nah, that's fine by me :D. Sorry for being a perv
It truly is strange, because spring is known as the season where things come to life.
Square-Enix announced a new title called the last remnant Do you guys think that this could be the next KH? If you do think so then why? Personally, I think it could be. It might not be the full title. It could be Kingdom Hearts : the last remnant. The last remnant probably being Xehanort's memory.
Yes the trailer is finally out after the name for the game was released on the island of Rhodes . org. The graphics for this thing look really amazing and its obviously going to be a great game.
Ok the answer is water and i don't see any of my words being cut off....
Ok Ok. I forgot to come back here to give u guys the answer to the riddle "what can run but can't walk?" Ok the person who said a river or tap was the closest. Should I let you keep guessing or just tell you the answer?'s the sun on a field of daisies.
I've got a riddle.... What can run but can't walk? Do you not normally write in english? cause you spelled better as "bether" twice. Although, that sword of his is gonna be acting crazy.
Awesomeness!!! Squal's always been a cool character but I just realized that he looks a lot cooler in his kh2 costume.
Check out this game made by capcom here Comment on what you think about it.
my cell can, but I'm not paying for the internet connection damn it.
Nooooooooo....sorry I'm borred, lol.
i guess you can say i live in Toronto....near centrepoint mall if you know where that is.
I live in Ontario.
What ABOUT you? You're too damn young for anyone to complement.....please....
Jonathon Stroud (bartimaeus trilogy), Joanne Kathleen (J.K.) Rowling, Dan Brown, and Eoin Colfer.
I Win! That is all.