I know and it's Disney.
Roxas must've made him say that.
Good news is that it's at Lexington.
They will. Next week is... gulp.... Florida.
Cats won. Though if we continue to play like we did... then we'll proably lose more games.
Love Guru. I thought it would be decent but I didn't laugh even 5 minutes even though it has Jessica Alba.
Good. Saturday is the big UK-UofL game. But IDK if I should root for Tennessee or Florida.
Hi, How you doing?
If a girl ever broke up with me I'll move on.
Every time I think of him I think of SNL Chippendales with Chris Farley who should also RIP.
Kayne is an idiot.
I loved the part where Mike Tyson punched that guy out.
What was yours? Mine was Terminator.
Yeah plus Dexter's enemies were less annoying. Mandark PWNs all of Jimmy's enemies.
Me too. Did UGA win? I know UT did.(mad) And Florida did.
I'm reviving this thread cause.... It's Football season again. And my Kentucky Wildcats looked good.
I wasn't shocked we won. I was shocked the way we won. I thought Miami would do better.
Go Cats. 42-0. Man that D was incredible.
Did you read?
I hope it doesn't ruin the 4th Spider-Man.