what's this guy's youtube account? or is he uploading it somewhere else?
Yahoo 4 minutes...wait the processing is 4 minutes or the secret ending is 4 minutes?
K John S....remind us when ur done and please give us a link lol...
Well if you can tell...there's a crowd behind them in the stands meaning they're being watched. So they're in some sort of challenge and they look like they're on a recked play stadium. So...they're either fighting against each other or with each other. They are wearing the same coats so maybe thats a sign that they're working together? I'm not being crazy it could be the only way to get out of the challenge alive. and here you can see that SPOILERS: one of the horcruxes is either a griffin door or ravenclaw helmet i cant quite tell http://www.hpana-media.com/Books/HPDH/Book_cover-Pages/UK_Childrens.html I think it's a ravenclaw chest-plate and griffin door helmet.....
doesn't the T.E.S. look like he turned into some sort of ship where sora's fighting him?
can somebody please explain where they see a person looking at kingdom hearts here. i see kingdom hearts, two ppl bowing and a mask on the ground and ppl r saying that there's one person can someone point out this person.
yeah and here's the CoM and FM commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-xVu4E11Oc i don't really see anything new though...
Do you guys see this?
Lol....whatever you say on these forums makes me crack up. So random....
sshhhhhhhhhhhh....let her do what she wants :P....yeah u look good namine.
okay it's not yondaime...his name hasn't been confirmed but his appearance is **spoilers i guess** -auburn hair kinda shaped like naruto's - four piercings (not rings but those dot piercings or whatever you call them) around his nose ** end spoilers **
Hey, am mistaken or wasn't sasuke supposed to do that sword chidori thing before entering naruto's mind?
Yeah. I know that I'm not gonna have the ps3 for a while but i'd still rather kh3 be on the ps3 than ps2. Think of the wickedness.....
Nope...famitsu magazine interviewed tetsuya and he said that they would be making it on the ps3 and that their would be a trailer of it before 2007 ends proly during TGS.
NOMURA IS PLANNING ON SHOWING OFF SOME TRAILERS N SCREENS OF KH3 FOR THE PS3 BEFORE 2007 ENDS....KICK ***!!!!!!!! short article link:http://www.psu.com/node/7726
Damn....then that proly means i've got spyware....F***************************************************************************
Can anyone access google right now? Cause I can't :( just tell me if u can it'll tell me if its a problem or not
Yeah, i went to one a while ago and.....oh lord freaks everywhere around me >_< ......and I've never gone to one since then.
Oh, so DS can break the rules? Too bad no-one can ban him.....