I'm good. Excited football season. UK will do good. for
Hey I'm still alive. If you were wonfldering. Lol. Anyway how are you?
The question is which team will take him?
Michael Vick is reinstated by the commish. I can say that I am happy for him and I hope he doesn't do it again and I hope he goes to a team that needs him.
This used to be on Super Bowl Weekend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1mDeN0gUjQ
I could use some help. Also sorry but I don't have a computer for it. I'm using my aunt's right. But send it to me on private message please. Then...
Sorry but I have no computer. So I have to use my mom's blackberry for a while. And I'm good. I met some UK players today and saw many hot girls.
I know What the hell is going on? Everything on TV shows suck that I have to watch ESPN. It's the only channel I watch.
I miss Dexter. Johnny Bravo, Courage, and Cow and Chicken. :(
How are you?
Anyone a fan?
Oh I'm great.
Hey what's up? My sister got married yesterday.
There's a way you can watch them. http://www.watchtvsitcoms.com/rockosmodernlife.php
I'm great. I'm great.
That was the rebirth of Kentucky Basketball.
That song fit the Unforgettables. And if it weren't for that prick Laettner, we may have won it all.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6XdBXFah-s&feature=channel_page This made me teary eyed and made love UK Basketball even more.
That would suck big time. If that happens I will kick the crap out of Efron for ruining a classic.
He's being sent to home confiment 3 days ago.