Of course he can.
IGN never really got God Hand did they. XD But on the flip side, you can't compare the 2 games. A 7.5 for a game like Imagine babyz is completely different than a 7.5 for hardcore games. Their score is and should be based on genre and similar titles it's being compared to. Ok sure it got a 7.5 but it will be nothing compared to a 7.5 shooter game or whatever. Different games are targeted at different people and I bet Imagine Babyz is decent to those it's meant for.
Best fanfic ever. We've used to have so many hilarious dramatic readings of this on Voxli. To go back to the topic at had. I guess the characters are similar but only because they are pretty common stereotypes. Especially in anime. Simple as.
This is another example of people using the stupid 7-10 scale in reviews. No wonder publications don't go below 7 because people flip if something gets a 8. If I got 80% of a test I would be jumping for joy. No matter what way you look at it 8.5 is a great score. Well above average. I hate people who think anything around a 7 is crap. Besides IGN fails for completely different reasons. Look at their Pokemon Black & White review. They blanked out the embargo'd parts and posted an incomplete review just so they can say "FIRST". Don't get my started on their Dead Space 2 review.
It Must Really Suck to be Four Year Strong Right Now - Four Year Strong I love this song. Scrap that, I love the whole damn album Enemy of the World. I love the energy it brings. It always brings a smile to my face. For the past 10 months it's been one of my favourites Here are some more songs from them: Tonight We Feel Alive (On A Saturday) Enemy of the World I guess I can bring over some recommendations I made in another thread.
Spooks - Dance Gavin Dance
I was looking through some mates Flickr account's and found this gem. That was a big pitcher of Pimms. Spoiler
It was shipped via special delivery today so I should be getting it tomorrow. (fingers crossed) What I played at Eurogamer was pretty good, familiar but with a Mass Effect vibe.
My sig has been broken for ages and I can't be arsed to change it.
I'm trying to remember which one I was. Don't think I was the one who did it though.
Never threaten people with a Super-ban. It doesn't go down well.
Hahaha, I just saw that picture 5 minutes ago.
Yeah, I abused my powers quite a bit. This is just a small one - http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?75437-This-thread-will-get-20-replies.&p=2513203#post2513203
Many moments.
Ohhh the memories.
Then this just cements that fact.
....and it's bad that I'm laughing at my old jokes, some of which were about 3 years ago. I've come to the conclusion I'm hilarious.
Catch the Raisin.