You mean to tell me that I can't say "A handful of dolla dolla billz"?
The question is simple.
Yeah, very Disney Princess-esque.
If ammon can bend energy then that makes him a bender! And if he's a bender, does he only bend energy? Cause otherwise he'd be an avatar!
It's awesome regardless, and you should be ashamed for never completing that master piece. I was like, 12 when I beat it.
Mmmm...Korraaaaa..... teeheehehee Wait, uh. Yeah, she's a pretty cartoon lady, but she's a crappy avatar.
It's perhaps my favourite game of all time. I know, who could've guessed. I just want Capcom to hire Platinum for a true sequel.
How well does it pay? Oh, my friend just told me he's interviewing for a PR position tomorrow, which is kind of a coincidence, lol.
You do fan dubs don't you? I remember seeing some of your auditions.
Woah, you wanna be PR? Haha, I've never heard someone say that before. Not that I think it's a bad job or anything. Although, I do hear that a lot of developers loathe PR representatives.
Is it just me or have you not been on skype in a while? I haven't been logging in much lately, so it might be that.
Though I appear to be gone, you can rest easy knowing that I'm there, lurking in the shadows. A watcher in the dark. A hero of the light.
Whether it be minimum wage or a career. What is it?
Got you beat by a year.
Late response, but, hey. I've been around.
Do you watch it? Tonight's the final episode of the season. 64 minutes long.
Show me the meaning of being lonely.
Log in and have fun. Show me the meaning of being lonely.