sephiorth did a number on his body, but Cloud refused to give in to the likes of anyone. "Leon nothing personal, but you can't save me. No one can."

    From the cover of the shadows, the melodious nocturne continued to observe the two humans. He had not yet attacked for two reasons. The warriors were indeed stronger fighters than himself and Demyx didn't feel like engaging in battle. He was one to let the others do his work and only fought if he had no choice. The intruders were in the castle, but at least they were not destroying property. Deciding it was best to make his move, he came forth from the shadows a plan would unfold if needed. Being his usual friendly self he greeted the two. "Hey you guys are looking lively," he waved his hand in a friendly gesture.

    Hikaru took the cup of tea and held it to his lips, sipping it slowly so not to burn himself. The boss appeared to be his own self and had not changed. He held such a dignified manner about himself as if he didn't have any cares or problems, but Hikaru could see through that facade in a flash. "Never mind what we have been doing. Nothing important to tell you the truth."

    Kaoru sipped his tea in a graceful manner, observing the actions from his twin brother. Such brashness if he ever saw it. "Hikaru, I can read your mind so don't try to hide it from him." He directed his attention to Tamaki. "My brother and I are upset that our futures have been decided for us so that's why he's not in one of his finest moods."

    Hikaru sighed for he predicted Kaoru to talk down to him. "Fine, I'm clearly pissed off that plans have been made for us to follow and my freedom doesn't matter to my parents. Didn't mean to take it out on you, but you're so used to my blunt and rude comments anyway," he added with a smirk. "But enough about me, what is the reason you called us here or do we have to wait for the others to show up? My guess is we do so I'll humor you," Hikaru eased back on the sofa he was sitting on.
    Post by: water mage, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. water mage
    Kaoru watched the nurses and medical personal enter and exit the room which made him nervous. Hikaru had not come back and he wondered what was going on? The younger twin feared more tests would be adminsisterd and he needed his brother for strength. He was foruntate to have Tamaki in the room for he would provide a distraction. "Milord, have you given any thought to coming with us to America? If you don't come Haruhi will be with us the whole time," he tried to lighten the mood and distract him from any procedures.

    "I appreciate your honesty, but I can tell there are other things on your mind besides what happened to Kaoru, like some of the uncomfortable awkwards moments today." Instantly his arm reached behind his neck clearly pointing out he was agitated and nervous, a hint of redness in his cheeks surfaced from blushing.Hikaru now being embarrased was a tad uncomfortable with her approach to him and he attempted to keep his temper in check for he didn't want to run his mouth off in a boisterous manner. He had class and had to uphold some dignity about himself if there was any left. The older twin was amazed Haruhi had spoken her mind and he thought her speech was going to be worse; however, his heart was beating fast and he imagined her walking towards and cornering him in the room, ripping his clothes off as he so desperately wanted her to do. He was truly falling head over heels for her. She was his kind of woman, strong willed and blunt. Hikaru hated to admit he had a strong crush on her. Shaking his head to clear those lusful thoughts, he sighed and drug his left hand down his face. Taking both of her hands into his own, he cupped them together holding them against his chest. Her touch felt so soft and he yearned for more."You're losing respect for my brother and I? That's not what I wanted." Removing his left hand from the hold, he cast his eyes to the ground. "I just wanted you to be held some what responsiable for what happened to Kaoru and I knew your family couldn't pay the medical bills and such so the arrangement being at my home was the next best thing."

    Lifting his other hand away from her, he brought it down by his side. "Aren't I being generous to some degree?" Hikaru sighed again feeling frusterated and ignored the pain his gut, that being guilt. To make himself feel better, he closed his eyes to calm his nerves. Flashing them open, his demeanor had changed, and his mood up lifted in an attempt to mask the pain he felt. "Who says you'll be doing chores all the time? It won't be bad as you think. You'll have a large room all to your own. You'll make friends with the staff and more importantly Kaoru and I will be there when ever you need us. Think of your time staying at my estate more like a vacation. Once summer starts, you'll accompany Kaoru and I to America so you'll see the sights and you won't have to pay a dime.You'll see part of the western world." Obviously faking his enthusaism and being drained of energy himself, fatigue set in and he slid against the wall and sat on the ground, one leg extended outwards and the other bent. Hikaru wanted so desperately to say how he felt, but the words wouldn't come out like he wanted. Instead they were mumbled under his breath. "Who am I kidding. You want nothing to do with me." Hikaru leaned his head against the wall feeling inferior and vulnerable at the moment.

