Huh. I haven't done that in a while.
Get on Voxli peeps.
it's good, i;ve eaten it.
come on volxile. i;m drubk. irt's fun.
But Big Brother was cancelled.
How are you all. Had to muvh Wine. Ow. Just had a sick burp. My pizza keeps on falling down and I need more water but my glass is full of wine. HEPL.
I had to buy a new vacuum-cleaner because my older one sucked.
Darkandroid = Church yard. Could be worse.
The Prestige - A Static Lullaby
Yeah awesome. Except for that fact it's ****.
I find that doubtful.
Oh no! There is nothing I can do to stop this!
I felt what I thought was a 5.2 earthquake but all I did was pass some gas.
I'm sure Japan has already done something similar.... Oh yeah.
It's worse if you laugh at the charity name, Diabetics with Eating Disorders. Like I did.
I visit every now and then. I just don't post much.
Stop Reading, Start Doing Pushups - D.R.U.G.S.
I'll be turning 22 in April. It's hard to imagine I've been on this site for so long. Oh hi Kay =D
He wanted to see the hoodie silly. lol Indeed, it's a blessing.
I like this idea. It was horrible having to watch every single video for that week. This can help streamline the process and for the person running the Top 5 will have an easier time so it should get updated more often.