I don't like Roxas. End of story. and deathspank....6 words per post :p
Lol, I would if i had better cam than my phone.
You're not alone....my pic was ignored too.
hahannuh is grotesquely flamboyant. Six words per post.
Mr....Head? Hmmmm. Somehow that doesnt sound right. *hint* *hint* *nudge* *nudge*. I crack myself up.
I found this site, basically when it first opened. Can't remember which, but i saw some vid and it said kh-vids so i came here, but i was too lazy to join at the beginning, but i did a bit later.
how about....we ban CFF? :p
And no-one diggs me...YEAH..HAHAHAhahahahahaha *sigh*
Is there any other lol...oh yeah there is :P....
You people are being mean to gharanth, and nobody commented on my pic :(
aaaah eemooooooos ....let the power of sanity compel u....aaaaaah