    Post by: water mage, May 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. water mage
    "It's just how nobodies are. We have to remain mysterious until the time is right to reveal ourselves. After that then we can venture forth and be more comfortable of who we are with." Demyx patted her on the back. "Does that make any sence?"
    Post by: water mage, May 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. water mage
  5. water mage
    "Boss I'll be fine and thanks for coming in. Hikaru and I wanted to speak to you and now's a perfect time to do that." His eyes rolled a bit watching Tamaki squeeze the life out of Haruhi once again. "Haruhi is the reason why I'm here. She didn't mean too, but still it happend. The other thing I wanted to talk to you about is an opportunity to come to America with my brother and I for part of the summer. We want the whole host club to come. It would benifit the guests in more ways than one to learn and experience more about the different cultures and traditions. Haruhi in a way will be coming too." He left out the part that she was in indebted to them for the reason Kaoru ended up in the shape he was in.

    Tamaki's timing was just perfect. He could of burst in when Hikaru had Haruhi in his arms in a hug and the blond could of heard the whole conversation Hikaru had with Haruhi. Still he wondered if he did hear bits and parts of it? "You know boss, you'll have to come with us cause Haruhi has no choice but to come and if you don't she'll be with us the whole time. You wouldn't want that would you? You wondering what your beloved daughter was doing with us?" His eyes sparked trouble and impish pride. "Of course it's your decision after all. Kaoru and I will take good care of her in your absence."

    Post by: water mage, May 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. water mage
    Hikaru put the metal to the pedal, the car increasing in speed within seconds. Within minutes, he passed his family's estate and headed north where the the main mansion of the Suoh residence was located. Halting at the expanisive gate, he reached out the window to press a combination to open it. Since Hikaru and Kaoru were some of Tamaki's best friends, they knew the combinations to enter the property. Pressing into the intercom, Hikaru held the button to speak. "Let the boss know tha Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin are here." Taking his finger off the button before there was a response, the car drove around the circluar path where a grand water fountain was present in the middle. "Once the boss see's us Kaoru, he'll be shocked to see what we both have acquired." He drummed his fingers acorss the black leather of the steering wheel preparing to park.

    Kaoru turned on the blasting stero sytem hoping for a reaction from Tamaki himself to let them know that they have arrived. "Hikaru, surely the boss is not that native to think we didn't have cars yet. We're not in high school anymore. The moment we graduated, is when we got a sense of freedom. Ours cars are the proof." Kaoru leaned back in the seat noticing a parking valent attendant of the Suoh's come to the car asking to park it. "No I don't think so. We'll park it ourselves right here."

    Hikaru set the car into reverse to align himself just alongside of the front of the mansion. Stepping out of the car with his brother, he activated the alarm system with a simple click of a button on his keyring that held his car keys on. Stuffing them in his pocket, his brother and him proceded to the main entrance of the mansion where the doors were automatically opened for them by the awaiting maids and butlers. Each servant of the Suoh residence bowed or curtisied before them for they knew how important the Hitachiin name was and wanted to leave a good impression for the Suohs. Hikaru and his brother acknowledged their presence with a simple nod themselves. Reaching the main hall, Hikaru glanced at the two stair cases that went in opposite directions. Tamaki if he was upstairs would be descending one of them."Hey milord, Kaoru and I are here. We defintely need to catch up."
    Post by: water mage, May 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. water mage
    "Now why would we want you to leave? You're welcome here." Kaoru placed his hands in his lap listening intently to the conversation. "You're making me feel better and that's what you want isn't?" Kaoru stretched his arm that he jerked back, the one that hurt to move. "I'll have to get used to this I guess." He sighed and pouted. "At least it's not broken, but it sure hurts a lot."

