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  1. JustANobody

    In some relationships there is one partner in it that's protective,territorial,or controlling. They want you to know that they are the most important thing to you,and doing something as little as talking to someone else could set off a trigger in their mind that they don't have enough control.
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  2. JustANobody
    See,now,people don't usually call me names. That's not my problem. It's the stress at home that's causing this. My parents (mom especially) kind of stresses me about how she wants me to be,and I can't take it. =/

    Thanks for the advice,though. I'll try to keep myself motivated. =)
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  3. JustANobody
    That might be a sign that she's a bit territorial and protective. It's not usually a good thing to have in a relationship.
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  4. JustANobody
    Hey. Zippy here,in need of help with my self-esteem issues. What's the problem?

    -I always think negatively about myself

    I'm not the brightest in the bunch outside of school. I've made some pretty stupid mistakes,and I mean STUPID. I'm overweight,I know.I'm working on both. But when I think I've made just the slightest bit of goes down.

    I'm pretty stressed about my body and my grades because of my family. It's all critism,and none of it is constructive. It's really affected the way I think about myself,and I get emotional over it.

    Help? D:
    Thread by: JustANobody, Jun 20, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. JustANobody
    "Prettiest boy in the school?"

    That shouldn't really matter. It's the personality that really counts. As far as communicating,the best I could give you would be to just be yourself. This coming from a girl,some find it better to be with a guy who's himself and isn't afraid to show it rather than some hunk. (Trust me)

    For courage,just keep practicing everyday,like to a mirror or something. Get some topic ideas on a sheet of paper so you have something to talk about.
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  6. JustANobody
    LoL. Yeah,I really hope that Aqua is freaking amazing. There are a bit of Squeenix girls that are already kick-arse,though. Tifa,literally. She's strong,both physically and emotionally (though stalks Cloud a bit too much). Yuna,well,let's just say don't piss her off. Guns + PMS = Oh mai. Namine,though she's a bit frail,is still stronger than Kairi. She took matters into her own hands by meeting Roxas personaly and had the strength and will to fight,instead of waiting on the sidelines like Kairi. =/ (lol,Selphie in the first game was more of a threat, and all she had was a jumprope.)
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. JustANobody
    Seriously. For that egostical personality,take this example: After Sora and Kairi finally met up and before "Ansem" revealed himself to be Riku,Donald made a compliment: "Kairi,you were great!". He was most likely surprised that she,for once,fought to save her own ass,therefore thought it would help to praise her and encourage her to do it more often. But instead of a "thanks" of any sort,what does she do? Flips her hair and giggles in a total egoistic way. Not cool.
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 18, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. JustANobody
    It actually started with talking about nothing but finding Riku and going home. Then Kairi had to go and get herself kidnapped. I'm surprised Sora didn't start splitting hairs. I would have. >>;
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. JustANobody
    If she needed it,then why didn't he give it to her before? She was in real danger at THAT moment,and the Heartless were growing,so he needed as much help as he could get. (Though why THEY were able to smite them in 1 hit whereas it takes SORA multiple hits,I'll never know. =/ )
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. JustANobody
    Correction: If Kairi wasn't the damsel, the game would be a lot more simple. And you have to go to The World That Never Was,anyway. It's practically the main base for Organization XIII.
    And while she DID use a Keyblade (I'm tired of explaining this),it was only a loan from Riku so that Kairi could save her own ass. >>
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. JustANobody
    It depends on the game,I guess. I preferred Donald over Goofy in the first game because Goofy died way too easily,and Donald could heal. =)

    But in CoM,neither of them were of any real help unless I did Trinity Limit. )=

    Then in KH II,I preferred Goofy. Cause Valor Form is kick-ass and Wisdom Form confuses me. D:
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. JustANobody
    Hmm. Decisions,decisions. Where to begin...

    Sora - Tackle him and huggle him until we come to a compromise: I don't kill him with love, and he takes me with me wherever he goes. =) ...and have him answer the question I've been searching the answer for for a long time: Who would win in a battle to the death: Him,or Rena? (XD)
    Riku - Try to cut his hair. >:3 (Might sell it on eBay)
    Kairi - hmm....-hatchet- >8D
    Namine - Dump a bucket of water on her dress to teach her a lesson about what she wears,then get her better clothing. =D
    Roxas - Ask him how he can eat so much sea-salt ice cream and not get sick. D:
    Xemnas - Give him PROPER lessons on how to rule the world (He needs sporks,not Nobodies, as his lackies. = w =)
    Axel - Try to straighten his hair. XD
    Demyx - Demand guitar lessons. >:3

    Basically....that. =/
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. JustANobody

    Kira does not count. Plus,either of the two could probably finish him off in the time it takes before they died (Sora has his 'Stop' spell. And Rena? She's just amazing. :D)
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. JustANobody
    Ditto. I haven't really played FF X-2,but I don't like always having to rescue Kairi or whoever is in destress. It annoys me,and as I already listed in my first post on this board,Sora (whoever's playing) had enough going on,and Kairi getting kidnapped (again) just overdid his workload. You gotta feel bad for the guy. D:

    Actually,Riku got a fair amount of time in the games. You're probably forgetting the 'Reverse/Rebirth' mode of Chain of Memories. Yes,Roxas did get more time in that one game than Kairi did in all 3 of them,which was about 2-3 hours,depending on what you did. But I'm not sure about Riku. Riku actually helped out,too. He didn't really stand on the sidelines (except for when going against Saix. And Luxord. But that's about it).
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. JustANobody
    Bumping up ^

    (Is that even allowed? D: )
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. JustANobody
    I would seriously just kick him and run. Scream for help.

    Then there's the whole "Sora's in trouble...because of me!" line. It's not much of a shocker if you remember what happened alst time. =/
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. JustANobody
    I'm not saying she's ugly. She does have a KH II (Her head was a bit too big for her body in the first game. >>). I'm just saying that she's quite annoying and bugs the crap out of me. >>
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. JustANobody
    Bring it. >:3

    -pulls out Rena's cleaver-
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. JustANobody
    How about when Axel was dragging her through the portal in Twilight Town? She didn't put up much of a struggle. What are we little kids supposed to do in a situation like that? KICK 'IM WHERE IT HURTS. D<
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. JustANobody
    Haha,make me.

    And it never specified that. Just if you thought her character needs working on,and if so why. You've got nothing on me. = w =
    Post by: JustANobody, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX