Hey Akua! I missed you too! *hugs back*
Axel noticed that the chakram had vanished once it was taken out of Xion's body. "Xion, why did you do that? Is there anything you need?" He asked his eyes seem to be beeching anger as of now. He knew that Xenmas was around, but he needed to know how Xion was. "Sora, this is your fault!"
Axel couldn't wait any longer and summoned forth a portal into the same room and say Larxene was unconscious. He eyed Demyx and narrowed his eyes at him thinking he had something to do with it. "I told you she shouldn't be left alone." He gently lighted his hand on fire a little as a heating treatment hoping to wake her up. He knew it wouldn't burn her as he laid it gently on her stomach. "Larxene wake up!"
Axel raised his eyebrows at Roxas and scratched behind his head as if a bit nervous of what to say to him. He couldn't let his best friend know that he was sore and needed to rest from the emblem heartless. Then again Roxas wouldn't judge him. So "I...just need to rest for a while, I think the superior is really mad though. We better meet up with him," he tried to get the presence of Xenmas's voice haunting from his head. He summoned forth a portal. The red head seemed to follow the voice and for a brief moments stood the superior who had appeared in front of him, but the fire nobody couldn't reach out to express himself at the time. Finally though he found his voice. "Superior, you ordered me to take out all of the heartless in Hallow Bastion and said not to come back until it was done. I suceeded, but it was difficult since the rains were slowing me down. Roxas helped me out. If you did call for us, I didn't get your message." Axel was now sitting in his own throne seat meaning every word. He wouldn't dare mention his ailments.
Axel still had his chakram clenched and looked at Demyx and Xion. "We have no choice. Only I can control the chakram. If I let it go it might engulf her. I will just close my eyes. Once she pulls it out, I will make it disappear." He did just that and was thinking of all kinds of horrible things befalling on him. "Please....don't....die!" The chakram wielder wanted to break down, but his pride was keeping him from doing that.
Have it and play it frequently. Replika is easier to beat than in the GBA version.
Never seen it. I know that one person was adverstising Kingdom Hearts becoming an anime on youtube, but now you can't find it.
VA's are supposed to make some of the characters sound emotional. Depending on the tone of course. They try to go by the script of the characters mood tones. If they are angry then they will express it. Emphasizing on the way the japanese VA make the characters sound is the english VAs goal. They actually sound pretty good.
Leon only shook his head gingerly as he once again had a file uploaded and restored. "I don't think miracle workers can do away with supernatural. Besides this is the newest and best set up that I have. Backups are already loaded." He almost muttered, but averted his eyes away from the computer to Cloud. A few more keys were done and the computer seemed to be virus free. Xigbar could tell that Demyx was quickly changing the subject, but only smirked at him. "I once got in a fight with Xaldin, over stupid stuff, but we are back in good terms now." He shrugged somewhat not knowing the motives of the younger member, but he seem more distracted than ever. If Axel is gone then he can't come back. What a shame." The senior member shook his head in vast fake guilt. "None of my business, since you won't talk about it, but I will eliminate him. As for the superior he is looking about our next new threat." The older member was about to summon a portal.
Just found it. You know who I want.
Good luck with the exam. Oh I hated math. Went to a gathering yesterday so a little unstressed. It was fun. I have an live messanger account,...
Yeah main computer crashed. So the only online capabilty is the laptop which gets hogged alot. Recently kind of hesitant to plug in the tower...
That sounds good. I was hoping someone was going to put up an rpg like that. Count me in.
Axel went into the portal, but then stepped out as he heard there were some other kinds of disturbance. There were enemies on the tower and thinking swiftly he took them out in a matter of seconds with eternal flame. "How the hell did these guys get over here?" He looked around seeing where the others were at.
Roxas had felt the warm presence of another body beside him, but now it was gone. "Xion?" He asked half awake and asleep at the same time. The words that she had said had confused him "Battle great. Love hates." He didn't know what she meant by that,. but he found himself coming out of the bed and looking for her. He wandered downstairs to the kitchen. Axel was giving the silent treatment on purpose, as if wanting Larxene to answer him, but he didn't receive one. A little distasteful, but he wasn't going to push her of not wanting to speak. "I had a plan on mind, but you're loss if you don't want to hear it." He walked out of the sweet shop, leaving her to own bliss thoughts, but not empty handed. As he had placed an lolly pop in her fingers as he gingerly ran his hand down her shoulder and then off it. While Smirking to himself he walked over with his own ice cream as he walked over to speak to Demyx. "Do you seriously think that I hate you or something? It's not you. It is actually Roxas, I am surprised with his attitude and striking me. However, your hostile actions at the house were what gave me the impression that I wasn't needed anymore in your life." It was hard for the flurry to express how he was feeling, but in the back of his mind he wondered how Xion was doing and if she was okay.
Axel stopped walking for a second as soon as he heard the voice of Roxas. Turning over his shoulder to look at the younger boy the flurry only smiled a little. "I wanted to go someplace else, but I suppose the superior ones would be not satisfied that we haven't come back yet." The fire wielder sighed as he shifted his direction and went left heading towards Dark City. No, he couldn't go back and by a great chance confront another swarm of heartless at least not until he was well rested. Twilight Town would have to wait for later. The portal swallowed him up and he left it open for Roxas. Starring into the sunless dark atmosphere the flurry cringed a bit from the loss of energy he had and shivered a bit. Though even an nobody couldn't worry he was worried why he hadn't dried off by now. Perhaps that numeroius heartless had did an number on him. Whatever the reason he was not going to think about it anytime soon. Concentrating he summoned a portal, but had a little bit difficulty in doing so without even realizing it. Entered the void, and found himself in the lobby.
Yeah I know. Main computer crashed and not having any laptop capability at times. Looking for steady work. *sighs* Aggravating to a stand point....
Of course they should make a remake. I heard a rep for Sqare Enix was talking about during Comic Con. I dont' care which systerm. That way nothing would be cut out. Alot of people still like the ps2. I am one of them. PS3 is too expensive.
Alot of aggration going on here. It is NOT every sentence, or every time he speaks. However, there is a reason for it. Remember that Roxas acts like an zombie half the time/clueless so of course Axel would have to repeat himself. In fact he has to make sure that Roxas is not spaced out. So saying the phrase brings Roxas back to reality in a way. I found some other things more annoying than one little catch phase that. Although "as if "is alot worse.
I will respond too your rpg as soon as I can. I keep getting interrupted.