O_o...someone with a name that relates on some level to mine
don't try to pin each to a single subject...most of my poems are me talking about events in my life as they surface in my head...i'm not describing any one moment...its more impressionist then anything... Assimilation fascination living a bubbled indoctrination riddled with doctrines that are riddled with holes but then again, that's how life goes. a crest for the fallen dog tag named sadly our Fido lost the game a war for the wicked, to hell with the meek a pseudo-statistic held by the weak there's a million deny's and a thousand guesses but only a lie is held by the masses and what's lost is now found but can never be gained for the hope of our fathers lives never again there's a reason i told you i'd see you in hell there's a reason i said you'd never be well in a typical fashion, you've typically slain the hopes and dreams of you... never again...
lawyer....=P hehe
=P lol...this is hard as hell to keep the flow going..not knowing when someone comments on here...
ok we need a better method of keeping updated on whats going on...
oh ok XD...see i never saw that
the way i see it...they all think...hey i have a profile on there why don't i get on
liar *smacks the hologram*
well...its gotten rather lazy...but as far as i can tell the people are nicer...but mostly everything is happening in the spam zone...everyones too adhd for anywhere else apparently
buy more cheeseburgers nah..but really...you should buy team fortress more replay value then bioshock 2...but get both if you can...cause i absolutely love bioshock 2 in terms of story and gameplay
i probably already knew that?....how so
first paragraph - i wasn't saying i'm looking to fill in the entire blank right away...i was just giving what i mean when i say missing link =P i know its not possible to answer it all just yet abortion - i'm not against abortion i'm pro-choice unless its late term what i consider late term is when it no longer resembles an alien and is more or less human in appearence =P...for me the argument against abortion at this point is less about it being self aware and more along the lines of the mere fact its a baby...at the point it becomes self aware i believe is when the reincarnated persons soul is placed in the baby... second paragraph - faith based people would argue that faith leans more towards how the world actually is...whereas a logic based person would think along the lines of what you said...and it only comes into conflict when people are being close minded...i mean...if your god is all powerful then i mean...couldn't he have just as easily set all this up to give us goals and things to discover...he created the world for our enjoyment so...i like to think he made it a puzzle and a scavenger hunt... my religious beliefs are a fusion of i guess somewhat Christian based faith and logic... 1.)God set evolution on its course.... 2.)man created the bible not god 3.)God doesn't meddle in our affairs 4.)the world isn't that young 5.)rather then heaven we are reincarnated. as energy can not be destroyed only converted...i see the soul as energy 6.) this whole thing could be one big set up just to keep us busy till something happens...idk what that something is... 7.) barney may or may not in fact be god 8.) the moment you die is the moment of the awakening of the mind of the baby you are about to be reborn as
we'll we can do both...i'm gonna be recording the vocals as soon as we have a drum track
i don't know about them but when i say missing link i mean the missing links in the entire chain...like as in the parts that are missing and we just assume what comes after on another point...to me the marker of something having a soul is merely being self aware things that aren't self aware have no soul... also...these threads about god/no god always end up devolving into arguments because it always ends up hitting the same wall... faith or logic...in the end both will "fire wall" either side from seeing through the others eyes... faith - demands you believe in something no matter what with what little evidence your giving both those with a god and those without need this to a certain degree to believe in what they believe...faith is largely personal and varies from person to person what one holds in their faith another may not and faith unlike widespread belief is not some singular mainstream thought pattern so you can't blame what one faithful does on the whole logic - demands you believe in those things that make sense to your personal thought patterns...logic is rather misused to mean believing something because its what follows and is the mainstream thought pattern if something doesn't follow with you...then its just not your logic...just like faith logic is largely personal...and what one finds logical may not be so you can't blame one persons logic for the rest of the scientific community or otherwise
XD...lol...yeah sorry about that...but you get put on the jury?
blueberry whats the secret...
no i heard you like to sleep around... =) how amazing am i!
the "you eat the fruit" thing was just me making a scenario...nitpicking at me saying "you" in a scenario meant to convey my message doesn't help your arguement i wasn't saying learning is bad hell exists for the same reason the tree exists...without hell or the tree you can't really have free will because there is nothing to choose... god as i said doesn't know what you'll choose to do...only all the choices you will have to make and the branching storylines of your life that will come of each of those decisions... as i said his knowledge isn't linear...he doesn't know what your going to choose...because he wills himself not to know...he only knows what will occur as a result of each decision... such as ok... i'm short on money...and i have to pay off my debts or else my house will be taken i can a.) steal the money b.) get one or two more jobs if i pick a i will more the likely end up in jail...if i pick b i won't go to jail and have a "chance" at keeping my house... god doesn't know which your going to pick...but he knows exactly ,even more so then i just explained, will happen because of it...in other words he understands the butterfly effect god is in gamer terms...chaotic good in my mind...following his own rules... as i said earlier...hell exists as an option...if all there was was heaven...free will would be pointless...and hell is just the absents of god...the fire and torture is meant to scare people...and i think was mostly written in by man hell is like i said the absence of god if you don't want him/believe in him then he lets you go somewhere where you can be away from him...but all things must have a final outcome and your decision on this point is a final one... there is book of the bible that was removed from the bible we have today by the pope... it says that "if someone in heaven should look down and see the pain of those suffering in hell and asks for their forgiveness then it shall be so" this was removed because of course someone in heaven is going to want the people in hell to be set free from it...i couldn't stand to see any suffer... this notion could prove deadly to the uniformity of standardized Christianity (which i don't consider myself a part of) because then everyone would just go about committing sins without remorse because they would only be in hell till someone asked for their forgiveness...
their is all sorts of evidence for worldwide flooding...they have found fossils from marine life that existed around the time of noah on top of gigantic mountains that are older then the fossils...they have found what looks to be a ship on top of the same mountain... as far as adam and eve...god was testing our free will...god knows all in a non-linear fashion...he knows everything that could possibly happen and what effects it will have...but we can still choose to do one or the other...god willfully gave up his ability to know what we're going to do next to give us free will in hopes we would do right by him and it would be for the better...but he still knows all the choices we're going to be presented and what the outcomes of each choice would be if we chose them we are given the choice to eat the fruit...if we eat it...god knows we will have to leave because eden is basically heaven and imperfect beings can't be there if we don't...god knows we will live there with him forever he would have cast down the snake anyways because they would have "tattled on it" and quite possibly would have ended the test idk he might have kept it going forever...cause without the chance to disobey god...you can't really have free will so in the end the fruit was there to make free will exist...without it...we wouldn't really have any choices to make that might not be what god wants... i believe in the whole...clockmaker theory of god...he built the clock started it running then sat it up on the shelf to run till it dies...
actually god destroyed sodam and Gomorrah because of all the sins being committed he never singled out homosexuality ...things such as gambling murder rape (homosexual or otherwise) prostitution and just a lot of hate were also occurring in those two cities