    Hikaru's plan was beginning to turn out just as he thought it would. From the answers she was giving, they clearly pointed out guilt. He was savoring seeing her trip all over herself and go from anger to sorrow; the pure signs of guilt if he ever saw them. Should he continue to let her make a fool out of herself or end her display of humilation? Tapping his fingers on her shoulder, he sighed holding back a laugh. "Oh Haruhi why would you think I would slap you?" Lifting his other hand and placing it across his heart, he brought it towards his left hip. "I'm hurt to think you would think that of me. I'm a gentleman and I don't hit women unless it is out of defense." He cast his golden eyes down upon her chocolate ones. "This whole mess has you on the defensive and I have to say it takes guts to stand up to someone with sheer power and authority." Hikaru was referring to his lineage, and his birth right of being an Hitachiin heir. "Most people wouldn't think twice, but you on the other hand, will let a person know exactly how you feel whether it hurts their feelings or not so in a way you are similar to me in more ways than one." Reaching his right arm around her neck, he let his arm rest on her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. "I know you didn't intentionally mean to hurt Kaoru, but the bottom line is what you said yourself. You held onto his sleeve. He would be fine if you didn't touch him. There wouldn't of been a reason to pull back his arm. Therefore it finds you guilty."

    Hikaru flashed a sinister smile at her that was replaced with a frown as he let go of her. "If you refuse to come stay with my brother and I cause you lost our game by your answers to me just now, your future looks bleak I'm afraid." The oldest hitachiin sibling moved in a line back and forth. "I would be forced to tell my parents every single thing that happened and your involvement in it Haruhi." He stopped to glance at her. "You know what's going to happen after that don't you? My mother will probably press charges against the one responsiable meaning you and the school. She's just that kind of person. My father will most likely want to speak to you and then matters could get ugly especially if they both command to speak to your parents." His fingers were now touching one of another in the form of a pyramid appearing to be innocent. "I would hate to see that happen, but what could I do against them? I'm only their oldest son. Kaoru, is their youngest son. We have no other siblings. And my mother just adores us and father is proud of us. They both think highly of us, us being thier blood. Perhaps I could talk to them and play this down so their will be no friction between my family and yours. After all Kaoru, doesn't have permanent damage from any of this." Hikaru was now behind her, talking into her right ear.

    "I'll get you out of this mess and all you have to do is cooperate with me. Your conscience will be clear and Kaoru may find it in his heart to forgive you as I will." Hikaru held her against his body giving her a small hug before letting go and blushing slightly, turning away from her. "Haruhi, make your choice. You owe it to Kaoru and I." He cast his eyes to the hall where he heard footsteps approching the room, those he assumed and would recongize of being both of his parents. "Or shall I tell my parents every single detail and see what happens next?"

    Post by: water mage, May 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. water mage
  9. water mage
    Ah yes and then when they were dead more appeared out of no where. It was like they could never die. It was frusterating for me trying to hit them too.
    Post by: water mage, May 26, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. water mage
    I didn't like the part when Monstro the whale came at the screen with his mouth open ready to swallow the audience whole. I'm sure I can think of more so I'll leave it at that for now.
    Post by: water mage, May 26, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  11. water mage
    Demyx grinned back showing how sincere his eyes were. "Us nobodies do have a reason for concealing ourselves. We don't want anyone to know who we are or what we look like until the time is right. That's why I chose to keep myself hidden from you. Now that you know you can feel more at ease with me."
    Post by: water mage, May 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. water mage
    (OOC: Yeah that's fine with me.)

    "All right stay close. I wouldn't want you to wander aimelssly and get lost in a maze of some kind," Demyx answered in a joking manner in which he looked back to see the expression on Cloud's face. Not even a grin. Boy, Cloud was really serious. He was always on his guard except for when it suited him and he felt safe. Demyx remembered when he had snuck Cloud into his room and that they were discussing many aspects of their lives. For a minute he saw a softer side of Cloud and he hoped to bring that out more. Cloud didn't need to feel he was always being watched. He needed to lighten up and enjoy the better things in life. If only there was a way to make him let go of his hatred or for someway to break down his defenses? The melodious nocturne would stop at no end to witness the blond warrior smile again. "So where we were at is called the Altar of Naught where the boss stands with his arms risen up like some sort of weirdo. It's like he's actually talking to the heart. Does he think that the heart is going to talk back?" Demyx chuckled imagining if his thought was a reality.

