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  1. JustANobody
    Whoo, my story for teh Story of teh Week. Was gonna use my own character Sada in the place of someone, but the rules didn't say whether or not we could use our own characters. So, I'm just playing it safe. ;P And yes, that is a Classic Crime title on the top. I remembered the part that says 'There's a hole in my Heart that's been cut out of stone' and that's where I got my idea.SLIGHT SoXas yaoi. But then hey, that's the best kind. I know it says romantic-comedy. I can do both just fine, but when it's together.... THAT'S when things get tricky.

    A couple of years and I'm a silhouette
    My halo is broken now and I'm all that's left
    I hate to disappoint but it's the way things went
    I was bound to the things I did
    And after what was said
    Tie up these loose ends
    These voices are calling me out
    I've got the solution
    You can feed me to something
    That is leaving this doubt

    Music played through the ears of the fifteen-year old brunette, his sky-blue eyes closed, his hands moving to the beat of the music on his cd player. He was obviously having fun.

    This was Sora. A fifteen-year old boy, who was anything but normal. He lived on an Island that was swallowed by the Darkness. He had two best friends, one being a duck and the other a dog....thing. And, not to mention, he is the Savior of the Worlds. He weilded the Keyblade, a Weapon of Power used to destroy the Darkness, and seal its entrance into the World.

    Sora was listening to Classic Crime's 'The Coldest Heart' on his cd player in his home. He was sitting on the couch, like the lazy bum his other friend, a red-headed girl Kairi, calls him. He didn't care. He was listening to his music. He got up, feeling a bit hungry, and walked over to the kitchen. Sora made his way across the kitchen, to the fridge, when he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his Heart. A blurred image of somebody entered his mind. It was....a boy? Blonde hair? Blue eyes?

    Now where had he seen him before?

    Sora simply shrugged it off, grabbed the carton of ice-cold milk and a piece of chocolate cake that Riku had made for him. Yes, Riku. He obviously knew how much Sora liked chocolate cake, so he made this for him. He took the food items to the counter, pulled out a plate, cup, fork and knife, and cut a slice of cake. As the knife cut through the cake, it felt like it was cutting through Sora's Heart.

    The pain felt really bad, yet it didn't feel like it was his own.

    He poured some milk into the cup, put the cake and milk back into the fridge, and went back into the living room, happily eating his cake with his glass of milk. The chorus of the song came through his earphones. But the voice wasn't that of Classic Crime.

    Whoa, I'm losing hope
    There's a hole in my heart
    That's been cut out of stone....



    Sora hated it. It took up his time, and he honestly was bored with the stuff they learned. He knew everything his teachers were teaching them. So, why was he still here?

    It was homeroom when his teacher announced the news.

    "Class, we have a new student today. He isn't from around these Islands, so please give him a warm, Heartful welcome." he said.


    That word reminded Sora of the incident with his earphones yesterday. The new student shyly and hesitently entered the room. His hair was golden, and wavey. It appeared soft, like a cloud or pillow. His eyes were blue like the ocean surrounding the Island, on a clear summer's day. And his face. His face seemed like that of an angel's.

    Or, at least, to Sora, anyway.

    "H-Hi.... I'm..... I'm Ro......" Nervousness got the best of the young boy.

    Aww, he's shy. He's so cute when he's shy. Sora thought dreamily, though didn't show his feeling.

    Wait a minute. What am I SAYING?! How can I feel this way towards a guy? I'M a guy! I shouldn't be feeling this way! I'm not a homosexual! I am NOT feeling that way to a guy!

    "I'm Roxas." The boy said, finally gathering the nerve.

    Ahh, his name is even like an angel's.... Wait, what?!

    Hey, that guy with the brown hair who's twitching a lot is....kind cute... Wait, huh?

    Both of the boy's thoughts were loud and clear in their own minds. Yet to the rest of the world, they were both silent. The classmates stared at the both of them, curious to know what they were thinking. Why was Sora being a bit fidgety? Why wasn't Roxas making eye-contact with them? And why were both of their faces blushing?

    "Welcome to this class, Roxas. Please, have a seat next to Sora." The teacher said.

    Great! He's gonna sit by me!

    Roxas shyly made his way over to the empty desk beside Sora's. They glanced at eachother briefly, then turned away. One of the girls pointed something out.

    "Whoa. You two look just like the other. Are you brothers?"

    "We do not." they both said at the same time and in the same tone. Then looked at eachother, curiously.

    Whoa, wait a minute.

    That's weird.

    "Alright, class! Get out your reading books and begin to silently read until the bell rings." The Homeroom teacher said. Everyone did so.

    While they were supposedly reading, Sora and Roxas kept looking at eachother. Curious to know the other's thoughts. Admiring the other's traits.

    Hey, he's pretty cute....

    I could like this school.....

    Then they both blushed, and turned away to read. But temptation kept calling them to look back at eachother.

    Hold on, there's no way I'm attracted to this guy....

    I can't like a guy. No way. That's wrong. I'm not liking him like that....

    Then the both had the same thought.

    Am I?

    Ha! Didn't think Zippy could write, didja? Nyahahaha. This is gonna be fun. x3

    Whoo. Sorry, folks. But Zippy has to get ready to go to school. I'll be sure to continue/edit this when I return. I apologize that it is so short. But I have only been typing it for about.... 20 minutes. So, I wasn't able to get very far. >.>

    Ahh, well. More to come, I promise. Enjoy!
    Thread by: JustANobody, May 16, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. JustANobody
    Who, me? -confused-

    lol. Reminds me of a time I was about to get a detention for a month-late library book.

    It was called 'Aphrodite's Blessing'. I needed ideas for roleplays and such.Well, she gives me a detention slip after warning me MULTIPLE times to get in turned in. I swear, I looked EVERYWHERE for it.

    The night before the day I was to go to detention, I found it. Buried under a pile of crap. In my closet. I didn't even put it there. I swear, it crawled there on its own! And I turned it in after much celebration the next day.

    And get this:

    I still got the detention. >.>

    Ah, well. I guess things just go *POOF*. >>
    Post by: JustANobody, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. JustANobody

    Pssh. You're telling me.

    Before that, like less than 2 months before that, he got mad at me and my friend for what we did to him. Only cause he wouldn't leave us alone. (We tried giving him a make-over. >>)

    He threw a D BATTERY at my HEAD. It hit the back of my head. HARD. >.<

    Not to mention that NOW, my grades are lower, my memory is worse, I have more trouble thinking, AND I have an inch-long scar on my head. NOT. FUN. >>
    Post by: JustANobody, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. JustANobody
    On December 4 2006, at 5:33 PM.

    My little brother was torturing my sister because she threatened to kill our dog. Don't ask why. My friend was over at the time, so I told her to hold on so I could see what was wrong. When I walked in my brother was holding my sister down to the couch, a five to ten- pound flashlight in his hand. He looked like he was about to bash out her brains. >>

    I acted, and pinned him down, letting my sister leave. When my friend came in, I got off, and he called me a name. Which, he shouldn't have, cause he was only 10. >>

    I called my mom and told her to come get him. She said okay, and we hung up. My friend and I started to walk out of the room, when my brother grabbed a hard, plastic, YES PLASTIC, THE HARD KIND OF PLASTIC, cup and threw it.

    Get this: It hit my head. I fell down, and felt the pain. My friend asked me if I was okay, then she started to freak out. I was wondering why, so I looked at my hand. Blood.

    I freak out, then my mom comes home. She takes me to an urgency care place, where I get stitches.


    Cut artery, with a cut on my right temple an inch long. I had to get ten stitches: 8 on my head, 2 on my artery.I think the ones on my artery are still there.

    So,yups. I almost died. Lost a lot of blood. And the scary part was that he had the flashlight in his OTHER hand. If he had thrown that instead.... I wouldn't even be here.

    There's my near-death story for you.
    Post by: JustANobody, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. JustANobody
    Exactly what I thought: REINCARNATIONS.

    Maybe Sora and Riku were chosen for a REASON, and it wasn't just because of their Hearts.... DUN DUN DUN... x3
    Post by: JustANobody, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. JustANobody
    Zexion: SHHH... We're in a library. ... One in a tornado, but a library nonetheless. -pout-
    Post by: JustANobody, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  7. JustANobody
    "Hmm...Number nine, huh?" he asked, thinking outloud.

    "Okay!" he said cheerfully. Skipping off to get his new clothes. Whoo.
    Post by: JustANobody, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. JustANobody
    Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

    Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy.
    One look puts a rhythm in my hand.
    Still I never understand why you hang around.
    I see what's going down.
    Cover-Up with Make-Up in the mirror,
    Tell yourself 'This is never gonna happen again'.
    You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.

    Do you feel like a man
    When you push her around?
    Do you feel better now
    As she falls to the ground?
    Well I'll tell you, my friend,
    One day this world's going to end.
    As your lies crumble down,
    A new life she has found.

    A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect.
    Every action in this world will bear a consequence.
    If you wade around forever, you will surely drown.
    I see what's going down.
    I see you go and say you're right again,
    Say you're right again,
    Heed my lecture.

    Do you feel like a man
    When you push her around?
    Do you feel better now
    As she falls to the ground?
    Well I'll tell you, my friend,
    One day this world's going to end.
    As your lies crumble down,
    A new life she has found.

    Face down in the dirt, she says,
    This doesn't hurt, she says,
    I've finally had enough.
    Face down in the dirt, she says,
    This doesn't hurt she says,
    I've finally had enough.
    Post by: JustANobody, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. JustANobody
    Yeah, as many have already said before me...

    Namine has no Heart.
    She is just an empty shell of two (that's right: TWO) people.
    Post by: JustANobody, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. JustANobody
    Yet, another one:


    Lyrics From: Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

    I love that song.
    And the part where Sora is trapped in that Egg thing reminds me of it.

    Enjoy. Comments?
    Post by: JustANobody, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  11. JustANobody

    Charlie rules over all.


    Except Sora in a dress.


    And CHEESE

    Post by: JustANobody, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. JustANobody
    I AM HERE! -dash-

    "Nggh...." a soft grown escaped from the young boy's lips.

    His eyelids fluttered open, revealing his luscious, sky-blue eyes.They looked around him, to find most of a group of people wearing black cloaks. He yawned, then got to his feet. Sora stared at each and every one of the people, before a Happy-Go-Lucky smile appeared onto his face.

    "Heya, Guys! Wassup?"

    Normally, he would have summoned his Keyblade and questioned the people. But, for some reason... he felt as if he knew them.
    Post by: JustANobody, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. JustANobody
    Axel did not believe Xemnas when he told him that there was a new way of restraining orders.
    Post by: JustANobody, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  14. JustANobody
    Okay... I'm lost. So... Yeah. Just so lost. XD

    Uhm.... -attempts to post-

    Sada soon got off of the bed. And was almost out the door when she heard voices speaking. One Sora's, and the rest unknown. She stood there, listening. Hearing what they were saying.

    Bleh... >>
    Post by: JustANobody, Mar 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home