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  1. John Clay Rice
    If you like Football movies, What's your favorite? I'm making this thread since Football season is coming.
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Aug 21, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  2. John Clay Rice
  3. John Clay Rice
    James Cameron? The same one who direct Terminator?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. John Clay Rice
  5. John Clay Rice

    Walk Hard

    Yep. It is.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. John Clay Rice


    Shirley you can't be serious?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. John Clay Rice
  8. John Clay Rice
  9. John Clay Rice

    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Aug 19, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. John Clay Rice
    Yeah. People has done worse things then dogfighting and is back in the NFL. Donte Stallworth killed a human being yet he gets 30 days in jail and is back after the Super Bowl.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  11. John Clay Rice
  12. John Clay Rice


    I was sad when Bruce Willis died.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. John Clay Rice
    Yes I think it happend.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 18, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  14. John Clay Rice

    Walk Hard

    Has anyone seen that movie? It's so funny.
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Aug 14, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  15. John Clay Rice
  16. John Clay Rice
    The Eagles took Vick. I'm happy for him.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 13, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  17. John Clay Rice


    I loved it as well. Bruce Willis rules.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 13, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. John Clay Rice
    Broken Bridge part 1

    Kuzco appears and thanks Pacha who splashed his face for his cloth as he gives it back. They both start with a friendly talk, specificly about how the cloth was made. "Good to see you found all of your friends" Kuzco said. "Thanks." Said Sora. Everything was quiet for 2 minutes until Kuzco said something. "'I was thinking that when I got back to the city, we'd, uh... I mean there's lots of hill tops, and maybe I might, you know... I might..."

    Pacha then looked up at him "Are you saying you've changed your mind?" He asked. Kuzco kinds of hesiates. "'Because you know that means you're doing something nice for someone else." Sora said. "Yeah I know that." Kuzco replied. "And you're all right with that? Asked Sonic? "Yeah." Pacha gets suspicious and glares at Kuzco. "What?" Pacha holds out his hand, "Don't shake unless you mean it." Kuzco shakes with Pacha then Sora and Sonic. "'All right. Let's get back to the palace. Oh and Thanks." Pacha replied. Kuzco then privatly said "No Thank you."

    The palace comes in view of the group. "OK. Once we cross this bridge, it's only an hour to the palace." Kuzco sighed with relief. "Good cause believe it or not I think I need a bath." "Oh yeah I believe it." Said Knuckles as he held his nose." Kuzco glared. "What was that Knux?" "Nothing." Knuckles lied. As they cross, a bit of the bridge snaps and Pacha falls, tangled in rope as Tails two tails, Donald's beak and Sonic's feet. Causing him not to fly. "Whoa! Guys help me." As Sora Kairi Amy Knuckles and Goofy climed down. But Kuzco walked "No. I don't think I will." Pacha was shocked. "'You're gonna leave us here?" "Well, I was gonna have you imprisoned for life, but I kinda like this better." "Hey We thought your were a changed llama or guy." Yelled Sonic.

    "Oh, come on. I had to say something to get you to take me back to the city." Kuzco smirked evilly.
    "So all of it was a lie? Sora asked angrily. "Yeah it was a lie. Toodles." "'We shook hands on it!!!" Pacha yelled. Kuzco then reappered. "Here that's the thing with hands. You need hands. Bye-Bye." He said before he fell also tangled in rope. "Are you all right?" Asked Kairi. Kuzo then nodded "Yes I'm all right." "Good!!" Pacha screamed as he punced Kuzco who kicked back. "Yeah well that's for kidnapping me to your village which I'm still gonna destroy by the way. No touchy."

    Kuzco said scared as Pacha headbutts him. "Why did we risk my life for a selfish brat like you? I was always taught that there is some good in everyone, but, ooh, you proved me wrong." Sora pointed at Kuzco. "Oh boo-hooh. Now I'm really bad bad llama." Kuzco mocked him. "I could've let die out there in that jungle, and then all my problems would be over." Pacha said. "Well that makes you ugly and stupid." Kuzco insulted. "Let's end this me and you." Pacha threatend. "Ladies first."
    The two fight until they heard a rope snap. The bridge breaks up and they fall down until they stuck in the smallest bit of the canyon.

    That was part 1. Sorry it had taken me so long. But My computer has a virus so I'm using my aunt's computer. But don't worry cause pretty soon my parents are gonna get a new one soon so hopefully I can still finish it.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 13, 2009 in forum: Archives
  19. John Clay Rice
  20. John Clay Rice
    Hell no. I still play it and I'm a 20 year old guy. My mom says it's for babies but the irony is that she likes High School Musical.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 11, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts