I'm a sarcastic alcoholic. So probably.
Nah boobs aren't my thing. I'm all about the penis.
I will try and find that, though I found one where I had a dilemma involving pizza and wine - http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?108640-OMG-Hi-guys Also, awww you guys. Shame I missed this. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?109618-Happy-Birthday-Darkandroid
That was 18 year old me. I've grown a sense of taste since then. Also good work Forsaken! Seeing this reminds me of my drunken posting. I need to find them.
Yes it makes me LMFAO.....
I guess he just loved spanking people to death.
I get that feeling all the time. I just end up wasting time on the Internet.
It's a combination of 'Dark' and 'Android'. When I was looking for a new email address I was playing Wild Arms 3 at the time and a character discovered he was an android. So I added dark to it.
I'm gonna feel like I'm responsible when you all become alcoholics.
I still technically do stuff with MonsterVine, but having full time work now means I don't really have the time to post much there.
Are people still using Voxli?
Actually yeah I did, I've lost about 2 stone so far. I cut down on the beer, and changed to spirits instead. Oh yeah and I also eat for healthily lol. Haha, there are discount codes lying around the internet, I'm sure I can point you in the right direction. ;) And thanks. =D No just a friend. Of course. =P
Business. Happy now? Spoiler
I'm about to go out for lunch, but I'm sure I have a few pictures on my phone. ;)
Cheers. No idea, though I think I'll try and make an appearance more often.
I'm not going to lie, I went out last night and I have a bit of a hangover.
I'm the Marketing Executive for Insert Coin Clothing. Though half the time I'm not doing marketing. Since it's a small business I need up doing a bit of everything. Nope not at the moment. I'm trying my hardest to stay out of trouble. =)
Well ideally keep the job I have now.
Oh yes, sorry about that. Life's been pretty good. After graduating Uni I've now become a productive member of society.