Oh wow, lol, my bad. The line art being there confused me. It looks cool what? thanks.
So, Mr.What?, how far down the list am I?
This is a recreation of what I think was my 2nd thread on KHV back in 2006. It was just a link to this http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40914234/
NVM I found it double lol.
Really? Lol I don't even remember that. Gimme the link plz.
Haha, that's not at all what I look like, but it's funny. Although I must ask what exactly inspired this look? Edit: could it be a chubby Snake/ Big Boss?
moi too plz.
Wow, if your opinion of that pic is "ew" then how low on the attractiveness scale am I? Must not...let self condifence....dro- Too late.
Watch out.
Yay for Pine cone Riku's appearance.
Hmmm...not a lot of reader hear, huh.
What books are you currently reading? Currently I'm reading the Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. It's pretty intriguing. Not like most fiction books out there. Very character driven.
I don't know if I'm sexy, but hopefully a certain lady will find me desirable.
Wherever we are, we're all sitting at a computer.
Hey, so I posted here.
That's actually kind of a scary site. Midget cows with no eyes gathering outside your door. Pretty freaky.
There are probably barely any Jews here, but no matter. Happy Rosh Hashana! Shana tova ve metuka.
I'm starting to make an impact....ugh.
There's something severely wrong with the 3rd line. (Hint: the word "hide" isn't in the song).
Yeah, I suppose it's just a "whatever floats your boat" type of situation. People are so different, yet alike. It can be easy to sympathize at times, but at other time we just don't understand why they do certain things. Yeah, that was kind of off-topic, but I added 3 pics above so that should cover me :P