    Cloud followed Demyx taking note of where everything was as they passed different parts of the castle. "I don't know what to think of that. Xemnas claims nobodies don't have feelings, but from what I have seen, it's a lie. You say you react from your memories, but then how can you get mad or sad or excited about something when that particular memorial event in the past never happened? It sounds like Xemnas is decieving you all to think like him." Cloud halted to observe the looming luminous moon from his vantage point. "There is much for me to learn about nobodies and you're the only one I can trust that can answer my questions." He walked towards Demyx and gave him a slight grin.
    Post by: water mage, May 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. water mage
    Demyx was glad that the attention was now on Marluxia and Axel. He had gotten out of what seemed to be a confrontation something the melodious nocturne always avoided at all costs. He was free to do as he wished aside from the mission. Would the others know if he decided to ditch and go elsewhere or was he being spyed on? Surely they weren't that paranoid, but with Xemnas one could never tell. Demyx tapped his fingers resting on the white marble armrests and kicked both of his feet back and forth. He was preparing to leave and had to say something before his departure. "Geez you two. You really gotta watch yourselves mainly you Marluxia. You're always going to be on the boss's black list for what you and Larxene did. I'd hate to be in your boots, but as they say you gotta face the music." His azure tealish orbs, had life and impish pride in them, but also held a deep darkness one that was that never released except to prove a point that Demyx was serious and meant business. "So with that I'll leave you be with your note." He summoned a portal that ascended upwards taking him out of the room of Where Nothing Gathers and into the main hall of the castle. "I guess I'll get this over with," he stretched his arms in boredom wandering the halls until his keen senses kicked in that made him hide in the shadows only to spy on two warriors starring at one of another.

    Cloud cast his eyes to the brunette, the one whom he knew as Leon. There was something strange about how the other warrior approached that sent some bad signals. "No need to walk on egg shells with me. I know why you have tracked me down. It's because of Sephiroth isn't it? I can assure you he's not here. I'm insulted to think of you comparing me to him. It's literally a slap in my face." He gripped his sword warning Leon to be careful not to tempt him. "Do not blame me for the world's destruction. I have my own problems ones that you will never understand or can relate too. Try having someone controling you and maybe you can come to fanthom the kind of hell I live with everyday of my life."

    Kaoru sighed feeling a similar feeling his brother was experiencing until his eyes lit for his cell phone was vibrating his pant pocket. "Hold that thought Hikaru." Kaoru held up his finger to silence him for a moment. "Well now it seems the boss wants us to meet him at his place. It's been so long since we heard from him and the others. I wonder what it's about? Don't you?" Kaoru sent a text to Tamaki saying that he got the message and would be right there. He also added that they needed to catch up on everything.

    Hikaru leaned on his elbows and did a stretch like that of a cat from taking his nap. "The boss finally contacted us after so long? That's a surprise. I thought he would of forgotten about us. Glad to know he still cares." He pulled his cell phone out from his pant pocket and replied as well. "Anything would be better than staying here all the time," Hikaru said nonchantly to Kaoru while texting Tamaki that he was a baka for forgetting to keep in touch for so long. "Maybe our prayers have been answered." The older teen snapped his cell phone closed and placed it on his person. "I'm actually looking forward to this." Hikaru bounded off the bed with his brother in tow. "Now let's get out here without anyone seeing us." Quickly they both ran down the stairs and into the garage. "We'll take my car," Hikaru buckled himself in his black and red customaized version of a hybrid; combination of a lamborghini coupe and ferrari with Karou in the shot gun seat. Once the coast was clear, he accelerated out of the garage and off the premesis before anyone knew he had left.
    Post by: water mage, May 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. water mage
    (OOC: You're gonna love this post. It's so like the twins. I really put a lot of thought into this.)

