I agree with this. Riku, I believe, is the first and so far only character to wield both Light and Darkness. (Which is odd, if you consider Roxas and Xion. Their powers were light, as stated in Days. Blahh, confused.)
I rather enjoyed that woman sketch. It seemed more...natural. She was slightly plump, not a twig that's basically the most idolized woman people look for. Yuu approves! [:
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is my all-time favorite Disney movie, so you can imagine how much of my shiz I flipped when the City of the Bells was released in the first trailer. Unfortunately, I also came to this worry. The whole reason I love the movie is because of all of that unnatural-Disney darkness, and Kingdom Hearts has tamed a LOT from the original movies down. Those worries aside, I'm also deeply concerned for whoever's to voice Frollo. Frollo is the best Disney villain in history (he was the most human and battled with his inner demons instead of being evil through-and-through), but his voice actor, Tony Jay, is dead. You can't beat his voice for Frollo. D:
This is all assuming every single thing that's happened to him is in play, be it Sora himself, an extension of him (that's why I counted the forms), or someone that's been absorbed into him. Even though Naminé and Kairi don't technically count, they were still somewhere in him at one point, and could (I guess?) qualify as an extension of himself...? Anyway, my point for naming who I did was that while he didn't have every single person (or Nobody, in Roxas' and Xion's cases) in his heart at once, that's still quite a lot of existences for one heart to contain. And actually, that last bit makes quite a bit of sense. Sora's heart has gone through a great deal of stress in the last year; all fighting aside, he's had people move into his body, his heart ripped out and probably horribly corrupted...the kid's bound to crack sooner or later.
You, sir, are speaking Shia LeBeoufian. [video=youtube;8IXCK1EyP4s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXCK1EyP4s[/video]
When out of the Death Star came an ominous figure, complete with dry ice fog, a black flowing cape, and epic marching music to boot.
Let's list them all, shall we? Roxas Xion Namine (?) Ventus Vanitas Not to mention Kairi was in there for the majority of the first game, and if Sora's battle forms in the second count, then we also have: Valor Form Wisdom Form Master Form Final Form Anti-Form Limit Form If you count all of that, it really is "twelve different Soras," or at least some extension of him, not including the original thing (though if you exclude Kairi and include Sora himself, it's still 12). Which leads me up to another interesting point: I just looked up Sora's forms and came upon sudden realization. It outright states that Anti-Form is "the only form that cannot level up, and the only one that Sora cannot change back from it at will; once this form is activated, Sora is stuck in it until the Drive Gauge runs out, until he exits the battlefield, or until the battle is over." (information was stolen referenced from http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Drive_Form ) This might be over-thinking it just a tiny bit, but what if that fact in and of itself was even more subtle foreshadowing? The fact that you not only cannot choose when to activate this Drive Form, but that you also cannot choose to deactivate it shows that the darkness has a lot firmer grip on Sora than anybody probably would've guessed up until now. Something bad is definitely going to happen to Sora, and it's going to happen soon. I'm willing to bet my delicious Samoa Girl Scout Cookies on it. And these things are godly. You know I'm serious.
Have Troll 2 be on loop for all eternity. "They're eating her. And then they're going to eat me. Oohh myyy GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!"
I love you. Make sure that as you're doing so, some epic dramatic music is playing. If it's a castle, make sure there's a bottomless pit; if it's a church, a sea of lava; a tower stuck in the middle of nowhere, they turn to dust before getting the ground.
This is a toughie. I think my own experiences were all subjective to the level I was playing. Like, Twilight Thorn while I was playing as Roxas took me quite a few tries on Proud Mode, but that might've been because I was on Proud Mode and at an extremely low level. Other than that, I'd have to say Xemnas, if nothing else than for the fact that just GETTING to him took a horribly long time, and then when you get to Zebra!Xemnas and he captures Sora, again just GETTING to him made me lose time and time again. Not cool, Nomura.
...he had no friends and was Forever Alone. WHEN SUDDENLY
...and supple specimen of a man, who happened to be the prince of smashtasm and was the most
Terra was also the main character and not only did he NOT get the Mark of Mastery, he also fell to the darkness and was Grand Theft Me'd (see tvtropes for unusual terms). Of course, this was absolutely necessary, as it set the rest of the KH plot into motion. Nevertheless, just because a character is THE main character of a series doesn't mean that nothing bad won't happen to them nor will it mean they won't ever turn to the dark side. I personally think this will be an even greater and more unexpected turn for the plot as it's most likely what will set up the path to KH III. HIHIHIHIHI. And my username probably looks awesome now because it hasn't been seen in FOREVER. XD Anyway, to add onto my theory, Nomura likes to add a load of symbolism in a LOT of the most ambiguous ways (like Oathkeeper and Oblivion - seriously, who HONESTLY thought they were symbolic for something instead of thinking they were freakin' awesome?). I think the cover art is evidence of this, as Sora is falling and Mickey is trying desperately to reach him but is just barely out of reach. I think that there's also the possibility that Sora will be jealous of Riku (it's more or less been stated that Sora is extremely competitive with Riku [friendly rivalry, but rivalry nonetheless]) because Riku passed while Sora didn't, and he will be taken over by Vanitas (or Vanitas will somehow break free from Sora and thus leave him comatose) which will start off the events that lead into KH III. Jealousy, as we've seen countless times throughout the series, has been one of the main negative emotions that can bring down even the strongest warrior. Odds are, this will seal Sora's and Vanitas' fate.
