THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT. (lol,nice to also see a fellow hater. :3 ) She is a pain. Why can't she just stay home like a good little girl and stay out of it? Oh,that's right. She's dumb enough to go and get herself kidnapped. >>
I didn't like either. She was whiny in the first one. These quotes actually made me shout at my tv (XD): "Sora?Are you really...No. He can't be. I WON'T LET HIM GO! D:<" (I was like ' YOU JUST DID! D:< ) "C'Mon,Sora! We made it this far by sticking together! =D" (WTAWLKTJ AKLWT I DID ALL THE FREAKING WORK! D8< ) "It's my lucky charm,be sure to bring it back to me,LoL! =D" (...this guy.Is going.To risk his LIFE and DIGNITY to SAVE THE FREAKING WORLDS.....and all you care about is yer lucky charm. >> ) Then she only caused more trouble for Sora in KH II. As if he didn't have enough. He had to: -Defeat the Heartless -Defeat the Nobodies -Figure out what Organization XIII was planning -Defeat Organization XIII -Seal the Keyholes -Look for the King and Riku -Get back home in one piece Then Kairi comes along and gets herself kidnapped. I was like "....noooo..... no more... D| " Then she goes and says "No matter what happens,next time we're all going and sticking together!D:<" (Like you'd be of any help.) (As you could tell,I extremely dislike Kairi) She does need to work on it.
I agree that Axel,Demyx,and Zexion should definitely return whole.And,Roxas is whole. Axel is amazing, Demyx wasn't really the kind that wanted to fight,and Zexion seemed kinda laid back and actually didn't want to fight as well (He probably only did to get Riku). As for everyone else... Xemnas - NEEDS TO DIE COMPLETELY D:< Xigbar - He should,and he shouldn't. Should,because like you said,he was just being used. Shouldn't,because if he was as dangerous with that freaking sniper without a Heart,how dangerous do you think he would be WITH one? D: Xaldin - Shouldn't. He seemed to be a bit on his own for a bit,taunting the Beast and almost made him betray his friends. Vexen - Should. He was an idiot, but a USEFUL idiot. A man of science. He could help teh world. :D Lexeaus - I guess he should. He's kind of in the same boat with Zexion. =/ Saix - Should,then shouldn't. He was manipulated by Xemnas,I grant ye that. But he also forced Sora into the Darkness because he kidnapped Kairi. Hmm....this is difficult. >> Luxord - Hehe, he should. He'd play a mean poker and completely wipe out Vegas. XD Marluxia - I dare him to. He used Sora for his own selfish needs and he took down 2 of his buddies to do so. >> Larxene - She was a pawn. 'Nuff said.
GET.THE.F**K.OUTTA THERE. D8 Bring a bunch of food and like a CRAP-LOAD of water. D8
Oh,wow. You are God for that epicness. I worship. -bows-
Buahaha. By the looks of it,I am in the lead. My plan is working. >:3
Exactly what I thought. D:<
Woot! :D -parties-
1.) I want to be his bestest buddy because I really need one. I r all alooone... D: And what quality do I have? I'm pretty easy going and get along with others pretty easily. I do tend to shout out random things,though. XD 2.)WKTAWUTKW YES D8< 3.)I can cook cereal. And toast. ...and ramen. = w = 4.)Just met 'im today. 8D 5.)I could use a brush. I like to play with people's hair sometimes. = w = 6.)Give him a hot bath with vineger to kill the fleas,then force him to take a shower to get rid of the vineger. Then the hug. =D 7.) 8.)Uhh...not being loved? D: 9.)Idk,Lassies? -confused by question- 10.)I WOULD TRY! >:3
I have a question. I've seen a few siggys where it says 'R.I.P. Soku'. What happened? D:
XD Haha,no. I am 100% white. I was going to see what your reaction was. That made my day. XD
True,true. He does know how to use it pretty sweetly. :) Then again...Her weapon is pretty sharp. D:
:) Lol. This means we friend,yes?
8D YAY -glomp-
Oh. My. God. I don't know you anymore. D:
I feel ignored now. D; -goes to sulk in Tamaki's corner of woe-
I want to be your friend. D:
I like to imagine Sora in a princess dress. :D