^_^ my face appears
Moo Goo Gai Pan
so...whats you guys fave movie?
i am awesomer then you...
VGcomixs ever read those...
the mean evil little plotting sister from any teen-oriented tv show
^_^ thank you as it is to be on yours
i shall now lather you in sunflower seed oil and feed you to a menopausal whale
i deduce his friend is P here...but hello humble ^_^ i'm a poptart and am glad to meet you well i've not really...met met you...but i've met you in the sense that we are communicating via the internet therefore having our brains connect for the mere moments you read this hope we can be friends ^_^....just promise not to eat me...
Spoiler Spoiler smile and be grateful
....some crazy whoopie being made in a bedroom
shyeah i get off key once in awhile and our drummer is a jazz drummer so he's learning how to do rock/metal drum fills so he gets off time a little so we just conform around it when that happens or we try anyways shyeah we have a full recording studio but no one knows how to work it XD got a recording up on the new url i replaced the old one with on the first post...it's recorded really well...you can actually hear it in other words XD
nomura also stated that with BBS he was planning on creating a new set of games...so he may leave the BBS questions for BBS saga games...
then the world died and we all lived happily ever after
for some strange reason...house...XD
...the only reason this question comes up so much is cause girls want to drag out the guys who are gonna say its not a sport so they can act like they are being discriminated against...i think it's not a sport when it's used as a peripheral to a sport
someone who doesn't know that i haven't watch the power rangers since i was little hence i related her to the classic pink ranger as compared to a newer one.
a random german person
nothing is a sport