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  1. John Clay Rice
  2. John Clay Rice
    First Adam Sandler movie in theaters. I loved Steve Buscemi in that movie. He was so funny in the beginning.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 30, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. John Clay Rice
    I saw it not too long ago and I think it's one of Eddie Murphy's best work.
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Aug 27, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  4. John Clay Rice
    Broken Bridge part 2

    They are close enough for alligators to see them and move into the river to get ready for their meal. "Oh No we're gonna die!!" We're Gonna die. That's it for me." Kuzco panicked as he was holding on to Pacha.

    Pacha and Sora notices a rope from the broken bridge still hanging. "No we're not. I got an idea. Sonic give me your arm Pacha you grab Kuzco's Arm Kairi grab Amy's, Donald grab Goofy's arm." They all grab their partner's arm. "Okay." Pacha spoke. "When I say go you guys push against the other backs and we'll walk up the hill. Ready? GO!!" Pacha accidently pushes Kuzco too much. "OW!! You did that on purpose!!" Kuzco whined as he pushed Pacha back. "'No, I didn't! Now we're gonna have to work together to get out of this, so follow my lead. Ready? Right foot.

    "Whose right? Your right or mine?" Asked Kuzco. "I don't care. Mine." Pacha said. "Well why yours?" "Okay your right. Ready?' "OK, got it.' 'OK, right. Left. Right." They were moving up with Sonic and the others behind until They can't go up anymore. "Now what Genious?" Ask Kuzco as he was grunting. "Working on it." Okay Sonic you come up and strecth and Kuzco strecth out your neck. And I'll grab the rope." Kuzco then hesitated "'How do I know you won't let me fall after you grab the rope?"

    "You're just gonna have to trust me!!!" Pach grunted. As Sora grabbed Sonic's legs as he stretched out to help Kuzco push Pacha. "You know, it's a good thing you're not a big, fat guy, or this would be really difficult." Kuzco commented sarcastically. "Almost... Got it." Pacha excliamed as he shakes the rope but it was stuck. "It's stuck." Pacha excliamed. "Take your time. No hurry here." The shake on the branch causes scorpions to fall on Kuco's neck. Kuzco starts falling making everyone else fell but Sonic still held on a cliff grabbing Amy's hand who grabbed Sora's hand who grabbed Kairi hand. Who grabbed Donald and Goofy's hand who grabbed Knuckles hand.

    While Pacha grabbed Kuzco's tail. to save him but Kuzco's head got stuck in a hole. The branch breaks downward making scorpions crawl down Pacha's back. As soon as Pacha notices, he slams himself to the canyon wall he's on multiple times causing bats to move out of the hole which is actually a small cave. It made Kuzco's face come out of the entrance. There are so many bats flying out it made everyone head striaght to the top of the hill. They all laughed nervously.

    Then all of a sudden a piece of the canyon Pacha is standing crumbles down but Kuzco saves Pacha from falling by grabbing him and throwing a bit further away from the canyon. "Whoo yeah. Look at me and my bad self. I snatched you right out of the air. 'Ooh, I'm a crumbly canyon wall and I'm taking you with me.' Well, not today, pal." Kuzco does a victory dance. Pacha stared at Kuzco shockingly. "You just saved my life." He said. Kuzco stopped. "So?" They were smiling at him

    "I Knew it." Sonic pointed out. "Knew what?" Asked Kuzco. "That there is good in you." Sora excliamed. "No!" Kuzco denied. "Hey you could've let him fall." Donald laughed.
    "Come on, what's the big deal? Nobody's that Heartless.(No pun intended.) Kuzco gasped noticing what he said. "Don't read too much into it. It was a one-time thing." He told them. "Right Sure. Well, we better get going. With that bridge out, it's a 4-day walk to the palace. " Kuzco was confused "What? You mean you're still taking me back? And can't Tails fly us?" He asked.

    Tails shook his head sadly. "Nope my tails is hurting and last time it happend I couldn't fly for three days." Tails said sadly as Sora laid a comforting hand on his head " Yeah and well we shook on it didn't we?" Sonic said to him. "Well, yeah, but I hope you realize that doesn't change a thing. I'm still building Kuzcotopia when I get back." He smirked. "Well 4 days is a long time." Knuckles said. "Yep who knows? Maybe you'll change your mind. Ayuck ." Goofy said. "Uh-huh. 4 days. What are the chances of you carrying me?" Kuzco asked. "Not good." Pacha said as they were walking back to the forest.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Archives
  5. John Clay Rice
    It's okay to be afraid.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  6. John Clay Rice
    I like facebook better cause you can be friends with College star athetes.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  7. John Clay Rice
    I wanna son with my future wife someday. But I wouldn't mind if I had a daughter.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  8. John Clay Rice
    The same character but tougher but still a sweet girl.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. John Clay Rice
  10. John Clay Rice
    I liked the first two cause they were epic and awesome.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. John Clay Rice
  12. John Clay Rice
  13. John Clay Rice
  14. John Clay Rice
  15. John Clay Rice
  16. John Clay Rice
    I ****** laughed my ass of that movie.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. John Clay Rice
  18. John Clay Rice
    I'm good. Never better.
    Profile Post by John Clay Rice for Sumi, Aug 23, 2009
  19. John Clay Rice
    Profile Post

    How are you doing?

    How are you doing?
    Profile Post by John Clay Rice for Sumi, Aug 23, 2009
  20. John Clay Rice
    I watched Brian's song 2 weeks ago with my parents and sister and brother in law. That movie made me cry.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 21, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media