I wanna see it too. I was Woody for Halloween. I won the Costume Contest.
What an idiot.
I pick Lebron cause he's a team player.
That reminds me of one person that got stabbed at my alma mater. http://www.kentucky.com/latest_news/story/970614.html
What the hell has he done to get it?
If you're a basketball fan. Then who would player do you like better Kobe or Lebron?
That Vaccum Cleaner episode with the chip. It made my sister throw up.
Land Before time.
for paying tribute to Wayne Allwine at the end credits.
"It's no big deal." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PmMFaVzbzc
I'm fans of both. It's my favorite couple.
Out there from Hunchback.
I'm good. Right now I'm watching the orginal Godzilla japanese version.
Hi How are you?
I thought I saw it on ESPN.
Did you see Bengals won?
You know bunch of Florida players have the flu. Now I don't want anybody to get sick but maybe UK can use it as an advantage.
Shadow and Riku's nightmare Back at Twilight Town the king ordered Shadow and Riku to check at the mansion to find the last Chaos Emeralds before Robotnik does. Rouge and the King is checking the inside of Mansion while Riku and Shadow is checking outside. Shadow was angry for not checking the fake fake emeralds. "That damn Eggman. I hate that scientist." Shadow screamed. "Shadow calm down." Riku said as he was looking near the bushes beside the mansion. Suddenly Riku sensed something. "Hey Shadow. Do you smell that?" Shadow sniffed. "I smell it too. What is it?" Shadow asked. Riku shook his head. "I don't know but it smells.... familiar." Suddenly a corridor of darkness appeared in front of their eyes. Riku gasped. "No.... It can't be." Shadow's eyes widen. "Who is that?" The man in front of them had a heartless symbol on his chest. he had long white hair and a jacket. "Riku..... It's been a long time." Riku glared. "Xehanort. It's nice to see you too." He added sarcastillly. "So this must be Shadow the Hedgehog. You have the same darkness as Riku. I need both of you to come to the darkness. With that I won't need the Chaos Emeralds powers to wake me." He smirked evilly. "You're an idiot. There's no way we are using the darkness." Riku said as wield his keyblade to strike Xehanort but Xehanort blocked his attack thus knocking Riku down. Suddenly Shadow ran (or skated) while using Chaos Spear but it didn't affected him. Then Xehanort teleported behind Shadow and choked him in the neck. But Shadow punched a Powerful punch into a wall. Then Riku got up and used dark aura and was striking down at Xehanort. Then Xehanort yells "SUBMIT!!!" as the guardian hit Shadow. Then the guardian held on to Shadow while Xehanort was hurting him. Then Riku used his Keyblade to aim at Xehanort and it hit Xehanort. But it didn't affect him as the Guardian hit Riku in the back making Riku and Shadow fall down on each other. "You fools." Xehanort laughed. "Don't you get it? Darkness is the only way to lead victory. You both will never escaped the darkness. When you followed the light, it lost you your friends. Shadow growled but was too weak to do anything. "You're wrong." Xehanort looked behind and it was the King. "Grrr you again." Xehanort growed. "Look Riku, Shadow don't listen to a word he says." The King said. "He's just a figment of our imagination. He's not real." Riku closed his eyes. He grunts. He then got up and struck at Xehanort one more time. This time though he dissappeared in the darkness. The King then got close to Shadow and Riku. "It's okay fellows. He's gone." Riku then looked down. "No your Majesty. He won't be gone. Not as long as Shadow and I have darkness in us." The king shook his head. "You're wrong Riku. If you two have some light. Then it'll keep him away from your imaginations. Shadow then got up slowly. "But King Mickey. We..." Shadow was about to say but Mickey interuppted him "No Shadow you do have ligth in your heart. You just need to see what it is. And what is it? I don't know." The King said sadly. Then Rouge Came out flying out of the Mansion. "The Emerald is not here. I don't think it's in this world." The King nodded. "You're right it's somewhere else. Now We need to find it before that figment of Xehanort becomes real." He answered as the gang followed him all the way to the Gummi Ship.
The Rescuers Down Under. To me it's the only Disney movie better then original.
You know what I can't wait till Basketball season. And I bet Bill Keightley up there is.