    Kaoru overlooked that she was tired and he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. "No Haruhi you can stay. I'm feeling much better now that you're here. I'm glad that you took my advice to be there for my brother, Hikaru." His golden eyes sparkled with interest as he was feeling much better emotionally. He heard the results for his injuries and it made him depressed hoping this wasn't going to interfere with the plans, that his brother and him wanted to have over the summer. He felt like he let his brother down again and that gave him a reason to throw in the towel. With Hikaru and Haruhi present, they would hopefully make the whole experience bearable and put him in a postive mindset, but so far it wasn't working. Taking a pillow, he propped himself up to get a better look at everyone. Everything seemed the same, except for a certain reef that was half blue and half pink. " I wonder how that got here?" He asked himself. "Not that I care anyway. I have nothing to look forward to now and it's all my fault," a tear dripped from his right eye.

    Hikaru shook his head at the "gift" a nurse had left in the room. It looked like something one would give to a baby shower without the get well part attached to it. He assumed it was Kyouya, due to the fact, his father owned the hospital they were in. Not saying anything about the reef itself, he stood up by his brother's bed to see how he was feeling. "Glad you're feeling better. You gave me quite a scare." His hand was trembling as he tried to control the movement. Hikaru was still recovering from his shock and also from the extreme exhausation from earlier.

    Kaoru took hold of his brother's hand, squeezing it slightly to console him. "I'm sorry Hikaru. I didn't know I was that weak. Hopefully I will be out of here soon. All those tests freaked me out. I'm glad that you were there with me to help me get through them." A sigh of relief, Kaoru exhaled for once being able to speak to him without being in to much pain.

    Hikaru squeezed back, a tear fell from his cheek and onto his lap. Wiping it away he caught notice of Haruhi whom still had not said a single word to him and he was guessing she wanted him to speak before she did. He was hestiant too; confident that his temper would get in the way for he blamed her for the reason Kaoru was in the hospital and in so much pain. She would have to pay in some way or another, but not that of money. She didn't have it and if she did, there would be no thrill or chance of playing with her. No, he had other plans in mind for her. She would have to fill up the empty void that cast upon his heart the moment Kaoru screamed out and went unconscience. Feelings of hatred and lust for her were present in his eyes and he chose to conceal them until that perfect moment. Letting go of Karou's hand so not to hurt it accidently from his bitterness, he placed it down at his side. "For her not to be at my side? It's not like she would say no Karou. You didn't give her a choice when you went unconscience on me." His voice was shaky and he paused to swallow what seemed like a large lump in his throat. "I don't know if it was out of the goodness of her heart or just plain guilt." His meancing tone and narrowed eyes pierced her soul at least he prayed that it did. "Who knows maybe it's both. I guess you and I will never know unless..."

    "Unless what?" Karou's interest had been awakened knowing his brother had a plan in mind. "Oh come on you can tell me." He pretended to pout and held back a small scream from accidently moving to quickly in the bed, the straps restricting his movement. "I can't stand the suspense." He was like an excited puppy ready to jump at the chance. His wish was answered when his brother sat down on the bed at his side.

    "Well Kaoru the only way, you and I can find out the answer is to issue one of our penalty games. We interogate or ask her a series of any kind of questions relating to the incident of you coming here and how she was feeling about the whole thing. If her answers turn out to be guilt than her penatly is for her to come stay with us as our servant in our home for the rest of the year or until her debt is paid off. If it's out of the goodness of her heart well then you and I can both imagine what will happen next involving our toy, he smiled mischievously knowing a fact in his twisted mind that Haruhi would be interested in pursuing them in some sort of love relationship. "Either way, we win in the end and she has no choice, but to play our game or she will forfeit and automically be subjected to working off the debt in our home for as long as it takes."

    Kaoru felt a surge of energy strike him which caused him to smile in a smug fashion. He was feeling like himself again and it was all thanks to Hikaru. Ignoring the pain that was coursing through him, his mind was intent of making sure this game would be played out. "We'll be able to find out the truth then. There will be no way she can hide her feelings. I guess one can say karma really does happen." Taking a long stare at her, the impish side of him had returned. He felt alive again. Taking his brother's hand again, he ripped off his oxygen mask and brought the hand to his cheek. "You always know how to make me feel better even in the kind of shape I'm in. I felt like I was dying there for a moment not able to breathe as if death was ready to take me and then you break through the darkness and save me. I can always count on you to save me." Kaoru held his brother's hand there for a whole mintue before pulling away. "Thank you for bringing the life back into me and giving me another reason to get stronger."

    Hikaru leaned down towards his brother's cheek and nuzzled it like a tigeress with her mate. His soft and gentle movments made Kaoru blush and brought forth a genuine smile onto Hikaru's face. "I'd do anything for you brother even so far as to set up a game to give you another reason to keep going and not give up. Seeing you with the oxygen mask on scared the hell out of me, but now I've given you inspiration not to reply on it no matter how great the harm your injury is that Haruhi somewhat caused. Just think of what you have to look forward too now." He rose slowly and approched Haruhi, his steps subtle, his smirk treacherous with ominous warnings of a mighty storm brewing in his being. Whispering into her ear, he gripped her shoulder gentetly. "Isn't that right Haruhi?" Hikaru without warning pulled away from her and rose his tone so everyone on that level of the hospital wing would hear. "Haruhi, you wouldn't want to cause my brother anymore distress and pain now would you? Not after what you did." His hand came close to her face and he thought of slapping her, but decided against it. Instead he slid his finger down her right cheek and drew an imaginary line under her neckline such as the gesture of a noose being hung around her neck.

    Post by: water mage, May 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. water mage
    Back at the prestigious Ouran academy, the staff and the students were worried about the earlier incident. The chairman was concerned of having the school be held accountable and all of the students ranking from different grades were talking about it non stop. It had become the newest bit of gossip. It was now a break for the students whom conversed with each other.

    "Did you see what happened to one of the hitachiian brothers? One of them was taken out of here by helicopter with the other one by his side. It must be serious. I wonder if he will be all right?" One of the girls from the second year asked her friends. "Do you think Tamaki or Kyoya knows about any of this? Oh I hope so. I can't manage the host club not knowing any of this."

    "I bet if they did they don't even care. And who would care. Those twins were trouble from the day they came here," replied another student.

    "I heard that their parents are going to sue the whole school," said another.

    "Well I heard that the kid with the scholarship was the reason why the whole thing happend."

    "Just don't ever cross one of the twins for he had a look that he could kill on his face. I was accidently standing in his way when he was racing down the halls carrying his brother." A brunette girl from a first year fessed up.

    "I believe no matter what that Suoh doesn't know squat what happened. He was probably busy in his own little world as usual. I should tell him," one girl ran off from the huge crowd that was gathered in the hall. She searched the classroom and found him sitting at his desk doodling on something. "Excuse me, but did you hear about what everyone in school is talking about? Haruhi caused one of twins to go the hospital by life flight and the other twin almost passed out as well. What do you think will happen?"


    Each test was done precisely from having his blood taken, to a cat scan of his whole body. These measures were taken in case something serious had happened. The results turned out of be a bruised chest wall and lung, with a few ribs out of alignment, internal bleeding in various areas of his body, and a minor sprang of his right leg. He was lucky for the most part for it could have been worse. He was hooked up to oxygen and an ekg per doctors orders as they were pinpointing the concerns from the results of tests. Spotting Hikaru in such distress worried Kaoru the most. Hikaru was there by his side, but had left on various occasions to use the restroom. Kaoru decided not to say anything about that for it was most likely nerves and the shock to the teen's body of the whole thing. If the same pattern kept happening though, then he would say something mostly because he didn't want his brother to get dehydrated. Kaoru kept his eyes on his mother wondering what she was thinking about and if she noticed the same thing he did? "How much longer do I have to be here? We have to get back to the school for the host club meeting? Boss will get upset if we're not there. I wonder if they even know I'm in the hospital?" Kaoru wanted to hug himself, but couldn't reach for he was strapped down in the bed from moving for his own safety.

