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  1. water mage
    (OOC: Anime Expo was fun except for the drama I had to put up with one of my friends. >_<)

    Demyx stood up and shrugged his shoulders not bothered by having to fight at all. The melodious nocturne was a lazy nobody who hated to get himself all sweaty. "If you say so boss, but you can go first if you like. I'm going to watch the master at work," he placed his fingers in quotations marks awaiting for Xemnas to make the first move.

    Now Cloud wanted to roll his eyes at this sight. Why did he have to fight the leader of the organization? Cloud could easily beat the other nobody by the sight of the demenaor of the young lad, but Xemnas was another concern. "If we fight I want to know the reasons for doing so and they better not be senseless." Cloud was buying himself some time to recooperate by having small talk.

    Hikaru and Kaoru both grinned devishly like the imps they had always been. Haruhi had missed them and they would rub that information in Tamaki's face before long. "Oh you missed us? We missed you too. How about we come over like today or maybe two hours from now?" The twins offered in a genuine manner. "We need to catch up on everything."
    Post by: water mage, Jul 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. water mage
  3. water mage
  4. water mage
    "Yeah you did. Good job on that." Demyx gave her a high five. "So what do you think will happen now? Do you think we'll be sent out on a mission? If so I'll show you the ropes. Don't fret I'm not strict." He grinned at her.
    Post by: water mage, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. water mage
    Cloud nodded his head in approval. It was good to know what to do and how to act with certain people. "Thanks for the advice, but I should be fine with the others."

    "Phenox you also sense something don't you?" Demyx also noticed another presence, one of lower power and it seemed to be unsettling. Was he being spyed on already? Shaking his head with disapproval, he acted like nothing was wrong in front of the others. The last thing he needed was for someone to worry about him. And how could nobodies care anyway since they didn't have emotions? It was confusing and presented a mystery that most likely would never be solved.

    Cloud looked in another direction feeling some tension so it was up to him to speak his line even if it was just a quick question. "Is something on your mind Demyx and Phenox?"
    Post by: water mage, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. water mage
    (OOC: That's fine. I told her to tell you.)

    Demyx was startled at Xemnas's presence that he almost grew tongue tied. He quickly came to his senses and bowed before his boss. "Boss you don't have to waste your time on me. I'm sure you have better things to do. Send one of the other members here. Xigbar would be best for this sort of thing." He addressed Xemnas with high respect and authority.

    Cloud remained silent through the whole conversation. It was just the perfect distraction he needed to get him away from what troubled his mind and that was having to face Sephiroth again in the future. He hoped he would get some moments of peace before the evil resurfaced.

    Kaoru went up to the phone at the same time with Hikaru to surprise her. It had been a long time since they have spoken. "Hey Haruhi long time no see."

    "How have you been? The boss misses you too."

    "In fact we're all going to pay you a visit to your place. How does that sound for a reunion?"
    Post by: water mage, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. water mage
    (OOC: I'm feeling a little better now. Thanks everyone. This is going to be a brief post, but in the future I'll try to post longer ones.)

    Kaoru shuddered at the look his mother gave his brother. He didn't want to get on her bad side especially in front of Haruhi. That would make matters worse. "Hikaru..." he warned, his tone hestiant and shaky to say the least.

    "Kaoru I know what I'm doing. Just let me handle it." He gave his twin a smile. Hikaru shrugged his shoulders at the moment his mother gave him a warning look. Instead of saying a word, he simply took the phone from Haruhi. Speaking directly into it, he got to the point. "Hello Mr. Fugioka. I need to discuss some terms with you. You see what happened is that your daugther accidently caused my twin brother Kaoru to wind up in the emergency room all because she grabbed his sleeve and wouldn't let go and after he had told her a few times to let go of him. If you want the details of the situation and of my brother's injuries you can talk to my mother. I don't want to state them over the phone. It's to emotional for me. So because Haruhi can't obviously pay for the medical bill, I have come up with a solution that won't put you in jeopardy, but I need your permission as her father to let it happen. She would work off her debt at my estate, live there and accompany us on our trip to America." He ended his conversation waiting to hear from him.
    Post by: water mage, Jun 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. water mage
    "Yeah. I've been playing for years." Just when he was about to play another tune, he heard Vexen's irratating tone over the intercom. "Aw man. You got to be kidding me. Hearing him ten fold over the thing is almost as bad as hearing nails scrap on a chalk board," the water wielder complained. "So much for my free time."
    Post by: water mage, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. water mage
    Else where in the pride lands, Cloud had lunged into the dark portal thinking the presence was of Sephiroth before it had competly closed and he found himself, starring at the pride lands on a lower level than normal. He had become a lion like all of the rest, except his coloring was of a light golden tan with a beautiful mane. "This is strange," he tried out his new body to see how it would respond to dashing across the vast savanna fields.

    Demyx plunged himself into the lake and was dog paddling trying to get used to his new body. It felt so foreign to him and he hoped he didn't have to stay this way for a long time. "I wonder how this happened? Are we cursed? If we are, we need to find a way to undo it."
    Post by: water mage, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. water mage
    (OOC: Sora was in Castle Oblivion where he and Leon had fought Xigbar. Leon left Sora behind to go find Cloud. Yuffie I assume would be in Hollow Bastion. Sorry for such a short and pathetic post.)

    "I see." Cloud crossed both of his arms, a comfortable position that he normally did all the time. "Demyx says to beware of certain members. I'll soon be meeting them."

    "I thought you were here longer?" The melodious nocturne placed his arm behind his neck trying to recall when Phenox did join the organization. "Oh well," he stated easily and calmly while shrugging his shoulders. "Cloud will meet the other members as well. Any advice for him?"
    Post by: water mage, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. water mage
    Demyx did his nbest not to yawn for the humans were begining to bore him. Not that he didn't enjoy messing with their minds, it was just that he got the feeling he was being watched for he felt another presence in the area. "You know, you don't have to wave your weapon around like you own the place. Do you see me with my weapon out? Nope. Not at the moment anyway," he hinted with sarcasm, his eyes warning them that he did have a trick up his sleeve. "So I'll make it easy for you guys," he turned his back on them to irrate the bruntte even more for the blonde didn't seem to be getting upset. "Go on do what you must. I dare ya," he turned back around and pointed his finger at them.

    Cloud didn't move a muscle for he had a strong hunch what the nobody was up to. It was genius to pretend to drop one's guard when in reality doing the direct opposite. Cloud didn't know how Leon would react, but as for himself he would wait for Demyx to make the first move.

    Hikaru stole a glance at his twin brother Kaoru and stood up showing that he would join him. "I was thinking the same thing myself boss. There is nothing left here for any of us so it is time to move on. I have one conditon though. We take Haruhi with us."

    Kaoru nodded and stood up just moments after Hikaru. "It has been a while since we have seen her and I bet she's worse off. Haruhi has to come with us. Hikaru and I will arrange that. You and the others can help if you want."

    "Kaoru why don't we just surprise her?" Hikaru pulled out his cell phone fromt his pocket, underlined her name in his contact list and called the number. "Now all we have to do is wait for her to pick up."
    Post by: water mage, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. water mage
    (OOC: Been busy with other things to respond so that's the reason for the slow response.)

    Both of the twins starred at Tamaki as if he had an abnormal feature about him. On the other hand he did agree to accompany them on the trip. The only thing left to do was to convince their mother and father, not to mention discuss with mainly their mother about the arrangements for Haruhi staying with them. She would be quite shocked to say the least, for the twins could read their mother like an open book. "Whatever you say boss," they replied at the same time before turning to Haruhi. "Hey Haruhi are we going to talk to our mother now or are you waiting for an open invitation?" Hikaru and Kaoru both smirked. "She's right over there." In unison their fingers reached out pointing to her and glanced their honey colored orbs in her direction. "You're not afraid are you?"

    Post by: water mage, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. water mage
    "I had a feeling you would say that so I guess I'll entertain you with this," Demyx rose his hand up in the air to reveal his sitar. "You see this is what makes life all worth while." Demyx grinned as he strummed the strings of his beloved instrument. "I take requests," he added while playing a soft gentle tune.
    Post by: water mage, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. water mage
    Kaoru played with his fingers, tapping them against each other to hear what reaction Tamaki would come forth with. He guessed it would be utter shock or down right lunacy. "Like I said Hikaru and Haruhi have a part to play into the events that led up today boss. Wouldn't you like to know?" Kaoru's response was so raw, it was as if he was opening up an old wound and pouring salt and lemon juice all over it.

    Hikaru noticed that she was feeling uncomfortable with his touch which was exactly what he had planned. Her will power was strong not to smack him and he admired that through all the pressure he was imposing on her she had not cracked like a egg yet. It was another reason why he had come to be so fond of her. "It's fine that the boss stays. I've been wanting to talk to him anyway. Before you speak to my mother however I will be present. After all I have to know what you say to her and make sure you don't do something underhanded that would make me lose all trust in you," his golden eyes pierced her chocolate ones for a second revealing how troublesome and dangerous he could be. That cold, dead stare disappeared and was replaced with a subtle, interested and affectionate, yet twisted gleam instead. "So you see, you're stuck with me you like it or not. I find it a suitable consequence for all the pain that you caused me today; both physical and emotional."

    Post by: water mage, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. water mage
    "I see what you mean. I felt that way also when I first joined. You wouldn't want to know about that though." Demyx decided to change the conversation. "So would you like to see or do? I have plenty of free time on my hands for right now."
    Post by: water mage, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. water mage
    (OOC: Of course you can. I'll add you to the list.)

    Demyx turned around to see Phenox, and he wondered what the newer recruit had been up to? "Oh hey Phenox. This is Cloud. He'll be staying with us. It's my job to show him around and look after him. I don't know how the other organization members would react to this, but they have no choice cause the boss approved of it already." His friendly demeanor was comforting to say the least as he turned his attention to Cloud. "Cloud, this is Phenox. He is one of our newer recruits you could say."

    Cloud Strife knew he couldn't trust any other nobody in the castle in which he lived in, but it was important to discover any weaknesses that the other members possessed. He would use that to his advantage if he ever had to fight them. For now, his eyes only glanced at the other warrior and seemed to study him. "I see. How long have you been with the organization?"
    Post by: water mage, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. water mage
    Demyx fell into the lake and started swimming in a different fashion. It was foreign to him to swim using the dog paddle as his new body structure had to adapt. "Man this is so uncool. I feel so slow in the water now." He drug his body out, and flopped down the cool green grass. "I wonder how this happened? And why of all places were we sent here by the boss?" Demyx was now bored and reached out to play his sitar, however it wouldn't come to him. "What? No this can not be happening? This is a joke right?" He was freaking out, pawing the air and earth with his sharp claws. "I can't be stuck in this form. How will I ever play my sitar again? This is a nightmare."
    Post by: water mage, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. water mage
    Demyx stepped closer to them seeing what their reaction would be? It was amusing to play with victims especially if they had not attacked yet. "Good. I'm glad that you said that because I don't want any trouble, but would rather ask some questions that's all. So first one is why are the both of you here? Who sent you and don't you know this castle is forbidden to access by trespassers?" Demyx asked calmly with the same grin on his face. So far so good. No one had intervened and it looked like he could hold off these two until the others arrived if they showed up.

    Cloud focused his cool blue eyes upon the younger organization warrior and kept his demeanor subtle. Any of the nobodies, the exception of Xemnas could be dealt with easily, but the warrior had faced Sephiroth and was still recovering. At his current state, Demyx would have a chance at beating him depending on what attacks he used. Cloud wasn't to fond of which element each of the organization possessed so it was wise to be calm for this nobody could reveal his power at any moment. "I'll answer your questions on my part. I came here by accident. I was not sent by anyone and was merely resting." In case the nobody would attack, he had his weapon ready. "Is that all that you ask?"

    Kaoru's eyes focused on Hunny and Mori whom had just graced them with their presence. "Well it looks like the others are here Hikaru," the younger twin responded with a grin on his face.

    "Kyoya is also here. I wonder what the boss wants to say? To tell you the truth it will be better than anything else happening in our lives." Hikaru folded his arms across his chest, as he was currently bored.

    "No kidding, but still I would like to hear what Kyoya, Hunny and Mori have been up to these past years. Wouldn't you?"

    "I guess." Hikaru placed his arms behind his neck. "I have nothing better else to do." His golden eyes starred at Tamaki. "So boss tell us what did you have planned..."

    Kaoru followed in pursuit to their plan. "And the rest of you feel free to jump in and tell us what you guys have been doing or what futures you will have and we'll tell you ours...