(WHOO it's been a loooong time since I posted anything on here. XD) So, the last time I posted anything on here that was relative to the series was before Birth by Sleep came out. There was a theory I had, about Ventus being "reincarnated" into Sora somehow, and that was how Roxas looked like him. (Without sounding snotty, I was surprised I actually more or less hit the nail on the head.) So, now here's my new theory for DDD. Word of God states that the events happening in the series have certainly taken their toll on Sora's psyche/heart/whatever, and Anti-Form in KH II is foreshadowing that. What if the effects on Sora's mind start affecting him in this game? The premise of the game is that Sora and Riku are finally taking their Mark of Mastery exam and must do so in the realm of dreams. Riku's not too confident that he'll make it, since he still feels the darkness' hold on him, and that Sora will probably win. But what if it was the other way around? Because Riku has had that encounter with the darkness, he knows it far better than Sora and can control it rather well without letting it take over him like in the first game and like what happened with Terra. Sora, however, doesn't. He was a Heartless, once, but only for a few moments; it was just enough for Roxas to be born, but for Sora to retain all of his memories while Roxas gets nothing from his original self(ves?). I hardly think this could qualify has any sort of experience with the darkness. Vanitas is definitely inside of Sora, somewhere. The recently released trailer confirms it. So, it's entirely plausible that he'll be taking some part in the game. Maybe a call-back to Ventus' final battle with him, where they battle in Sora's Dive Into the Heart. Only...Sora loses. He's battled Heartless and Nobody of epic power, beings of Darkness and Nothingness. But his own darkness? As far as I can recall, the only part of himself he's really had to fight was Roxas (unless you count the mini-battles in the first game, where he continuously has to fight his own shadow in Neverland and the bug boss in RE: coded). Chances are, Vanitas has been feeding off of Sora's negative feelings throughout the series, as he's seen getting moodier and more violent in Chain of Memories and a lot more apathetic in KH II; he's just been biding his time. Anyway, to get to the point, I think that either Vanitas or Sora's own ignorance with the effects of the darkness will sabotage him, and he will not receive the Mark of Mastery. As we've already witnessed in Birth by Sleep, when one friend receives the Mark of Mastery and the other does not, things tend to...get complicated. Who's to say it won't happen again with these two? That being said, it's also entirely possible that they might meet Ventus in the realm of dreams. Vanitas showed up, so there's a chance Ventus might, too. (And if he does, I'm willing to bet he'll initially believe Sora is Vanitas and want to fight. If not in this game, then in a future game when they find him in Castle Oblivion.) Any thoughts?
Not just Aqua. It could also possibly tell us about how Terra and the others became Nobodies (we know that they played around with Darkness for too long, but exactly how did the Organization come to be? Like give us some insight on what kind of experiments they did), or if Sora being in Castle Oblivion affected Ven in any way, since Roxas sure as hell was affected when he went into Castle Oblivion in Days. As I pointed out earlier, in this video both Sora and Ven disappear. I personally wonder if it has any meaning or if it's just following a Rule of Cool. =P
What I'm curious about is why the heck Ven and Sora disappeared from their cutscenes. Could it possibly have any relation to when Sora was asleep while Roxas was running around? Or is it also possible that they themselves could represent their hearts? I'm kind of for the "Sora is a heartless with a human form because he never technically got his heart back in the first game" theory (which could also explain why he looks more like Vanitas later on while Roxas is out of him).
The dramatic music while it was raining Soras made me lulz. Epically. And when I saw the bells of Notre Dame....I had a panic attack. I want this game. NOW.
D'awwh.... Rena is usually a really hard person to play. You're either too sweet or not sweet enough. Thank you, though! 8D *poof* HERE I AM 8D D'awwh, thanks gaiz. ; ^ ; You all have just raised my self-esteem to 15%. XD
I think they changed it to a musical to make it fit with the movie's original story. There was a lot of music and singing in the movie,but none at all in the first game. So to make it fit with the storyline they added the musicaliness. :3
Ehh? It does? Whoops. o.o;;