    Hikaru sighed for the last thing on his mind was discussing anything that involved school. Of course, the members of the host club were his friends and they had every right to know what had happend. Taking out his cell phone, he forwarded a text message to everyone one of them, Tamaki, Haruhi, Kyoya, Hunny, and Mori that he was in the hospital with his brother. He ended the message with call his cell for details. Now with that task out of the way, the older twin thought of the accident again. In a way, the whole classroom disaster was his fault. He was the one who stood up talking to the teacher expressing how he felt, and Kaoru followed. Haruhi was embarrased or felt bad so that's why she got involved, but did she really have to grab Kaoru's sleeve? Thinking of these events in his head, made his stomach churn and feel uneasy from the guilt and so he ignored the physical feeling and focused on what he would say to Haruhi when he saw her again.

    She went out of her way to comfort him, and seemed to care, but her direct body contact onto his own, back at the classroom made him fluster and question himself. Was he growing a crush on her? It couldn't be. They had just seen each other in the host club and in class so why was he going out of his way to call attention to himself? Hikaru thought to himself using his fingers in a counting gesture to recall the "accidental embarrasing meetings" with her. First the mishap in the host club with the guests screaming out in delight when Haruhi was pushed onto both of the twins in thier "brotherly love act", second with the discussion in the car when they took her home, and lastly the classroom disaster. None of these occurances was good for his reputation. Haruhi had struck his heartstrings and he couldn't get her out of his head. And what would Tamaki, the fake daddy think if he discovered that Hikaru had a crush on his little girl? Perhaps this insight could be used to Hikaru's advantage. His thoughts were interupted by the worried expression on his mother's face when he glanced around. How would she react when he explained the whole situation to her? He was about to find out. "Mother there is something you need to know. I interupted the history teacher's boring speech and gave him my thoughts of his lecture. I could barely hear him cause he mumbled while he spoke. Kaoru also stood up and said something along the lines I did. Haruhi, our friend you met briefly was the one whom confronted us about it probably for the teacher's sake. She also grabbed Kaoru's sleeve and well you can imagine the rest." Hikaru shifted in his seat next to his brother's bed for he was uncomfortable and nervous which was not helping the way his body was feeling. The news was shocking for any parent, but this occurance could have all been avoided which made the situation worse.

    Post by: water mage, May 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. water mage
    (OOC: It's not my rpg, but I don't see why not. You're welcome to join if you like.)

    Demyx knew how awkard one was adjusting to a whole different look and perhaps it was finally time for her to see who he was. "I see what you mean, but don't worry about it. You'll catch on," he caught her from falling while seconds later revealed his visage for the first time to her.
    Post by: water mage, May 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. water mage
    The youngest twin, held his mother's hand then let go, crying softly for a lot of fears were surfacing in his mind. "I still can't believe this is happening to me?" Kaoru remained tense, but was relieved at the sight of his twin brother next to him. He nuzzled close to him, and glanced at the other students and their facial expressions. The whole incident would be in the newspaper for sure and he would have to answer all of the nagging questions and relive the whole experience numerous times.

    "Yeah I can't believe it myself. Way to get attention," Hikaru smiled at his twin. "Of course I would of acheived that in a different way." He hoped his form of humor would put Kaoru's mind at ease especially at the way, the paramedics had transported them in the helicopter. It was a whole new experience, one with fear and curiosity. Hikaru retained his outside surroundings of the noices from the intercoms to the paramedics asking his mother lots of health questions concerning his brother. Just as they had taken off in the helicopter, it had landed within twenty minutes. Once again, a group of trained medical personal were swarming them, while the gurney was wheeled into the emergency section of the hospital. Hikaru grew agitated, and extremely protective wondering what sort of "tests" his brother would be subjected to and which ones his mother would approve of. No matter what they were, Hikaru swore not to leave the side of his twin. If these tests had to be done, he would be in the same room. Hell would freeze over before he ever left his twin.

    Post by: water mage, May 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. water mage
    (OOC: Way to get things going, AmercianSephiroth but just so you know, no one from the host club has arrived through the world yet so I'll improvise, and go from there. Be sure to have the posts a tad longer too okay? ^-^ For everyone: So there is no confusion please color code your character(s) and type before your post the setting of where your character(s) are at.)

    In the Castle of the World That Never Was...

    The lights were flashing rapidly, a fog machine drifted the contents through the darkness, like a slow claw reaching out into the abyss. The back of his black jacket with studs of his rock name, sparkling brighter than diamonds made people look twice at him. Gripping his instrument tighter than life itself, the rock star waved to his crowd as they chanted his name. He was famous from the naked eye could see, his name was known by all who lived the lifestyle. Setting his fingers to play his next tune, the whole facade flashed out of focus bringing him back to his painful existance as a nobody. From hanging his feet out of boredom, Demyx was quickly snapped out of his trance where he invisoned himself as whom he was once standing on stage as a rockstar before his roaring fans. Demyx glanced at everyone whom was present Where Nothing Gathers, groaned to himself for he fretted having to do any kind of assignment that the senior members assigned him to. "Intruders? How could anyone get in the castle anyway?" He questioned his boss, shrugging both of his shoulders.

    Indeed there was someone, and it happened to have been a warrior clad in black, with spikey blond hair that nearly resembled Roxas's. Cloud had escaped his rival and most feared foe Sephiroth from one of their heated battles to the death. Last the two fought, Cloud had escaped into the light, one of his last means of defense against one whom could control his every thought and whim. He was safe, but for how long was the question. Dropping his sword to the ground, Cloud leaned on one of the exterior walls of the castle to catch his breath before the next conflict starrted.

    Elsewhere in a different part of Japan...

    A youth in his teen years, sat on a large pillow next to a large pane window starred at his reflection almost in regret or sorrow. Freedom that he once knew had seemed to vansih out of thin air according to the news he received from his parents this morning. Everything had already been decided for him, his whole future layed out before waiting to be followed. He felt like a prisoner trapped in his own home, that consisting of a large mansion complete with servants and guards almost everywhere he looked. Kaoru, the youngest Hitachiin twin, one with lineage and power at his disposal not able to decide his own plans for his future. It was rather pathetic, but at least he was handling the situation better compared to his older, less mature brother. "Will you calm down? There is nothing we can do," Kaoru slowly walked across the room until he decided to sit on the bed.

    Books fell from thier neat categorized homes down onto the floor only to be kicked aside from their abuser. Pillows were tossed from the nestled spot on the bed at other parts of the spacious room. Anything that caught the sight of the golden orbed teen went hurling into a chaotic mess. Hikaru, the oldest indentical twin, was going on a rampage for he had just come back from the same exact lecture earlier. His fists were clenched and fury was set in his eyes, like a caged wild animal. "I don't believe this. What gives them the right to decide our futures? It's our lives not theirs and we can do what we want with them. Why should we have to still listen to them and follow their stupid rules?" He collapsed on the bed, lying with his head hanging off the bed until he got bored with that and flipped onto his side, now laying on his stomach."Man. It's so unfair. I wonder if the others have to put up with the same bull we're going through?" He ran his hand through his hair, attempting to calm himself down.
    Post by: water mage, May 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. water mage
    (OOC: You guys can go ahead and begin the rp and anyone who would like to still join please do.)
    Post by: water mage, May 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. water mage
    Hikaru felt the gentle touch on his shoulders and for a mintue it seemed to help make the emotional pain fade. He turned around moments afterwards to hear his mother's voice. Getting up from his awkard postion earlier, he stretched his arms to get out any of the kinks before leaning his head onto his mother's chest seeking comfort. He felt lost without Kaoru, and the conversation he had heard from Haruhi and her was nerve wrecking. "Mother I'm riding with Kaoru and don't tell me I can't because I will fight you tooth and nail over it."

    Kaoru was coming out of his twilight state only to see his mother now there. He tried to lean up, but decided against it due to the pain he still felt. "What's going on? Where are they taking me?" He demanded as Hikaru climbed onto the gourney to ride with his brother to a helicopter waiting outside that would get them to the hospital faster than an ambulance could. Hikaru made sure to carefully avoid injuring himself or his brother while the paramedics burst through the doors and wheeled the gourney down the hall.

    Post by: water mage, May 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home