    "But only if you tell us first." Hikaru ended their conversation and waited for Hunny, Mori, Kyoya to speak before the boss if there was a chance at that.
    Post by: water mage, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. water mage
    (OOC: That's fine guys, but remember the rule of when posting here make sure it's in character if you're going to do OOC okay? Thank you. After all we don't want to spam up the thread.)

    That day Kaoru saw a sudden change in Tamaki that he had not seen before except the first time his brother and him joined. The king of the host club was sincere and beaming his kindness. This warm gesture revealed how caring the second year was and even though he displayed acts of being a complete dunce, behind it all was loyalty and a heart of gold. Smiling back and shaking his head in a slow motion, Kaoru was pleased that Tamaki had agreed to come with them to America and hopefully Kyoya and the others would follow suit. The twins' plan had worked for the most part, except for one of them getting hurt; however, if that was the risk they had to take then they would gladly do it all over again. Kaoru observed Haruhi leave the room that caused him to cast his eyes back at the boss. "I just hope my brother is going to be okay. He's been acting strange so lately and I don't think it's just from what happened to me. I guess you can say I left out some other parts after I got hurt that involved Hikaru and Haruhi."

    On the marble counter top, the oldest of the twins was leaning against a mirror, his head tilted upwards with his eyes closed. He was tired to say the least, but at least no one could disturb him. Suddenly his eyes shot open at the moment he heard his name being called from the outside. No, could it be the one whom he acted like a child in front of? What could she possibly want? Well he couldn't stay in the restroom forever for it wasn't one of the best places to hang out in. "Hold on." Slowly getting off the counter, he reached for the handle and turned it, stepping out and past her. With his ego on the line, he held his head up high as if nothing was wrong and turned around to face her before entering the room his brother was in. "What do you want now? Have you come to yell at me or lecture me some more? Or do you wish to slap me this time? I guess I deserve it, but it's your call. Regardless what you do, you'll still be working for me. I'll see to that." Hikaru appeared not amused having a strong feeling she could call his bluff and slap him, but he would make sure that the minute Kaoru was released and able to come home, she would be staying with them regardless what his parents or Tamaki thought. Feeling more comfortable around her and more like his arrogant self, he brushed his hand across her right cheek softly. "After all it's part of the deal we made and you already committed to it. Now all I have to do is convince my parents and that shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps you would like to tell my mother first?" With the same hand, he drug it down the side of her face and rested it on her shoulder before pulling it back to his side.

    Post by: water mage, Jun 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. water mage
    The taller youth starred at the shorter girl reaching her hand out to him. It was both comforting and humiliating. To think he accepted her help of any sort, but then again he had revealed a softer insecure side of him that he normally kept under wraps. "I have a right to be tired, stressed and scared. I thought I was going to lose him and I pushed my body to the limit not that it matters anyway." He took her hand to help himself up feeling inferior to her. His golden eyes glared at her for a second ashamed more at himself for giving in to being vulnerable. Anyone could take advantage of him and he was foolish to let his guard down. Luckily Haruhi was not that kind of person or at least that's what he thought. Feeling backed in a corner, he lashed out, his temper misunderstood but strangely like a child's. He didn't know how to express his feelings in another way for Kaoru was the only one he had ever cared about and trusted. "So what if we're both freaked out by all of this. Don't assume you helped me get through this on your own and you better not tell a single soul that you helped me or..." he clenched his fists feeling tears burning on the sides of his sore eyelids and burst out the room not able to face her anymore. He had blown any opportunity of being genuine with her and now he knew for a fact she would have nothing to do with him, but the truth was he appreciated her support and yearned for so much more. His conflicted interests were the only thing standing in his way.

    Kaoru heard shouting erupt from his brother's mouth and spotting the sight of him heading down the hallway, past his mother without acknowledging her was a real concern. He cringed when he heard the door from a restroom slam shut and lock after wards. Hikaru had locked himself in one of the restrooms clearly upset by something that happened between him and Haruhi; Kaoru was certain of this. "Oh brother..." the younger Hitachiin groaned and held his hand against his forehead. "I really wish I knew what was going on with you." Kaoru looked down and wondered how Haruhi reacted to that emotional display? "Haruhi," he called for her. "Please don't any offense to what my brother may say or do. Just know that he is scared and confused. The only one he has ever had was me and it's difficult for him to open his feelings up to another. Normally he's not like this at all and I was hoping you never had to see that side of him."

    Post by: water mage, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home