*strips nude and just stands there awkwardly*...so...this is fun....
sounds cool =) and to terry depends on what the sound is like... core indicates a sub-genre of hardcore which i highly doubt thats what this will end up being
well who says we can't do both =P rofl...i just thought that was illegal... also we need to set up a time to talk =P i'm ussually on msn i do use skype but only on the weekends
tacos whats your favorite thing
dragonball z how many fingers am i holding up
being that i can't sleep at night due to all the musical ideas going through my head...it is very important to me
me of course *gets shot*....oops wrong answer... are you worthwhile?
i was thinking we make original music based around kingdom hearts...like the lyrical content and the overall feel to the sound
awesome rock on ^_^ ....now lets see...we have drums synth guitar strings now we just need a bass of some kind Advent - Ryhthm Guitar Stardust- strings? guitar/bass/keyboard/synth The Fuk? - Drum Kit SpazticFantaztic :3 - Vocals Xeitr The False Image - Vocals TerryNirv - Guitar/bass =P so far this is the list i've compiled of people wanting to play and what they play if all these do it...we've almost got a friggin orchestra XD
well..first the instruments would be finished up then the vocals =P which i guess we could do duel vocals if you wanna do them kinda like...taking back sunday did
ok that was ******ed ....think before I post?...captain hero should think before he posts rather then just attacking someone for stating an opinion and yes new techniques can be discovered and no that doesn't mean they have...but the mere fact that they are able to put more on now rather then earlier lends itself easily to the notion that they have in fact discovered new ways to compress stuff so i think you should think before you de-rep someone again out of friendship with a bully who can't stand the idea of new compression techniques for some reason...
berry berry grape and and cherry great banana splits! my first impression was i wanted him to wear black instead...
this lolliluvsgummi person is going everywhere asking for alot of stuff to be locked O_o wth... and sora is awesome why do you want us to say mean things about him O_o
pwn't....=( will no one love me...
=) thank you for the rep...don't know what i did unless you did it for my insanely huge bump i did for that thread unknowingly =P
Wheres my angst ridden hero squares famous for >_<
anyone here wanna join in and help form a rock band based around kingdom hearts? looking for a female vocalist Name - Instrument - Time zone ------------------------------------------- Advent - Ryhthm Guitar - eastern Stardust- strings? guitar/bass/keyboard/synth - Central Time The Fuk? - Drums mastering, piano, synth, harpsichord, and strings - Eastern SpazticFantaztic :3 - Vocals - Eastern Standard Time Xeitr The False Image - Vocals -Central Time TerryNirv - Guitar/bass - Central Time Illusionary Trixter - editing vocals/Effects -Eastern Standard Time
Howl's moving castle
=P bands are always fun bet you weren't expecting that one darkwatch XD
=P i'm willing to help out ^_^ i'm male...and a singer...and well i have a usb mic ^_^ ...you can hear the quality of it on the site in my sig...